All The Heavens 聖哉歸我的主宰 Holy, Holy are You Lord 全地都充滿祢榮美光彩

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Presentation on theme: "All The Heavens 聖哉歸我的主宰 Holy, Holy are You Lord 全地都充滿祢榮美光彩"— Presentation transcript:

1 All The Heavens 聖哉歸我的主宰 Holy, Holy are You Lord 全地都充滿祢榮美光彩
Verse : 聖哉歸我的主宰 Holy, Holy are You Lord 全地都充滿祢榮美光彩 The whole earth is filled with Your Glory 萬國給祢尊貴 Let the nations rise to give 頌讚歸於主祢名 Honor and Praise to Your name

2 Let Your face shine on us And the world will know You live
All The Heavens 使祢面光照我 Let Your face shine on us 俗世始知祢活著 And the world will know You live

3 All the heavens shout Your praise Hallelujah to You, our King
Chorus: 這讚頌遍響諸天 All the heavens shout Your praise 我主祢確美善 Beautiful to our God 全地也都和應: The universe will sing 哈利路亞 向祢致敬 Hallelujah to You, our King

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