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建设 21 世纪 具有国际先进水平的 教育与科研计算机网

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2 建设 21 世纪 具有国际先进水平的 教育与科研计算机网
建设 21 世纪 具有国际先进水平的 教育与科研计算机网 Novell中国区

3 面向 21 世纪的校园计算环境 布建高速骨干网 多媒体教学及网络授课。 视频点播及会议 校园IC卡应用 随时随地的接入 高性能计算服务

4 目前校园网所面临现象一: IP地址管理 IP地址管理困难,IP地址与人不对应,无法根据IP地址确定使用者的身份,权限。
不能以用户名收取Internet访问费用,甚至存在IP地址的冒用,盗用现象,影响正常用户的使用 不能根据用户名管理其上网时间,上网时限

5 目前校园网所面临现象二: 带宽管理 带宽不足,访问性能较差,等待时间较长,费用较高

6 目前校园网所面临现象三: 访问站点管理 对Internet网站内容的控制例如:色情站点,政治站点,聊天室等不够。

7 目前校园网所面临现象四: 成本管理 对基于Win31, Win95/98, Win NT的客户端的维护和管理成本很高
软件分发安装及维护成本很高 网络硬件资产管理管理成本很高 公共机房管理尤为突出

8 目前校园网所面临现象五: 安全管理 网络暴露的安全隐患: -操作系统的安全性差 -可以网上窃听,截取密码 -来自Internet的攻击

9 校园网的组织 教委 大学 大学 中学 附中 李四 张三

10 校园网络架构

11 校园网络所面临到的问题 网是物理实现的结果 行政组织无法实现 网的管理无法以人为本 需要一个符合行政组织的管理环境 建网 用网 管网

12 回歸根本 - 網絡是由什么組成的? ? 路由器 協議 交換器 線路 服務器 PC 服務 防火牆 Proxy 軟件 應用 人 操作系統
Now I'd like to spend a few minutes discussing three key challenges we must resolve if we are to form a true, network-based digital economy, and how Novell, our partners, and the industry are moving forward to address the issues. The three issues are: Identity—who are you? Location—how do you find what you need? Growth without disruption—how can you manage and control change? A key part of every one of these issues is answered by the directory. Directory is the essential element of any coherent networking strategy. And Novell Directory Services is the leading directory, now used by more than 40 million people worldwide. It is open, standards-based, proven in production environments throughout the world for over 5 years, with hundreds of NDS-enabled applications, and it is a cornerstone of Novell's strategy going forward. 服務 防火牆 Proxy 軟件 應用

13 由互动所產生的管理問題層出不窮 ? 路由器 協議 交換器 線路 服務器 PC 服務 防火牆 Proxy 軟件 應用 人 操作系統
Now I'd like to spend a few minutes discussing three key challenges we must resolve if we are to form a true, network-based digital economy, and how Novell, our partners, and the industry are moving forward to address the issues. The three issues are: Identity—who are you? Location—how do you find what you need? Growth without disruption—how can you manage and control change? A key part of every one of these issues is answered by the directory. Directory is the essential element of any coherent networking strategy. And Novell Directory Services is the leading directory, now used by more than 40 million people worldwide. It is open, standards-based, proven in production environments throughout the world for over 5 years, with hundreds of NDS-enabled applications, and it is a cornerstone of Novell's strategy going forward. 服務 防火牆 Proxy 軟件 應用

14 現在所面臨的困境 UNIX NT NetWare® Mainframe Desktop Applications Internet ?

15 希望以組織的角度管理控制網絡資源的使用

16 以組織的角度如何管理控制網絡資源的使用?

17 Novell解决方案: Novell 的NDS目录服务先进技术不但可以建立一个符合行政组织管理体制的网络组织结构,而且通过与其它产品(BorderManager, ZENworks等)集成,可以提供一个以NDS目录服务为核心的全面解决方案。

18 電子身份证 (Digital Persona)
NDS可实现网络上的电子身份证 Carrier/ISP Networking Devices Platform Application AT&T NTT SingTel DT ... Cisco Nortel Lucent ... NetWare NT Unix S390 PeopleSoft Oracle SAP Notes DHCP/DNS Directory- enabling application While we often get things that define our role in the company like a phone, a badge, a desk, we don’t have the same thing to reflect who we are in the digital networking world. This is what we call a digital persona. All of the things that you need are related to the company, your location, your department, your job role. NDS takes all of these relationships and builds your own unique identity or “digital persona” The key to this is that NDS is not only hierarchical (which provides unique naming), but also and more importantly, NDS is designed to have Dynamic Inheritance. That means that if something is added to the company, it is instantly available for anyone who is a member of the company. The same logic applies to those resources granted to my location, or my job function or group. This is the key feature that NDS has, that is not found in any other directory service. NDS manages the relationship of the user to all of the digital resources needed to the job.

19 运用NDS目录服务先进技术 可以将目前使用IP地址管理转变为直接对人的管理 可以建设一个符合行政组织管理体制的网络组织结构图
可以清除地了解和管理每一个网络使用者的身份,地位,权限 可以将网络资源的使用分门别类地管理

20 Low Level Service Platforms
Novell校园网智能集成方案 帐号管理 Policy-based Network Management 安全管理 Web加速 Internet 应用 远程教学 Roaming Desktop Management Content Filtering Caching FTP Service Web Lessons Accounting/ Billing Server Management VPN NNTP(News) Service Router/Switch Management Firewall Messaging Service Bandwidth Management eCommerce Security Infrastructure NDS - Directory Server Single Sign-on, PKI, LDAP 3, JNDI Low Level Service Platforms NetWare, NT, Solaris, Router, Switch, Access Server, JAVA OS

21 跨平台目录服务方案 - Performance & Scalability enhancement
NDS v8 NDS for NT NDS for Solaris NDS for S390 - Performance & Scalability enhancement - LDAP v3 with Aux Classes and controls - Console One Scalability - Redirection for non-NetWare platform - NDS replica on non-NetWare Directory Server Service Platform

22 NDS 合作伙伴 Novell Intel IBM Nortel/Bay Lucent Microsoft AT&T Cisco
Oracle IBM AT&T Nortel/Bay Compaq Lucent Microsoft Novell Cisco Others Sun

23 Novell解决方案: IP地址管理 --- NDS 目录服务技术 带宽管理 --- BorderManager代理缓存服务
访问站点管理 ---BorderManger内容分级审查 成本管理 --- ZENworks桌面零管理 安全管理 --- BorderManger 防火墙服务

24 Novell 其它解决方案: 漫游服务 ------ 提供资源共享,远程登陆 VPN ------- 建立虚拟的加密的专有网络
群件系统 集邮件,文档,日程表,工作流, 语音,图象,会议于一体的协同工作环境 网管软件---- 包含服务器管理,病毒防范,异构网络管理,网络分析的集成化网管软件 异构网连接---无缝的集成NT, UNIX环境


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