禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 彈琴歌唱讚美你 (1/3) [Praise Him]

4 彈琴歌唱讚美你 (2/3) [Praise Him]

5 彈琴歌唱讚美你 (3/3) [Praise Him]

6 All nations come to praise You Lord All people come to praise You lord
萬國都要來讚美主 萬民都要來讚美主 All nations come to praise You Lord All people come to praise You lord

7 And sing high praises to the Lord And come praise the Lord
敬拜耶和華 唱詩來向祂歡呼 讚美耶和華 萬民都快樂歡呼 We come and worship And sing high praises to the Lord All people rejoice And come praise the Lord

8 Worship and praise You, O Lord All who have breath praise the Lord
敬拜讚美耶和華 凡有血氣都要讚美祂 敬拜耶和華 讚美耶和華 Worship and praise You, O Lord All who have breath praise the Lord Worship You, O Lord Praise You, O Lord

9 And praise You, O Lord (2x)
我們活著是 為要敬拜讚美祂 (2x) We live to worship And praise You, O Lord (2x)

10 每當我來到你寶座前 我心我靈向你俯伏敬拜 再次將主權交託全能神 懇求你心意向我顯明 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅

11 我要舉起雙手降服於你 貼近你的胸懷 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅 我主我的神 求奪我心意 完全屬於你

12 獻上自己為祭 (1/4) [I Offer Myself as a Sacrifice]

13 獻上自己為祭 (2/4) [I Offer Myself as a Sacrifice]

14 獻上自己為祭 (3/4) [I Offer Myself as a Sacrifice]

15 獻上自己為祭 (4/4) [I Offer Myself as a Sacrifice]

16 為基督贏得這城市 充滿了主榮耀的城市 喜樂油代替了悲哀 讚美衣代替憂傷 被擄的靈魂得釋放 被殺的羔羊得勝

17 主啊 求你恩膏我 差我傳揚福音的禧年

18 Send fires of revival oh! Lord
求主 賜復興之火 求主 賜聖靈火焰 燃燒教會 能得無窮力量 Send fires of revival oh! Lord Send Holy Spirit fires To Your churches With Your mighty power

19 With Your love and Your grace Send fires of revival oh! Lord
在這黑暗時代 能作你光輝 化解冷漠 重燃愛你的心 盼主賜下 復興之火 In the time of darkness To be Your true light Touching our hearts With Your love and Your grace Send fires of revival oh! Lord

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