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Ecosystems and Green Development: Linking Land & Sea 生态系统和绿色发展:连接陆地与海洋

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems and Green Development: Linking Land & Sea 生态系统和绿色发展:连接陆地与海洋"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystems and Green Development: Linking Land & Sea 生态系统和绿色发展:连接陆地与海洋
Arthur J. HANSON CCICED Int’l Chief Advisor

2 Natural Capital - declining 自然资本 - 在减少
Green Development - people-centred, unified and harmonious development of economy & environment (Hu Angang) 绿色发展-以人为本,经济与环境统一而协调地发展(胡鞍钢)

3 Fundamentals 基本点 Ecology and Economy are Linked – Changing One Affects the Other 生态与经济互相关联-牵动一边就会影响另一边 Ecosystem Services - Valued & Protected by Regulation & Compensation 生态系统服务-受到法规与补偿的重视与保护 Integrated Ecosystem Management 综合生态系统管理

4 + = Green Economy Optimized Development Benefits for People & Planet
Ecological-Economy Challenge 生态经济的挑战 Green Economy 绿色经济 Optimized Development Benefits for People & Planet 对人与地球最优化的发展收益 + = Healthy Ecosystems 健康的生态系统

5 生态服务 Provisioning, Cultural, Regulating, Support Ecological Services
供给、文化、调节、支持 生态服务

6 China’s Ecological Services Challenge
中国面临的生态挑战 Provisioning 供给 Regulating 调节

7 Integrated Ecosystem Management 综合生态系统管理
River Basin – Changjiang, Huang He 流域 - 长江、黄河 Ecological-Economic Region Bohai Sea; Pearl Delta 生态-经济区 - 渤海、珠江三角区 Coastal Zone – Xiamen 海岸带- 厦门

8 Integrated Ecosystem Management 综合生态系统管理
‘Mountain to Sea’ 从高山到大海 IWHR

9 Water & Climate Change 水与气候变化

10 Too Much 太多 Too Little 太少

11 Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution

12 ‘Legacy’ Brownfields ‘后遗症’褐地

13 Soil, Surface Water, Groundwater Contaminated
受到污染的土壤、地表水和地下水 Ningxia 宁夏 China Daily 中国日报

14 High Applications of Fertilizer & Pesticides

15 Algae Bloom 2008 Olympics Qingdao

16 Yancheng Wetlands & Land Reclamation 盐城的湿地与填海造地

17 Migration 迁徙

18 Health of China’s Marine Ecosystem – Not Good
中国的海洋生态系统健康状况-不佳 SOA - Marine Environment Bulletin 2008 SOA-2008海洋环境公告

19 2010 Dalian Oil Spill 2010年大连原油泄漏

20 Need for Sustainable Fish & Aquaculture 需要可持续的渔业和水产养殖业
Marine aquaculture 海洋水产养殖 Deep sea Fisheries 深海渔业 Shelf sea Fisheries 陆架海渔业 6 X

21 137 Marine Invasive Species 137种海洋外来物种
Mytilopsis sallei 沙筛贝 Spartina alterniflora 互花米草

22 Bohai Sea economic zone
“Bohai Sea Economic Zone” – Needs Integrated Ecosystem Mgmt “渤海经济特区”-需要综合生态系统管理 Liaoning Province Hebei Province Shandong Province Tianjin City Beijing City Liaoning Heibei Beijing Tianjin Bohai Sea economic zone Shandong Yellow Sea

23 Bohai Sea Declaration 2000 - Guiding Principles 2000渤海宣言- 指导原则
Integrated Planning for Land/Sea 综合陆地/海洋规划 Moderate Development; Env. Protection 中等速度发展;环境保护 Administrative & Legislative Management 行政与立法管理 SD of Natural Resources 自然资源的可持续性开发

24 Bohai Sea Environmental Management Project (BSEMP)
Chen Yue - Department of International Cooperation, SOA 渤海环境管理项目(BSEMP)

25 Bohai Sea Sustainable Development Strategy – 2006 渤海可持续发展战略 - 2006

26 FOR THE FUTURE 为了未来 Fully Implement Existing Ecological-Economic Initiatives 彻底落实现有生态-经济倡议 Create New Adaptive and Participatory Approach Linking ‘Mountain to Sea’ 制定新型结合‘高山到大海’的应对与参与措施 Prepare for New Impacts 为新出现的影响做好准备

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