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主耶和華我的神我的王 Lord Jehovah, I’ll put my trust in You

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Presentation on theme: "主耶和華我的神我的王 Lord Jehovah, I’ll put my trust in You"— Presentation transcript:

1 主耶和華我的神我的王 Lord Jehovah, I’ll put my trust in You
耶和華神已掌權 Jehovah our God reigns 主耶和華我的神我的王 我的心要依靠祢 Lord Jehovah, my God and my King I’ll put my trust in You

2 Those who wait for You shall not be ashamed
凡投靠祢的必不懼怕 等候祢的必不羞愧 Those who take refuge in You shall not fear Those who wait for You shall not be ashamed

3 願祢的崇高過於諸天 Be exalted, O God, Let Your glory be over all the earth
Chorus1: 願祢的崇高過於諸天 祢的榮耀高過全地 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens Let Your glory be over all the earth

4 All the Nations will worship You
祢統管萬有 祢治理列邦 萬國萬民都敬拜祢 You rule the Universe, You rule the Nations All the Nations will worship You

5 Nothing is too difficult for You
Chorus 2: 祢是那獨行奇事的神 在祢沒有難成的事 You alone are the God of wonders Nothing is too difficult for You

6 For Jehovah our God reigns
我心要堅定 我口要歌頌 耶和華神已掌權 My heart is steadfast and my lips will sing praise For Jehovah our God reigns

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