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第8章 進口、出口與外包.

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1 第8章 進口、出口與外包

2 中國與越南商品輸出至歐洲 自2001年中國加入WTO之後,來自中國的進口商品成長十倍,從越南進口的商品成長一倍
義大利、西班牙與法國的製造商面臨威脅 歐盟執行委員會開始徵收關稅,為期兩年 這項關稅表決的險勝,反應歐洲各國對於處理低價亞洲商品的作法意見分歧

3 中國與越南商品輸出至歐洲 出口與進口活動可能影響國家與區域的經濟 隨著世界各地的公司將藍領與白領工作轉移到工資成本較低的國家以縮減成本

4 出口銷售與出口行銷的比較 出口銷售不會為了配合全球市場的需求而去客製產品、價格或是宣傳用品
出口銷售的行銷組合中,唯一不同的元素只有「地點」,也就是產品銷售的國家 As organizations seek to move operations into other countries they need to make the basic decision regarding their level of involvement in the foreign markets. Two broad areas include export selling and export marketing. Export selling does not involve tailoring the product, the price, or the promotional material to suit the requirements of global markets. The only marketing mix element that differs is the “place;” that is, the country where the product is sold. This selling approach may work for some products or services; for unique products with little or no international competition, such an approach is possible. Similarly, companies new to exporting may initially experience success with selling. Export marketing targets the customer in the context of the total market environment. The export marketer does not simply take the domestic product “as is” and sell it to international customers. To the export marketer, the product offered in the home market represents a starting point. It is modified as needed to meet the preferences of international target markets; this is the approach the Chinese have adopted in the U.S. furniture market. Similarly, the export marketer sets prices to fit the marketing strategy and does not merely extend home country pricing to the target market. Charges incurred in export preparation, transportation, and financing must be taken into account in determining prices. Finally, the export marketer also adjusts strategies and plans for communications and distribution to fit the market. In other words, effective communication about product features or uses to buyers in export markets may require creating brochures with different copy, photographs, or artwork. As the vice president of sales and marketing of one manufacturer noted, “We have to approach the international market with marketing literature as opposed to sales literature.”

5 出口行銷需要 對目標市場環境的了解 使用行銷研究並且研判市場潛力 產品設計、定價、配銷與通路、廣告與溝通等行銷組合的相關決策
After the research effort has zeroed in on potential markets, there is no substitute for a personal visit to size up the market firsthand and begin the development of an actual export marketing program. A market visit should do several things. First, it should confirm (or contradict) assumptions regarding market potential. A second major purpose is to gather the additional data necessary to reach the final go/no-go decision regarding an export marketing program. Certain kinds of information simply cannot be obtained from secondary sources. For example, an export manager or international marketing manager may have a list of potential distributors provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce. He or she may have corresponded with distributors on the list and formed some tentative idea of whether they meet the company's international criteria. It is difficult, however, to negotiate a suitable arrangement with international distributors without actually meeting face to face to allow each side of the contract to appraise the capabilities and character of the other party. A third reason for a visit to the export market is to develop a marketing plan in cooperation with the local agent or distributor. Agreement should be reached on necessary product modifications, pricing, advertising and promotion expenditures, and a distribution plan. If the plan calls for investment, agreement on the allocation of costs must also be reached. One way to visit a potential market is through a trade show or a state- or federally-sponsored trade mission. Each year hundreds of trade fairs, usually organized around a product category or industry, are held in major markets.

6 組織的出口活動 公司無意願出口,可能因為忙碌、冷淡或無知,不願接受非請自來的外銷訂單
公司被動性地接受外銷訂單,並不主動爭取訂單,而該公司已經是出口外銷業者 公司主動探索出口的可行性(此階段可能跳過上一階段) 公司主動對國外一個或多個市場進行試銷 Exporting is becoming increasingly important as companies in all parts of the world step up their efforts to supply and service markets outside their national boundaries. Research has shown that exporting is essentially a developmental process that can be divided into the following distinct stages.

7 組織的出口活動 公司對一個或多個市場已具有出口外銷經驗
成功後,公司根據特定的準則(如所有英語系國家,或所有不必經由水運的國家),對特定國家或特定區域進行行銷 公司評估全球市場的潛力,選定最佳目標市場,並擬定行銷策略與計畫。無論是國內或國外市場,都視為同等重要

8 出口的潛在問題

9 主要出口參與者 國外採購代理商 外銷經紀人 出口貿易商 出口管理公司 出口配銷商 出口佣金代表 合作出口商 貨運承攬業者 製造商的出口代表
Anyone with responsibilities for exporting should be familiar with some of the people and organizations who can assist with various tasks. Some of these, including purchasing agents, export brokers, and export merchants, have no assignment of responsibility from the client. Others, including export management companies, manufacturers’ export representatives, export distributors, and freight forwarders, are assigned responsibilities by the exporter.

10 製造廠商在母國的出口事務 出口業務有以下幾種安排方式 國內員工兼職處理出口業務
透過國內行銷結構將產品賣給出口商,再經由出口商把產品外銷到其他國家 透過出口部門處理出口業務;與國內行銷結構有別 透過企業內國際事務部的出口部門,處理所有出口業務 就多事業的公司而言,上述各種方式均可行 Home-country issues involve deciding whether to assign export responsibility inside the company or to work with an external organization specializing in a product or geographic area. Most companies handle export operations within their own in-house export organization. Depending on the company’s size, responsibilities may be incorporated into an employee’s domestic job description. Alternatively, these responsibilities may be handled as part of a separate division or organizational structure.

11 安排目標市場之 國家的出口事務 派遣直接代表 運用獨立的配銷商擔任業務代表 兩大優點:控制和溝通 當產品銷售量較小時
In addition to deciding whether to rely on in-house or external export specialists in the home country, a company must also make arrangements to distribute the product in the target market country. Every exporting organization faces one basic decision: To what extent do we rely on direct market representation as opposed to representation by independent intermediaries?

12 外包 外包意指將生產工作交給其他公司以降低成本 在外包的決策流程中,可能的影響因素 管理高層的願景 生產要素與成本條件 顧客需求 公眾意見
國家基礎設施 政治因素 外匯匯率 In global marketing, the issue of customer value is inextricably tied to the sourcing decision. In today’s competitive marketplace, companies are under intense pressure to lower costs; one way to do this is to locate manufacturing and other activities in China, India, and other low-wage countries. As this discussion suggests, the decision of where to locate key business activities depends on other factors besides cost. There are no simple rules to guide sourcing decisions. Indeed, the sourcing decision is one of the most complex and important decisions faced by a global company. Several factors may figure into the sourcing decision: management vision, factor costs and conditions, customer needs, public opinion, logistics, country infrastructure, political factors, and exchange rates.

13 亞洲鞋子出口至歐洲 歐盟對於中國與越南進口的鞋子所課徵的關稅稱為「反傾銷關稅」
這種關稅反應產品在出口市場的銷售價格,較出口國家當地的價格要來的低 以歐盟的觀點,這意味著此兩個國家的當地價格是人為的,而非市場所決定

14 亞洲鞋子出口至歐洲 造成從中國與越南進口的鞋子減少,而從印尼、泰國及其他新興市場進口的鞋子數量暴增 歐洲的關稅障礙提高了中國關閉市場的機會

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