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Basic Scientific and Technical Translation (II)

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1 Basic Scientific and Technical Translation (II)
Lecturer: Ivan Yeung

2 0 數字的翻譯 大陸台灣、英美用法不同 a hundred million 一億 (108 )
十億 (109) 兆 * (1012) 千兆 * (1015) 京 * (1016) 百京 * (1018) a hundred million a thousand million (Br) a billion (Am) (increasingly common) a billion (Br) * (increasingly rare) a trillion (Am) a thousand billion (Br) a quadrillion (Am) ten thousand billion (Br) ten quadrillion (Am) a trillion (Br) a quintillion (Am)

3 0.1 數字的歧義 billion 兆* 109:十億 (American),目前最常用 1012:萬億 (British)
106:百萬,大陸地區通用於單位前綴表示倍數 megahertz (MHz) 兆赫 * megapixel (MP / Mpx) 百萬像素 * (!) 1012:萬億,台灣地區常用 1016:億億,廢用

4 0.2 numbers 1 000 000 million 100 000 10 000 萬 1 000 千 100 hundred 百
decimal English Chinese 109 108 107 106 million 105 104 10 000 103 1 000 102 100 hundred 101 10 ten 1 one

5 0.3 SI prefixes giga G 吉 (咖) gigabyte (Gb) 吉字節 mega M 兆
symbol 1000m 10n decimal Chi example giga G 10003 109 吉 (咖) gigabyte (Gb) 吉字節 mega M 10002 106 megahertz (MHz) 兆赫 kilo k 10001 103 1 000 kilowatt (kW) 千瓦 10000 100 1

6 0.3 SI prefixes 1 deci d 0.1 分 centi c 0.01 厘 milli m 0.001 毫 micro µ
symbol 1000m 10n decimal Chi example 10000 100 1 deci d 1000-1/3 10-1 0.1 decibel (dB) 分貝 centi c 1000-2/3 10-2 0.01 centimeter (cm) 厘米 milli m 1000-1 10-3 0.001 milligram (mg) 毫克 micro 1000-2 10-6 microsievert (µSv) 微希 nano n 1000-3 10-9 nanometer (nm) 納米

7 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.1 “percentage, fraction”
Annual production of steel has gone up by more than 25%. 鋼的年產量提高了百分之二十五以上。 By 2005, the infected area had been expanded to one-third more than that of 2000. 到了 2005 年,受感染面積較 2000 年時擴大了三分之一。 動筆! Production is now double what it was.

8 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” A) three times the length of something.
三倍於某物的長度。(OAL) 例: A female giant weta bearing eggs weighed 71g - this is three times the weight of an average house mouse. 懷卵的雌性沙螽體重達 71 g,約為一般家鼠的三倍重。 動筆! The longest human bone is the femur or thigh bone which is 48 cms long. It is so strong that it can support 30 times the weight of a man!

9 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” B) three times as long as something.
某物的三倍長。(OAL) 例: 60 minutes is three times as long as 20 minutes and 40 pounds is four times as heavy as 10 pounds. 20 分鐘的三倍是 60 分鐘,10 磅的四倍是 40 磅。 Aluminum is three times as heavy as polyethylene. 鋁重為聚乙烯重的三倍。 鋁比聚乙烯重二倍。(2.7 vs 0.92 – 0.94 g/cm3)

10 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” 動筆! An atom of Carbon is twelve times as heavy as hydrogen while an atom of Aluminum is just over two times as heavy as carbon.

11 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” C) three times longer than something.
比某物長兩倍。(OAL) 例: The total length of China's railway network is two times longer than that of France. 中國鐵路網比法國的長一倍。(32,682 vs 70,000 km ) Krypton is three times heavier than air. 氪氣比空氣重兩倍。(3.708 vs 1.25 kg/m3 ) Silver is three times heavier than quartz.* (wrong use!!) 銀比石英重三倍。(10.5 vs 2.65 g/cm3) *

12 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” D) increased by three times.
increased threefold. increased by a factor of three. 增加了兩倍。 增至 (原來的) 三倍。 The grain output has increased by three times. 糧食產量增加了三倍。** 糧食產量增加了兩倍。 The number of monkeys has increased more than twofold. 猴子數量增加了多於兩倍。** 猴子數量增加了一倍多。

13 1 數量增加的翻譯 Malwares have increased by three times in 2008
動筆! Malwares have increased by three times in 2008 The West Nile Virus is spreading faster than federal health officials had expected, with the number of cases tripling to at least 164 since last week. Nationwide, the CDC said at least 164 people in 16 states are infected, compared with 59 a week ago.

14 1 數量增加的翻譯 1.2 “times” Roundup exercise 動筆!
Food production since Independence has also increased over four times (from 50 million metric tonnes in 1951 to over 200 million metric tonnes in 2001), while population growth has been a little less than three times (from 36 crores in 1951 to 102 crores in 2001)

15 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.1 “percentage, fraction”
The antibody level was reduced by 10 percent. 抗體濃度降低了百分之十。 The volume of an electric motor can be reduced by one third by using glass fiber for electric insulation. 用玻璃纖維作電器絕緣材料,可使電動機的體積縮小三分之一。 The loss of metal has been reduced to less than 20%. 金屬損耗已降低至百分之二十以下。

16 2 數量減少的翻譯 動筆! 2.1 “percentage, fraction”
The test results indicate that the olefin content of catalytically cracked gasoline can be significantly reduced to less than 20 v%, while sulfur content reduced by 15%-25%.

17 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.2 “half” This rope is half as long as that one.
這條繩子只有那條的一半長。 這條繩子比那條短一半。 動筆! When the new Medical Library opens in three years, it will be half the old one’s size with 40 percent fewer books.

18 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.3 “times” The length of the laser tube was reduced ten times. 雷射管的長度縮短了十分之九。 雷射管的長度縮短為十分之一。 The length has been shortened four times. 長度縮短了四分之三。 長度縮短至原來的四分之一。 Microsporidia branches have been shortened three times (double black break) to increase readability. 微孢子蟲分支縮短了三分之二 (雙黑斜間) 以增加可讀性。* 微孢子蟲分支縮短了三分之二 (雙線分隔標記) 以利閱讀。

19 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.4 “fold” The principal advantage is a six-fold reduction in volume. 主要優點是體積縮小了六分之五。 主要優點是體積縮小為六分之一。* 主要優點是體積縮小至原來的六分之一。 There is a three-fold fall in price. 價格降低了三分之二。 價格降低至原來的三分之一。

20 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.4 “fold” 動筆! The team showed a six-fold reduction of the effective size of the Zea mays (maize or corn) genome while creating a four-fold increase in the gene identification rate when compared to standard whole-genome sequencing methods.

21 2 數量減少的翻譯 2.5 表示數量不確定的譯法 There are millions of stars like the sun in the universe. 宇宙中有數以百萬計像太陽一樣的星球。* 宇宙中有許許多多像太陽一樣的星球。* The instruments of this variety will cost thousand odd dollars. 這種儀器可值 1000 多元。

22 3 被動句的翻譯 3.1 翻譯成中文被動句 被動態可以翻譯成「被」、「由」、「讓」、「給」、「受」、「遭」、「為」、「所」、「為……所」
The compass was invented by Chinese long ago. 很久以前,指南針被中國人發明。* 很久以前,指南針早為中國人所發明。* 很久以前,中國人發明了指南針。 Besides voltage, resistance and capacitance, an alternating current is also influenced by inductance. 除了電壓、電阻和電容之外,交流電還受電感的影響。

23 3 被動句的翻譯 3.1 翻譯成中文被動句 (續) The metal hardened when it was cooled in the air. 這種金屬在空氣中冷卻時,就會硬化。 Purified hydrogen is passed over a hot catalyst. 讓純化氫氣通過熱催化劑。 動筆! The atomic theory was not accepted until the last century.

24 3 被動句的翻譯 3.2 翻譯成中文主動句 Other evaporation materials and processes will be discussed briefly. 其他一些蒸發材料和蒸發程序將簡要地加以討論。 Resistance is measured in ohms. 電阻是以歐姆為單位被量度的。** 電阻是以歐姆為單位(來)量度的。 No work can be done without energy. 沒有能量,就不能做工。

25 3 被動句的翻譯 2.2 翻譯成中文主動句 (續) A film of oil is inserted between the sliding surfaces of a bearing. 承軸的滑動面之間上了一層油膜。 It has been found that this machine is similar to the other one in design. 人們已經發現,這台機器和那台機器在結構上是相似的。* 人們發現,這台機器和那台機器結構相似。* 這兩台機器結構相似。 The field trip will be lead by Professor Li. 李教授會帶這次野外考察。 這次野外考察由李教授帶領。

26 3 被動句的翻譯 2.2 翻譯成中文主動句 (續) 動筆!
Measures have been taken to diminish friction. Special instruments for measuring cosmic rays are installed in the satellite. Much progress has been made in biological cloning technology in less than a decade.

27 4 否定句的翻譯 4.1 全部否定 He is not an engineer. 他不是工程師。 He is no engineer.
Compare the following sentences He is not an engineer. 他不是工程師。 He is no engineer. 他根本不是工程師。

28 4 否定句的翻譯 4.1 全部否定 (續) Not all matter is visible. Air is not visible, but it is matter. * (部分否定,見 4.2) 不是所有物質都是看得見的。空氣是看不見的,但空氣是物質。 The proton carries a positive charge and the electron carries a negative charge, but the neutron carries neither. 質子帶正電荷,電子帶負電荷,中子兩種電荷都不帶。

29 4 否定句的翻譯 4.2 部分否定 動筆! All that glitters is not gold.
Both the instruments are not precision ones. Every machine here is not produced by our factory.

30 4 否定句的翻譯 4.3 雙重否定 There is no grammatical rule that does not have exceptions. 沒有一條語法規則沒有例外。 每條語法規則都有例外。 Heat can never be converted into a certain energy without something lost. 熱能每逢轉換成某種能量時,總是不能不損耗掉一些。** 熱能轉換成其他能量時,總是有損耗。

31 4 否定句的翻譯 4.4 意義上的否定 In the absence of force, a body will either remain at rest or continue to move with constant speed in a straight line. 沒有外力,物體不是保持靜止,就是一直沿著直線作勻速運動。 This equation is far from being complicated. 這個方程式一點也不複雜。 Unless there is motion, there is no work. 沒有運動,就沒有功。

32 4 否定句的翻譯 3.4 意義上的否定 (續) 動筆! Farad is too large a unit to be used in radio calculation.

33 本節完 休息一會

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