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99年基本能力檢核 命題說明及分析 ( 八年級 ) 國中組英語科 徐美雲 2010.12.08 Powerpoint Templates.

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Presentation on theme: "99年基本能力檢核 命題說明及分析 ( 八年級 ) 國中組英語科 徐美雲 2010.12.08 Powerpoint Templates."— Presentation transcript:

1 99年基本能力檢核 命題說明及分析 ( 八年級 ) 國中組英語科 徐美雲 Powerpoint Templates

2 大綱 命題工作期程 測驗結果分析 補救教學建議

3 命題工作期程 日期 工作內容 人員 地點 召開第一次命題工作會議 說明命題原則與工作分配 指導教授 及命題人員 化仁國中校長室
2/26(五) 召開第一次命題工作會議 說明命題原則與工作分配 指導教授 及命題人員 化仁國中校長室 3/16(二) 召開第二次命題工作會議 聽力測驗定稿(含試題、聽力稿) 完成試題初稿、初步圖庫建置 命題人員 化仁國中 校長室 4/2(五)前 命題教師將試題回傳給各年級命題負責人彙整 4/6(二) 聽力錄音工作 中外籍教師等錄音人員 視聽室 4/9(五) 召開第三次命題工作會議 試題共審、完成試卷定稿 4/13(二) 試題最終版定稿 試題送印 4/19-20 台東宜蘭預試

4 八年級命題教師 花崗國中---黃寶怡老師 宜昌國中---徐美雲老師 豐濱國中---周素華老師 化仁國中---徐明卉老師

5 教材來源 Listening Vocabulary Sentence pattern Picture

6 命題流程 開始命題、命題焦點 修正題目、決定題目 試題錄音 試題前測、結果分析 修題 送出定稿試卷 施測試題分析 補救教學

7 開始命題 原則: 1.符合全部或多數學生學習經驗 2.符合課綱之能力指標 3.避免重複出題 4.涵蓋多元主題

8 修正題目、決定題目 he/she expression(happy/sad) -以各版本均有的內容為主 -相同主題,放在不同的題型中測驗
避免年度之間題目的重複 避免圖片表達不清的題目 he/she expression(happy/sad) 考慮版本之間的差異 -以各版本均有的內容為主 兼顧各種不同的主題( topics) -相同主題,放在不同的題型中測驗

9 修正題目、決定題目 難易度的調整 年度之間的難易度調整 同一題型之間的難易度調整 基本得分題目 高誘答力題目

10 預試後修題 修題依據 整份試卷平均分數 鑑別度低的題目 修題方式 調整試題難易度修改選項誘答力 修改題型

11 試題題型分配 第一部分:聽力測驗 題號 測驗焦點 題數 題號 1 - 3 對話內容理解 3 題號 4 - 6 回應問題 題號7 - 10
題組 4

12 聽力測驗 91 % B: She looks happy. ㄧ、請聽CD,選出最符合所敘述內容的答案:
3. A: How does the bear look? B: She looks happy. (1) (2) (3) (4) 這題是聽力測驗的送分題 考情緒形容詞 請學生畫一隻有各種情緒的熊 我再用Photocap軟體進行修改 學生考卷上只出現圖案 他們聽到CD播出 how does the bear look? She looks happy. 題意非常明確 超過90%的人答對

13 試題題型分配 第二部分:單題式選擇 題號 測驗焦點 題數 題號11 選出正確的字母大小寫配對組 1 題號12 字母書寫體檢測題 題號13
發音檢測題 題號14-19 字彙檢測題 6 題號20-30 文法檢測題 11

14 單題式選擇 75% 14. Look at the picture. Susan is Tom’s ____________.
Ruby Cindy C Tom Susan Phil 14. Look at the picture. Susan is Tom’s ____________. (1) sister (2) wife (3) daughter (4) mother

15 單題式選擇 35.9% 35.4% 15. Last month was August. Next month
will be __________. (1) September(2) October(3) November (4) December 月份 35.9% 21. My mom often says, “Get up early, _________ you won’t be late.” (1) or(2) and(3) but(4) because 連接詞 35.4%

16 單題式選擇 23. Mr. White is busy a novel now, be busy + Ving
so he can’t answer the phone. (1) writing(2) write(3) to write(4) wrote be busy + Ving 24. Wendy has to go to work every day, but her sisters (1) doesn’t(2) haven’t(3) don’t(4) hasn’t 助動詞, 一般動詞 38.4 % 25.4 %

17 單題式選擇 19.9 % 28.6% 28. (On the phone) Mom: How is the weather there?
Son: a lot of rain here. (1) It is (2) There are(3) We have (4) They have 天氣 29. Mark’s mother asks him too much time playing computer games. (1) not to spend(2) not spend(3) not spending (4) doesn’t spend 不定詞的否定 28.6%

18 試題題型分配 第三部分:整段式克漏字題組 題號 測驗焦點 題數 題號 31-35 動詞時式 5 題號 36-40 會話應用

19 整段式克漏字 Global Warming Did you see the movie “2012”? This movie made a lot of people think of the place we live in. Although 2012 was just a movie, global warming in our real life. The report says the weather a lot last two years and the earthquakes were very strong. Many terrible earthquakes happened. Also, the ice caps are melting fast. A lot of places in the world the problem of rising sea levels in the future, and there no place for polar bears to live because of global warming. We need to save our earth before the big trouble The movie, 2012, teaches us many thing. global warming 全球暖化 earthquake 地震 melt 融化 rising sea levels 海平面上升 polar bear 北極熊

20 37.2% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to happen (2)happening (3) happen
(4) is happening 2. (1) changed (2) will change (3)changes (4)changing 3. (1)faces (2) are going to face (3)face (4) Is facing 4. (1) will be (2) has (3) will have (4)are 5. (1) come (2) comes (3) will come (4) came

21 試題題型分配 第四部份:閱讀理解選擇題 題號 測驗焦點 題數 看圖表回答問題 對話理解 文章段落理解 題號 41-43 3 題號 44-46
題號 47-50 文章段落理解 4 59.1% 51.5%

22 閱讀理解選擇題 40.6% Dear Mom & Dad, July 12, 2010
Today is the third day of my bicycle trip. But I miss you both and little Sean very much. However, Linda and I will keep going and finish the rest seven days. This morning we started from Hualien city at 7:00 a.m. We planned to ride to Chenggong before 6:00 p.m. Now we are taking a lunch break at a small harbor called Shitiping. The seafood in the restaurant was fresh and delicious. We ordered seafood noodles and shared one fish. But I spent too much money on this meal! I can only spend NT$250 on food each day. Lunch cost me NT$150. Breakfast cost me NT$45. I think I’ll just have something small tonight, or I won’t have enough money to finish the trip. I took pictures of some beautiful places and some friendly people. I will tell you about the stories of every picture. OK. We need to start now. I’ll write to you again soon. Bye Love, Anna

23 (1) One.(2) Two.(3) Three. (4) Four. 48. How long is the bicycle trip?
47. How many people are taking this bicycle trip? (1) One.(2) Two.(3) Three. (4) Four. 48. How long is the bicycle trip? (1) Three days.(2) Seven days.(3) Ten days. (4) Eleven days. 49. How much money can Anna spend on dinner tonight? (1) Forty-five dollars.(2) Fifty-five dollars. (3) One hundred and fifty dollars.(4) Two hundred and fifty dollars. 50. Which one is TRUE? (1) They will stay in Shitiping tonight.(2) Anna didn’t bring her camera.(3) They will arrive home on July nineteenth. (4) food in the restaurant was not good.

24 基本能力檢核成績查詢 花蓮縣教育處 校務行政 校務行政成績系統 校務系統公告與下載
註冊學籍--下載 註冊學籍程式

25 試題分析、補救教學建議 逐題逐選項進行診斷分析 依據診斷分析提供補救教學建議 教學活動、遊戲 教學重點 教學情境應用 教學資源分享

26 The End

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