祝成光 代表山东大学粒子物理与粒子辐照教育部重点实验室的同仁们

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1 祝成光 代表山东大学粒子物理与粒子辐照教育部重点实验室的同仁们
山东大学 气体探测器研究 祝成光 代表山东大学粒子物理与粒子辐照教育部重点实验室的同仁们

2 Outline TGC detector for ATLAS trigger
sTGC detector for ATLAS trigger upgrade TPC detector for STAR upgrade TPC advanced research for CEPC Hodoscopes for detector testing

3 ATLAS实验TGC探测器 Start point of the detector study in SDU

4 Principle of TGC detector
Quick response

5 Anode and cathode plane

6 Detector into shape A series of quality control

7 Testing of TGC Uniformity/noise test and efficiency test No one failed

8 TGC installed in ATLAS cavern
One failed after 3 years of running, (fail: 1/400 < 1/50)

9 sTGC v1 Keep the performance of the fast response
2.8mm间距 Φ50μm镀金钨丝 感应信号拾取电极 Keep the performance of the fast response Improve the position resolution and capable rate. 1mm strip pitch, 120micro achieved

10 signals Signals from strips
Charge distribution, on average 470fC, M around 105

11 sTGC v2 4mm strip pitch, 233micro achieved.
Resistive layer for protection and enlarging charge dist

12 Position resolution around 233micro.

13 Beam test at Fermi

14 sTGC as the new trigger layer in ATLAS
直径8.9米 8层sTGC sTGC as the new trigger layer in ATLAS

15 and automatic Spraying machine
sTGC gas mixer and automatic Spraying machine 15

16 Upgraded wire machine

17 router 科大和山大在探测器和前端电子学合作是我们在粒子探测器的研究中走上更高的台阶。 Front End lectronics
sTGC (SDU) Front End lectronics (USTC) router 科大和山大在探测器和前端电子学合作是我们在粒子探测器的研究中走上更高的台阶。

18 TPC for STAR experiment
20micro anode wire plus shielding and gating wires

19 Signal 200ns width

20 FE electronics Gassiplex chip for FE

21 Integrated signal of each channel
88 pads readout in once

22 Leak current and noise Noise and sparks are well under control

23 Plans Test the performance for STAR requirements Produce full size TPC
Extend the drift length to 1 meter Test TGEM and GEM for TPC technique used for CEPC

24 Cosmic test bed For general detector testing

25 Full size

26 Cosmic rate 触发率模拟 总入射率 x、y 均匀分布 方位角均匀分布 天顶角 模拟结果:12.7/s

27 Time resolution 闪烁体时间刻度 系统时间分辨率 闪烁体的时间分辨率

28 Tested EDs for LHAASO

29 Efficiency and time reso scan

30 Q scan

31 Plan Based on new sTGC technique, and new-build fast scintilators, build a new cosmic test bed with position resolution <100micro, time resolution <100ps. Mainly for sTGC and TPC testing in near future.

32 总结 气体探测器研究在项目带动下得到长足发展,建设了基本的实验设备,积累了探测器研究经验,并蓬勃发展。

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