神與我們同在 “God with us” Matthew 馬太 1:23.

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1 神與我們同在 “God with us” Matthew 馬太 1:23

2 聖誕節第一個讓你想到的是? What’s the First Thing That Pops Into Your Mind When You Think of “Christmas”?
# 1 said it’s a holiday to spend meaningful time with family and friends假期、親友團聚 # 2 said Christmas songs and carols 聖誕歌曲 # 3 said Santa and presents 聖誕老人、禮物 # 4 said Christmas Tree , light 聖誕樹、燈飾 # 5 said it’s the birth of Jesus. 耶穌生日

3 有聖經記載:報佳音Caroling

4 Luke路加2:10-11 那天使對他們說:「不要懼怕!我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的; 因今天在大衛的城裏,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you Good News that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

5 一、天使 Angel (Luke路加2:14) 時間:半夜 Time: Midnight 對象:牧羊人 Object: Shepherd
方式:詩歌讚美 Style: Worship 在至高之處榮耀歸與上帝!在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人!“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

6 二、牧羊人Shepherd (路Luke2:20)
牧羊的人回去了,因所聽見、所看見的一切事,正如 天使向他們所說的,就歸榮耀與上帝,讚美他。The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. 親眼目睹To See 親耳聽見To Hear 心裡感動To Act

7 三、三博士Three wise man 敬畏虔誠to Respect 追求真理to Pursue 預備自己to Prepare
行善榮神to Give

8 CHRISTMAS聖誕節的真正意思 "C" 是基督(Christ)而不是聖誕卡(Card)
"H" 是盼望(Hope)而不是假期(Holiday) "R" 是喜樂(Rejoice)而不是娛樂(Recreation) "I"是道成肉身(Incarnation)而不是懷孕(Impregnate) "S" 是救恩(Salvation)而不是聖誕老人(Santa Claus) "T" 是感恩(Thanksgiving)而不是火雞(Turkey) "M" 是反省(Meditate)而不是物質(Matter) "A" 是敬拜(Adore)而不是活動(Activity) "S" 是分享(Sharing)而不是購物(Shopping)

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