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云南高校图书馆信息服务 联合团队构建研究 ——基于社会资本理论的视角 Building Cross-campus Collaborative Research Teams for Yunnan Academic Libraries -- A View from Social.

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Presentation on theme: "云南高校图书馆信息服务 联合团队构建研究 ——基于社会资本理论的视角 Building Cross-campus Collaborative Research Teams for Yunnan Academic Libraries -- A View from Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 云南高校图书馆信息服务 联合团队构建研究 ——基于社会资本理论的视角 Building Cross-campus Collaborative Research Teams for Yunnan Academic Libraries -- A View from Social Capital Perspective 云南财经大学图书馆 陈芊里 Yuli Chen, Library of Yunnan University of Finance and Economy 2019/1/16

2 摘要 Abstract 本研究引入社会资本理论和人际情报网络,根据现有社会技术、信息需求等环境的变化,结合云南高校图书馆信息服务发展的现状,提出了利用现有各高校图书馆有效人力资源,组建具有共同目标和利益的信息服务团队,开创web2.0时代的新型信息服务模式。 2019/1/16

3 Abstract This paper deploys concepts from social capital theory and human intelligence network for building information service team. It reviews the rapid change in information technology and the new demands for information service and examine the state of the college and academic libraries in Yunnan. It proposes a collaborative approach to building inter-campus information research teams to deliver web 2.0 era services. 2019/1/16

4 4 云南高校图书馆新型信息服务团队的构建模式
内容框架 Contents 1 引言 Introduction 2 社会资本理论及人际情报网络理论的内涵 Definition of SC and HIN 3 图书馆团队协作的必要性与可行性分析 Necessity and feasibility of building collaborative research teams 4 云南高校图书馆新型信息服务团队的构建模式 The model of collaborative information research teams among Yunnan Academic libraries 5 结语 Conclusion

5 1 引言 Introduction 2019/1/16

6 单纯的图书借阅、数据库浏览下载、基础信息咨询,已无法满足师生在研究和学习中各种问题。
Book circulation, online databases, and reference services are no longer the only solutions for today faculty and students’ learning and research needs 高校图书馆亟需多维度深层次的信息服务。 Multi-faceted information service and delivery structure are needed for academic libraries 高校图书馆信息服务需要更专业的信息咨询员、更 强大的团队来服务用户,提升信息影响力。 Academic libraries should have discipline specialized information services, service teams with breadth of knowledge on the subjects to better serve users and Increase their visibility. 2019/1/16

7 About SC and HIN theories
2 社会资本理论及人际情报网络理论的内涵 About SC and HIN theories 2019/1/16

8 社会资本 Social Capital 社会网络理论视社会结构为一张人际社会网络结构,其中“节点”(Node)代表一个人或一群人组成的小团体,“线”(Line)代表人与人之间的关系,以社会网络分析方法分析其结构特性。 SN theory considers human society as a networks of human social relations. A “node” represents an individual or a group of individuals; a line represents relationship between two or more people. The SN studies the structure of human relations. 透过嵌入理论,研究一个网络中的个人如何透过关系,在 动态的互动过程中相互影响,不但影响个体的行动,也会 改变相互的关系,从而影响整体结构的变化。 Using embedding theory, researchers can study how an individual interacts with and affects other individuals, and how the overall structure of SN is affected.. 2019/1/16

9 人际情报网络 Human intelligence network
人际情报网络(Human Intelligence Network)是应情报工作的需要而建立的一种人际网络。 HIN is one type of human relation network that is necessary for obtaining and sharing information 人际情报网络的构建是竞争情报和竞争情报系统的一项基础 建设,它为竞争情报和企业发展提供了成功的机会和组织保 障,从而使企业获得更大的竞争优势和经济利益。 Personal intelligence network is useful for spying and anti- spying. It ensures one to get the best intelligence for a business to gain edge and profit in competition. 2019/1/16

10 社会资本与人际情报网络的共通性 (Commonality between SC and HIN)
社会资本理论与人际情报网络理论皆是探讨和研究人与人之间,组织与组织之间的内在信息交流过程和效应,体现了人作为不同关系网络中的节点的作用和效应。 The commonality between the social capital and human intelligence is both theories study interpersonal, inter-organizational information exchange and interaction. Both examines individuals as nodes in relation to the human intelligence network structure. 通过非正式人际网络所获得的信息和情报更具有隐蔽性和及 时性,网络中的每个行动者都能通过非正式交流模式获得比 正式交流模式更有利的信息和情报。 Information obtained through personal intelligence network is more relevant and covert. Anyone in the intelligence network can use informal approach to obtain information that are more relevant more useful. 2019/1/16

11 The necessity and feasibility of collaborative teams
3 图书馆团队协作的必要性 与可行性分析 The necessity and feasibility of collaborative teams 2019/1/16

12 必要性 Necessity 深层次的信息服务中,信息资源是基础
For in depth research and information service, the source of information is vital important 馆员的信息能力是核心动力和关键节点。 The ability of a librarian to leverage resources is vital important 馆员的社会资本和人际情报网络,将扩大信息来源,拓展知 识背景,深化用户信息需求的理解。 Regular information service (borrowing service, instructional sessions, ILL and document delivery, article requests, reference service) 2019/1/16

13 必要性 Necessity 将区域内高校馆员以某种关系连接起来,形成特定的知识网络,构建信息需求的情报网络,使馆员通过节点获取资源,共同协作完成特定用户的信息需求。 Connect subject librarians in the region and network to form subject knowledge base and networks. Librarians contact a node or nodes for more in depth information and collectively answers users’ research requests. 2019/1/16

14 可行性 Feasibility 常规信息服务工作(借阅服务、师生培训讲座、文献传递、代查代检、日常咨询)
Regular information service (borrowing service, instructional sessions, ILL and document delivery, article requests, reference service) 全国和地区性的共享联盟(CALIS/CASHL/NSTL/云南省文献 资源共享与服务平台等)。 National or regional consortial service platform (CALIS/SASHL/NSTL/ Yunan document reciprocal document delivery consortium 2019/1/16

15 可行性 Feasibility 联盟仅限于纸质资源或数字资源的文献传递。
Consotial ILL at current stage is limited for copied or digitized articles 结合研究课题开展定题情报跟踪、课题研究趋势以及课题研 究深层情报分析等工作根本无法得到满足。 Lack of follow-up and efforts in periodically scanning the literature to identify the trend and in depth research done in the subject areas; and the difficulty in obtaining relevant information for further analysis 脆弱的表面服务联盟,无法进行深度联盟和深层次的信息服 务协同工作。 The loose and unreliable consortial network make it difficult to coordinate in-depth collaborative research service 2019/1/16

16 New model of information service teams for Yunnan academic libraries
4 云南高校图书馆新型信息服务团队的 构建模式 New model of information service teams for Yunnan academic libraries 2019/1/16

17 构建步骤 Steps (1)确定用户信息需求。 (2)确定联合团队的联合方式和团队成员名单。 (3)建立团队联系开始运作。
Identify the needs for in depth (subject specific) information services (2)确定联合团队的联合方式和团队成员名单。 Identify the members of the collaborative research team and define the nature of collaboration (3)建立团队联系开始运作。 Establish the contacts and begin to work through the network 2019/1/16

18 协作内容 Content of collaboration
信息服务团队的建立具有很强的目标性和任务性,其工作仅 限于本次信息服务的内容。 Members of the team must have a strong sense of mission and commitment. The collaboration is limited to one request at a time 其主要协作内容包括从接受信息用户需求出发开始到信息用 户需求结束的所有信息资源的搜集、整理、分析、总结、传 递、反馈、修正、二次搜集、二次整理、二次分析、二次总 结、二次传递、二次反馈、二次修正,甚至三次四次五次的 信息工作流程等一系列的工作。 The collaboration starts from the time a request is received and finishes with a report of all the data, analysis, summary, delivery, feedback, revision, second round research, analysis, summary, feedback, revision, so and so forth till the research is complete. 2019/1/16

19 协作内容 Content of collaboration
在满足用户真实信息需求的同时,为其提供更广更深的相似 和可能的信息闪光点。 iI fulfilling user requests, provide additional information that are more critical (the germ) for the researchers 为用户的项目申请、课题研究、教学创新、成果申报等工作 提供强有力的权威的信息资源后勤保障,创建专属于单个用 户的信息作战室。 Provide reliable and authoritative information support for researchers to complete their grant proposals, research projects, curriculum design, and patent application. Create a project team dedicated for a specific users 2019/1/16

20 组织保障机制 Administrative support and assurance
团队的构建,要打破传统的馆际界限,将符合本次信息服务 的相关馆员在现实或虚拟中聚集到一起。 Think out side of the organizational box. Call on librarians with the background and expertise for this particular research request and work together face to face or virtually. (1)成立团队协调委员会 establish team coordination committee (2)指定本馆联络协调员,拟定成员名单。 identify coordinator for each of the libraries and share the list (3)进行内部工作协调。 make internal adjustment of the work assignment for the team members 2019/1/16

21 Administrative support and assurance
组织保障机制 Administrative support and assurance (4)成员脱离现有馆内工作或少量完成馆内工作,以更多 的精力投入到新型信息服务团队中来。 Team members is temporarily released from or approved to reduce daily responsibilities so that he can dedicate time to the collaborative team assignment (5)适当的经济利益。校内用户免费或打折信息服务费, 校外用户付费。 Fees to cover the service cost – for users from the home institution there is no charge or fee discount; for users from other campus, service fee is assessed. 2019/1/16

22 5 结语 Conclusion 2019/1/16

23 云南高校图书馆建立新型的信息服务联合团队
Build collaborative information research teams for Yunnan academic libraries 采用跨高校跨图书馆的全新模式,成立专题性的信息服务联 合团队。 A cross-campus, interlibrary service team model according to librarians’ expertise and knowledge of discipline and subjects 利用网络和现实的信息或情报网络进行沟通、建立联系。 Use online and face-to-face interaction and communication to conduct business 2019/1/16

24 云南高校图书馆建立新型的信息服务联合团队
Build collaborative information research teams for Yunnan academic libraries 在更高的层次上实现云南高校图书馆走出去引进来的战略发 展规划,在真正意义上参与到用户的深层次研究中。 Establish province-wide strategy for academic libraries to embed librarians in the academic department and actively participate in scholarly research 真正意义上实现云南桥头堡战略,使云南高校图书馆进入到 东盟经济圈,为云南高校图书馆谋求更高的地位、影响力和 现实利益。 To build a Yunnan Information Gateway, and elevate Yunnan academic libraries to an integral part of the ASEAN economic circle. To improve the visibility and reputation of the Yunnan academic libraries 2019/1/16

25 谢谢您的聆听! Thank you! 2019/1/16

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