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關係代名詞用法 1.關係代名詞和先行詞的對應 2.如何利用關係代名詞將兩句 簡單句合併成複合句 3.關係代名詞的省略 4.練習題

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Presentation on theme: "關係代名詞用法 1.關係代名詞和先行詞的對應 2.如何利用關係代名詞將兩句 簡單句合併成複合句 3.關係代名詞的省略 4.練習題"— Presentation transcript:

1 關係代名詞用法 1.關係代名詞和先行詞的對應 2.如何利用關係代名詞將兩句 簡單句合併成複合句 3.關係代名詞的省略 4.練習題
  簡單句合併成複合句 3.關係代名詞的省略 4.練習題                作者: 陳友誠

2 關係代名詞和先行詞的對應: 主格 所有格 受格 人 動物 東西 人、動物 事物 格 who whose who(m) which
   格 先行詞 主格 所有格 受格 who whose who(m) 動物 東西 which Of which 人、動物 事物 that x

3 關係代名詞如:who,which,that… 具有代名詞和連接詞 雙重功用
e.g.: The girl who has big eyes is Mary. who 代替先行詞 the girl 並連接 這兩句: The girl is Mary. The girl has big eyes. e.g.: Here is a flower which is very         beautiful. which 代替先詞 a flower 並 連接這兩句: Here is a flower. The flower is beautiful.

4 先行詞不論是人或動、事物都可用that作關係代名詞
e.g.: This is the house which (that) I lived in before. Do you like the cat which (that) has a long tail?

5 如何合併兩個單句 The boys are my students…………………..1
The boys are playing soccer over there…….2 1+2→The boys the boys are playing soccer over there are my students. 第二句的 the boys 和先行詞 the boys 相同,  可用關係代名詞 who 來代替。 Do you like the horse? The horse can run very fast…………..2 1+2→ Do you like the horse the horse can run very fast? that

6 關係代名詞當受格用時可省略 E.g.: The computer game is much fun.……….1
I just played the computer game……..2 1+2→The computer game I just player the computer game is much fun (which) 第二句中受格的the computer game 和合併後的主詞 the computer game 〈先行詞〉相同 ,所以關係代名詞which 可省略。 → The computer game I just played is much fun.

7 介系詞意可以放在關係代名詞前面 Here is a magazine…………………………..1
You are interested in the magazine………2 1+2→Here is a magazine ( which) you are interested in. →Here is a magazine in which you are interested. 這裡的which不可省略,也不可用 that 代替。 This is the room……………………..1 I was born in the room………………2 1+2→This is the room in which I was born.   可寫成 →This is the room where I was born.    關係副詞

8 練習合併句子 1. I like to watch TV programs. The programs are about sports.
→____________________________________________ 2.The boy enjoys playing soccer. The boy is speaking to Helen. 3.Where is the comic book? I bought the comic book last week?

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