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员工的招募、甄选和录用 东北林业大学经济管理学院 田昕加

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1 员工的招募、甄选和录用 东北林业大学经济管理学院 田昕加
The recruitment, selection and recruitment of staff 东北林业大学经济管理学院 田昕加

2 员工的招募、甄选和录用 Describe the recruitment and selection process
Objectives Describe the recruitment and selection process Explain the eight methods used for recruiting job candidates. Describe how to develop an application form Describe the overall selection process and explain why it is important. Define basic testing concepts including validity and reliability . Designing and conducting the effective interview .

3 一,process Do employment planning and forecasting to determine the duties of the position to fill . Build a pool of candidates for these jobs by recruiting internal and external candidate . Have the applicants fill out the application forms and perhaps undergo an initial screening interview . Utilize various selection techniques such as tests, background investigations, and physical exams to identify viable job candidates. Send one or more viable job candidates to the supervisor responsible for the job. Have the candidates go through one or more selection interview with the supervisor and relevant parties for the purpose of finally determine to which candidates an offer should be made.

4 process 招募筛选金字塔 新雇用人员 50 接到录用通知者 (2:1) 100 实际接受面试者 (3:2) 150 200
接到面试通知者 (4:3) 1200 招募所引来的求职者 (6:1)

5 二,招聘渠道 Advertising as a source of candidates;
Employment Agencies as a source of candidates; Executive recruiter as a source of candidates ; College recruiting as a source of candidates; Referral and walk-ins as a source of candidates ; Recruiting on the internet; Recruiting a more diverse workforce; Some other recuiting sources.

6 1 2 3 4 招募广告的制作原则AIDA AIDA 引起求职者对广告的注意 Attention Interest 引起求职者对工作的兴趣;
引起求职者申请工作的愿望 Desire Action 鼓励求职者积极采取行动

7 The purpose of Application form:
三,求职申请表 Application form: The form that provides information on educations prior work record, and skills(工作申请表是一种让求职者提供他们的受教育状况、历史工作经历以及技能水平等方面信息的表格。); The purpose of Application form: The application form is a good way to quickly collect verifiable and therefore fairly accurate historical data from the candidate;

8 求职工作申请表提供的四种信息 02 03 04 01 可以对一些实际问题做出判断,比如该求职者是否具备该职位所要求的教育和经验。
可以对求职者过去的成长和进步情况加以总结,得出结论,这方面情况对于管理职位的候选人来说尤其重要。 可以运用申请表中的资料预测哪些候选人会在工作中干得比较好,哪些会干不好。 可以从求职者过去的工作记录中大致了解其工作稳定性如何。

9 求职申请表

10 四,Background investigations and reference checks
• Most employer try to check and verify the job applicant's background information and references; • Telephone or personal interview. 四,Background investigations and reference checks

11 感谢您的聆听 ——员工的招募、甄选和录用

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