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嵌入式作業系統實作 Implementation of Embedded Operating Systems

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1 嵌入式作業系統實作 Implementation of Embedded Operating Systems

2 12:25 /42

3 Rules in Class Be on time for class, deliverable, … No food but water.
No nap but rest. Ask questions in>between>after classes. Do participate. 12:25 /42

4 百分數 等第 定義 90-100(95) A+ All goals achieved beyond expectation 所有目標皆達成且超越期望 85-89(87) A All goals achieved 所有目標皆達成 80-84(82) A- All goals achieved, but need some polish 所有目標皆達成,但需一些精進 77-79(78) B+ Some goals well achieved 達成部分目標,且品質佳 73-76(75) B Some goals adequately achieved 達成部分目標,但品質普通 70-72(71) B- Some goals achieved with minor flaws 達成部分目標,但有些缺失 67-69(68) C+ Minimum goals achieved 達成最低目標 63-66(65) C Minimum goals achieved with minor flaws 達成最低目標,但有些缺失 60-62(61) C- Minimum goals achieved with major flaws 達成最低目標但有重大缺失 <59(含) F No goals achieved 所有目標皆未達成 12:25 /42

5 市值 2013/06/30 Application Software System Software Hardware
台積電 1307x6.12 訊連 5x 系微 1x (20.7 億台幣) 鴻海 x1.95 趨勢 61x 聯發科 213x1.00 宏達電 華碩 廣達 99x 99x 119x Adobe x Citrix x0.77 Intel x8.18 Semantec 227x Vmware 416x1.95 TI x2.62 Microsoft 4181x19.59 ARM x1.15 Google x19.83 IBM x14.39 Apple x25.27 12:25 /42

6 市值 2013/10/08 Application Software System Software Hardware
台積電 1342x5.27 訊連 4x 系微 1x (20.1 億台幣) 鴻海 x1.93 趨勢 77x 聯發科 255x1.00 宏達電 華碩 廣達 57x 88x 124x Adobe x Citrix x0.76 Intel x6.54 Semantec 254x Vmware 508x1.99 TI x2.52 Microsoft 4067x15.95 ARM x1.26 Google x16.58 IBM x11.47 Apple x25.48 12:25 /42

7 市值 2015/03/02 Application Software System Software Hardware
台積電 2120x5.15 訊連 5x 系微 1x (18.2 億台幣) 鴻海 x1.72 趨勢 82x 聯發科 411x1.00 PC Home 17x 宏達電 華碩 廣達 68x 132x 169x Adobe x Citrix x0.43 Intel x6.61 Semantec 297x Vmware 628x1.53 TI x2.59 Microsoft 6213x15.10 ARM x1.05 Google x15.96 QCOM 2066x5.02 Facebook 3835x IBM x 6.72 Alibaba x Apple x31.41 12:25 /42

8 Outline Introduction to Embedded System Introduction to Embedded OS
uC/OS-II uC/OS-III Xen Linux Container 12:25 /42

9 Introduction to Embedded System
src/northbridge/intel/i855/raminit.c 12:25 /42

10 Preface Window 2000, 30M lines. Netscape Communicator 5, 17M lines.
Linux image files directories lines bytes 2.6.4 1150K 13400 960 5.6M 167M 2.4.25 1177K 11000 670 5M 149M 2.2.26 507K 5100 280 2.5M 75M ThreadX 129K 158 1 29K 1.5M uC/OS-II 55K 13 5.5K 0.4M Tinix’ 0.5K 20 Window 2000, 30M lines. Netscape Communicator 5, 17M lines. A 圍棋 program, 0.01M lines. A SOHO router, 0.6M lines. What is Embedded (Linux/system)? 12:25 /42

11 Tinix’ -“自己動手寫作業系統,” 于淵
org 07c00h ; tell the assembler to load onto 7c00, 0100h for DOS mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax call DispStr ; call string display procedure jmp $ ; infinite loop DispStr: mov ax, BootMessage mov bp, ax ; ES:BP = string address mov cx, 16 ; CX = string length mov ax, 01301h ; AH = 13, AL = 01h mov bx, 000ch ; page number is 0 (BH = 0) black background red character ; (BL = 0Ch, highlight) mov dl, 0 int 10h ; the 10h software interrupt ret BootMessage: db "Hello, OS world!" times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; fill the rest of sector (512 bytes) with 0 dw 0xaa55 ; end of sector AH=13 mode AL=01 write 12:25 /42

12 電子書包與數位學習輔具分工架構圖 數位學習輔具 電子書包平台結構 開發工具 數位學習平台 數位學習輔具 數位學習平台閱讀 程式SCORM
HTML XML 電子書包教學數位內容 電子書包數位內容 開發工具 Physical Serial USB 1394 IrDA Bluetooth 802.11 教師教學應用軟體 同儕群體應用軟體 教學 / 同儕群體 應用軟體開發工具 電子書包教學應用平台 系統軟體開發工具 (SDK) 相容性測試軟體工具(TCK) 電子書包作業系統 (OS / UI / CM) Protocol SyncML 電子書包發展硬體 ICE DDK 12:25 /42

13 Example Ethernet RS485 Ethernet RS485 12:25 /42

14 在嵌入式軟體開發中採用的作業環境 EE Times-Asia, 2006 Dec
12:25 /42

15 在設計專案中採用即時作業系統 EE Times-Asia, 2006 Dec
12:25 /42

16 在韌體開發中採用的語言 EE Times-Asia, 2006 Dec
12:25 /42

17 在嵌入式應用開發中採用的語言 EE Times-Asia, 2006 Dec
12:25 /42

18 不同工具的重要性及工程師滿意程度 12:25 /42

19 嵌入式設計中前10名軟硬體開發工具 Hardware/software Development Tools GNU compilers
Logic analyzers Compilers IDE Oscilloscopes JTAG emulators GNU debuggers Debuggers ICE Networking protocols 12:25 /42

20 12:25 /42

21 Embedded System from Wikipedia
An embedded system is a computer system designed for specific control functions within a larger system, often with real-time computing constraints. 12:25 /42

22 Where to Embedded? IP (Intellectual Property) Chip Module
SOC (System on Chip) small size, low power Chip MCU (Micro Controller Unit), 70% market DSP (Digital Signal Processor) Module General CPU ARM7TDMI Thumb, Debugger, Multiplier, ICE w/o MMU Pipeline, Cache, Bus, … 12:25 /42

23 ARM CPU 12:25 /42

24 What is an Embedded System?
A system designed to perform a specific function, e.g. eBook, PDA, eWatch, … A combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or other parts. Embedded vs. General-Purpose What is a specific function? Is there a limitation? Cost, Robust, Low-power, Small, … Using C + Assembly, Java ? 12:25 /42

25 Real-Time Systems vs. Embedded Systems
RTS ES RTES .Radar .ABS .Calculator 12:25 /42

26 Real-Time Systems Value Time -Value Deadline Soft RTS Hard RTS FirmRTS
12:25 /42

27 Real-Time Systems (RTS)
Proprietary Open Centralized Distributed Firm RTS Soft RTS Hard RTS Embedded 12:25 /42

28 Application vs. Response Time
12:25 /42

29 Embedded System Examples
Computer peripherals Keyboard, Mouse, … Information Appliances Set-Up Boxes, WebTV, … Monitors and Sensors Fire Alarm, Heartbeat Detector, … Controllers in Electronics Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, … Communication Devices Hub, Router, … 12:25 /42

30 Business Issues of ES Time-to-market for new devices
Design to delivery: in weeks Sustained pressure to reduce costs Many proprietary choices yield low-margins Life cycle management New products overlapping each other Positioning nightmares Open platform choices considered risky? Resources expended on “recreating the wheel…” not on product differentiation. 12:25 /42

31 12:25 /42

32 12:25 /42

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34 12:25 /42

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37 12:25 /42

38 ES Technology Issues Need more complex technology integrated for new services broadband, wireless, real-time, low-power, IOT… Multiple emerging standards need to be deployed simultaneously. Product released globally on the same day! Tools, Tools, Tools, … Third party software No one company can do it all anymore Support nightmares Lack of sources from proprietary choices Open sources sound seductive … but risky. 12:25 /42

39 12:25 /42

40 美國Top 4 CTO:大數據即將在五年內消失 -
一般來說我們用3V定義大數據,容量(Volume)、快速(Velocity)與多樣性(Variety),其中我認為最重要的是多樣性,資料不只來自那些傳統管道,有更多來自非傳統管道的非傳統資料產生,我認為價值(Value)是第四個V,人們常常忘了這件事,他們專注於技術,卻忘了創造價值,但這卻是一個大數據計畫能否成功的關鍵:這不只關乎技術,而是你能用技術創造出什麼價值。 12:25 /42

41 大數據發展可以分成三階段: 第一階段是.com時期 第二階段是社交網站 第三階段是物聯網
人們研究log資料,蒐集人們的Cookie和搜尋行為等等,這類分析已經存在很久了,我們不只知道使用者買了什麼東西而已,而是更深層地去分析行為,一筆交易只告訴我價值,但沒有告訴我顧客體驗,大數據想要去分析的是顧客體驗。 第二階段是社交網站 這也是我們現在正在經歷的階段,我們分析Facebook、Twitter、部落格文章...等等等,這可以幫助我們進一步了解顧客行為。 第三階段是物聯網 這是我覺得最有趣的階段,有些企業已經開始分析來自感測器的數據了,在這邊我說的物聯網不只是穿戴式裝置或智慧家庭而已,我說的是機器與機器之間的溝通,這些資料的價值很值得被研究。現在製造業都會訂下一些規矩,例如我們的汽車每半年就要進廠維修,就跟人每年都要去做健康檢查一樣,我認為這是非常過時的想法,一旦我們用感測器去蒐集引擎、汽車和生理數據,我們就可以精確知道何時需要進廠維修或做健康檢查,這就叫做預測性維修(condition based maintenance),這個概念對於促進顧客體驗、效益和健康保險等領域非常重要。 12:25 /42

42 索尼照相機器人底座IPT-DS1 -http://publish. it168. com/2009/0806/20090806048601
價格: 元 發布日期:2009年8月 12:25 /42

43 照相(事)聯網 Success Key? Idea 12:25 /42

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