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Information Literacy for the Humanities Researcher

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1 Information Literacy for the Humanities Researcher
(A Syllabus Based on Information Habits Research ) 第六組 鄭麗瑩 黃柏健 余芷茵 翁竣霖 秦丞邑 何佳同 洪偉翔

2 Introduction 緒論 需要更多的培訓以使用電子資訊資源 22% Arts and humanities
6% Physical sciences and engineering 8% Medical and biological sciences 不需要更多培訓以使用電子資訊資源 14% Arts and humanities 40% Physical sciences and engineering 24% Medical and biological sciences

3 緒論 以為圖書館員會是最了解受訓者真正需要知道甚麼 那些新的研究生卻會對較資深的同窗如何去找出及使用資源更感興趣.

4 緒論 這篇文章的目的在於去提出一個人文學使用資訊行為的建議以應用在人文學者的資訊能力課程的發展上
Our existing knowledge of user behavior in the humanities can be applied to the development of an information literacy course for humanists

5 緒論 無可避免的著重於如何使用電子資源 不足以忽略印刷性資源在人文學上的永久重要性

6 緒論 Stieg 的研究需要歷史學家的資訊 Citation Study 引用文獻 The user study 使用者研究 *兩者都有缺點
研究者使用資訊的習慣的兩個主要方式: Citation Study 引用文獻 The user study 使用者研究 *兩者都有缺點

7 An Information Literacy Syllabus for the Humanities Researcher

8 人文學者在使用文獻資訊習慣的研究 1. An information literacy course
資訊素養課程的規劃 2. Survey the literature 調查文獻 3. Professional competencies 人文研究者所需的專業能力

9 Three recent works RSLG研究: Research Support Libraries Group
早期郵遞問卷 (2002.6) 英國大學的人文藝術研究者250名 人文與藝術研究者的回覆

10 Three recent works DLF研究: Digital Library Federation 數位圖書館聯盟 訪談和案例研究
伊利諾斯州33所大學人文學者的資訊環境 The DLF Data Set 人文與藝術研究者 樣本包括239位人文藝術研究人員(教師或學生) Digital Library Federation數位圖書館聯盟

11 Disadvantage 缺點 環境: A state of rapid change 一個變化迅速的國家 條件:
Not yet documented in Professional literature 尚未利用專業文獻文件檔為資訊使用習慣的研究者 Full-text collections of digitized secondary journal literature 數位化館藏全文期刊文獻

12 Impact 影響 Constantly monitor How effective researchers use such tools
不斷地掌握全文搜尋的發展 How effective researchers use such tools 研究人員如何有效使用這些工具

13 The proposed syllabus 擬議大綱
General skills 一般技能 Specific formats具體格式 每部分又分為若干章節 每個章節後的學習目標 方便起見,參考文獻在文件結尾後作附錄

14 General Skills 一般技能

15 Understanding How Information is Disseminated in the Discipline

16 --大力強調社會科學的重要性 RSLG研究發現 藝術、地區研究和社會科學 學習目標
    研究人員應建立資訊如何被傳播和儲存 (不論實體或虛擬) 在有關的資料的重要收藏。

17 Identifying Appropriate Bibliographic Tools 確定適當的書目工具 (印刷和電子)

18 調查顯示人文主義學者,最有價值的參考來源是引書和雜誌文章 這不代表人文學者不使用書目工具。
Most surveys show that, for humanists, the most valuable sources of references are the works cited in the books and journal articles that the researcher has already located. This does not mean that scholars make no use of bibliographic tools. Wiberley and Jones found that ‘‘bibliography was most important for scholars when they were investigating unfamiliar primary sources or secondary literature about subjects unfamiliar to them.’’ 調查顯示人文主義學者,最有價值的參考來源是引書和雜誌文章 這不代表人文學者不使用書目工具。 Wiberley 和Jones發現"參考書目是當學者他們被調查不熟悉的主源時最重要的或輔助有關他們不熟悉的主題。

19 人文學者習慣在傳統文學上強調進行限制的文摘和索引期刊主要使用。
The literature on the information habits of humanists has traditionally stressed that scholars make only limited use of major abstracting and indexing journals. She calls for ‘‘some fundamental changes in historians’ attitudes’’ and for librarians to be more active in providing bibliographic instruction for historians. 人文學者習慣在傳統文學上強調進行限制的文摘和索引期刊主要使用。 在Stieg資訊需求的研究中"歷史學家的態度的改變"積極地提供書目以改變非系統性的資訊蒐集,資訊取得。    

20 Massey Burzio found that humanists at Johns Hopkins
University considered that electronic indexing had been a great boon and allowed them to find information more quickly. Indexing and abstracting databases may be more attractive to the humanist than they were in their earlier printed incarnations. In her survey of historians at the State University of New York, Andersen found that in 1996 two- fifths of her sample were using abstracting/indexing databases on the library network at least monthly. 在較早時的印刷版本時期。 Massey Burzio在約翰 · 霍普金斯大學發現人文主義學者在電子索引中讓他們能夠找到更多資訊.資訊索引及文摘資料庫也更有吸引力,

21 Similarly, the RSLG Study found that 56% of respondents
considered bibliographic tools, indexing, and abstracting services to be essential for their research. According to the DLF Data Set,78.4% of researchers were using online abstracts and indexes for their research, and 69% were using print abstracts and indexes. 同樣的安諾生在紐約國家大學的歷史調查,發現在 1996 年25分之2的表示使用圖書館網路上的文摘索引資料庫. RSLG 研究類似,發現 56%的受訪者認為索引的書目工具和服務,必須為他們的研究. DLF 資料集根據的抽象 78.4%的研究人員使用連線的文摘和索引為他們的研究和 69%使用列印文摘和指引

22 The DLF Study reported that ‘‘our data also verify what
previous research has asserted about the age of scholarly resources: older materials continue to be used and valued by humanities scholars.’’ The importance of older materials has considerable significance for the selection of appropriate bibliographic tools. Databases that have extensive retrospective coverage will be of particular use to many researchers. DLF 研究報告的資料,我們還驗證什麼先前的研究已被肯定的學術資源的年齡: 繼續使用和人文學者的老舊資料, 舊資料的重要性有適當的書目工具的選擇相當重要。 資料庫具有廣泛的回顧性報導將很多研究人員特別有用。 在沒有此類資料庫存在,印刷的書目和索引都是研究人員的基本工具。

23 Where no such databases exist, printed bibliographies
and indexes are still essential tools for the researcher. Identifying suitable printed bibliographic tools can be a more difficult task than identifying suitable databases, as the number of printed bibliographic tools on the shelves of a large research library will be vastly greater than the number of electronic databases to which it subscribes. 如果沒有這種資料庫存在,印刷文獻目錄和索引仍然為研究員不可或缺的工具。 如列印的一大研究型圖書館書架上的書目工具的人數將大大超過它所訂閱的電子資料庫的數量,確定合適的印刷書目工具可以是更艱巨的任務,比確定合適的資料庫。

24 Learning Objectives 學習目標

25 研究人員應該能夠確定印刷和電子的適當書目資源。 研究人員應注意為書目資源庫目錄的值的和能夠找到的其他庫通過 Web 目錄。
*Researchers should be able to identify appropriate bibliographic resources, both print and electronic. *Researchers should be aware of the value of library catalogues as a bibliographic resource and be able to locate catalogues of other libraries via the Web. *Researchers should understand the factors which limit the usefulness of a bibliographic resource, such as chronological scope, types and language of resources indexed, currency, methods of indexing. 研究人員應該能夠確定印刷和電子的適當書目資源。 研究人員應注意為書目資源庫目錄的值的和能夠找到的其他庫通過 Web 目錄。 研究人員應瞭解限制一個文獻的資源的作用的因素,如按時間順序排列的範圍、 類型和資源的語言編制索引,時效性,索引方法。

26 Searching Databases Effectively 有效地檢索數據庫

27 As discussed at the beginning of this paper, there is awareness among many humanists that they need to learn more about how to use databases. The DLF Study identified a "disparity among the scholars in searching abilities. Some were quite conscious, or self-conscious, about what they perceived as a lack of searching skills." On the other hand, the authors also "observed the humanists using a variety of sophisticated searching techniques, such as applying the subject headings assigned to a catalog record to locate related works, limiting online searches to fields, or using Boolean combinations." 在討論之前,有很多人文學科的學者認為他們需要學習如何使用資料庫。DLF學者認為“學者之間的搜索能力是有不同的。有些人很自覺,或有自我意識,他們認為自己是缺乏尋找的技巧。”在另一方面,作者通常使用各種先進的搜索技術,如採用主題詞來查找相關的主題,限制網上搜索的範圍,或使用布林檢索。

28 Among the important issues here is the question of search terminology
Among the important issues here is the question of search terminology. Wiberley remarks that much of the terminology used in the humanities is "very imprecise: their definitions are often characterized by change over time or a wide range of meaning, and their referents frequently include a diversity of subjects or objects."(n23) On the other hand, his survey of entry terms used in subject encyclopedias and dictionaries in the humanities revealed that about three-fifths of those terms are names of persons or single creative works. Researchers should understand the problems in choosing search terms and the desirability of using proper nouns as search terms where possible. 其中重要的問題是我們問題搜索的用語。Wiberley認為,大部分使用的用語是“非常不準確:他們的定義通常是隨時間變化或詞的範圍太廣泛,他們的參考指標通常包括一個主題或對象的多樣性。” 另一方面,他的報告顯示出在百科全書和字典內查找有關人文學科的條目,有五分之三的條目都是關於人名或單項的創作品。

29 The choice of controlled vocabulary or natural language in the searching of databases is also important. Walker compared these two search methods in a range of humanities databases and found that controlled vocabulary searching produced more results.(n24) However, her searches using natural language were limited to the title fields of the records in the databases, which probably invalidated her results, as researchers using natural language searching tend to search terms across all fields in the database records. Knapp and others conducted searches for humanities scholars on controlled vocabulary databases, using both controlled vocabulary and free-text terms, and they found that combining both approaches yielded more relevant items and higher recall than either method alone. 選擇控制詞彙或自然語言搜索對資料庫也很重要。比較了這兩個方法,發現在人文資料庫中,用控制詞彙搜索方法,會產生更多的結果。然而,她用自然語言搜索僅限於標題字段,這可能使結果無效,研究者如果使用自然語言這種搜尋法的話,她所搜尋到的結果將會是橫跨資料庫記錄的所有範圍。Knapp和其他人文學科的學者在搜索關於控制詞彙時,同時使用控制詞彙和自由文本,他們發現這兩種方法相結合產生了更多的有關項目和更高的回收率。

30 Citation indexes (like the Arts and Humanities Citation Index) provide an alternative approach to identifying relevant references and one that is not dependent upon the use of subject terms. However, there seem to be mixed opinions among scholars concerning the value of citation indexing in the humanities. Boolean searching is an aspect of database use that should not be overlooked, even if some trainees might regard it as too basic a topic for a postgraduate information skills class. Bates comments on "the difficulty that many, though not all, people with a humanities background have in learning this skill."(n26) Shaw found that some of the graduate students in language and literature whom she observed found Boolean operators "challenging."(n27) 引文索引(如藝術與人文引文索引)提供一種替代方法來確定相關的參考,一個是不依賴於使用的主題詞。不過,有不同的學者對於人文引文索引有不同的意見。 布林檢索在資料庫方面的使用是不容忽視的,即使有些學員可能把它視為研究生的信息技術類的基本課題。Bates對於“困難很多,雖然不是全部,但是人文科學背景的都在學習這種技能”作出的評論。Shaw觀察到一些在語言和文學方面的研究生認為布林檢索“很有挑戰。”

31 Shaw’s study is also of interest for its finding that the
researchers ‘‘generally retrieved and look[ed] through large retrieval sets’’ and ‘‘expected to wade through many citations to find the ones needed.’’ The imprecision of much humanistic vocabulary and the possibilities of serendipitous discovery probably encourage broader, less specific search strategies in the humanities.   Shaw's的研究發現也是研究人員關注的,“一般檢索”和“預期通過許多引用,找到所需要的。”許多不準確人文的詞彙表和偶然發現的可能性或許可以更廣泛地提倡,那麼就少了一些特定的人文搜索策略。

32 Learning Objectives 學習目標

33 Researchers should be able to search databases effectively, particularly with regard to choice of search terms, use of controlled vocabulary (where available), use of Boolean operators, and design of search strategy. 研究人員應該能夠有效地搜索資料庫,特別是關於選擇搜索條件,利用控制詞彙,使用布林檢索和設計搜索策略。

34 Received wisdom has it that, while scientists need to know of the latest research as soon as it is published, humanists are not so concerned about keeping up to date. Thompson conducted a citation analysis of books and journals in a branch of literary studies and found that only 41% of secondary materials cited were published in the preceding 10 years.(n29) However, if recent publications are not as crucial to research in the humanities as they are in the sciences, this does not mean that humanists take little interest in the latest publications of their colleagues. The DLF study reported that the scholars whom they surveyed "value the current journal shelves and the title page services provided by the library."(n30) 現在的智慧就是當科學家知道了最近的發布的調查之後,人類學者就不會去關心那些調查有沒有繼續更新。Thompson利用了書上的引證分析和文學研究的支派的日記,找出只有41%的中學教材中所引用的都已經是10年前的出版。因此,如果最近的刊物關鍵都不在於人文科學的研究,而是在於科學,這樣也不代表人類學者對他們學校最近出版的刊物興趣不大。DLF研究報導他們所調查的學者”珍惜圖書館目前提供給他們的期刊書架和封面的服務。

35 Jones and others reported that historians use a great deal of recently published material and use periodicals most extensively immediately after their publication.(n31) This is confirmed by data from JSTOR, the electronic archive of academic journals, indicating that historians show more preference for recent journal articles than do mathematicians or economists.(n32) Jones和其他人指出那些歷史學家使用了一個解決最近出版教材的方法和在他們刊登之後立即廣泛地利用期刊。那些期刊學者的電子檔案說明了歷史學家比數學家和經濟學家更偏愛刊登文章在期刊上。 Brown conducted a survey of 188 North American music scholars and found that "the sources scholars find most important in their efforts to find out about new research are print-based (e.g., scanning new journals, scanning the new-books shelf or new-books list in the library, or scanning new bibliographies) or based on face-to-face contact with colleagues (e.g., going to conferences or talking with colleagues)."(n33) Brown進行了一項188名北美音樂學者的調查,找出” 資料來源的學者認為最重要的努力是要找出關於新的研究是print-based (例如,在圖書館瀏覽新的期刊,瀏覽新的書籍或者新書的清單,或者瀏覽新的書目)或者面對面的聯絡同事們(例如,和學校開會或直接告訴同事們)

36 Learning Objectives 學習目標  Researchers should be aware of the importance of keeping up to date with new publications and be able to develop strategies for achieving this. 研究者應該知道不斷更新新的出版物的重要性,為實現這些而展開策略。

37 Obtaining Material Not Available Locally 獲得材料不能當地使用
In her survey of historians at the State University of New York, Andersen found that in 1996 half of her sample were placing inter-library loan requests at least once a month. 在她調查的歷史學家在美國紐約州立大學,安德森發現,在1996年,一半的人把她的樣品館際互借要求至少每月一次。

38 The RSLG Study found that 49% of respondents considered inter-library loan services to be essential for their research. The history graduate students surveyed by Delgadillo and Lynch made heavy use of the library’s Inter-Library Loan Department, although most of them complained of delays in obtaining materials. 該RSLG研究發現, 49 %的受訪者認為館際互借服務對其研究作用至為重要。由Delgadillo和Lynch調查得出歷史研究生會大量使用圖書館的館際互借部門,儘管其中多數抱怨資料取得的延誤。

39 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the importance and limitations of inter-library loan services. 研究人員應該了解到館際互借服務的重要性和局限性。

40 Establishing a Network of Contacts 建立一個聯繫網絡
The RSLG Study found that 67% of respondents considered networking with colleagues and attending conferences to be essential for their research and the DLF Study reported that "the 'grapevine,' as one scholar termed it, is crucial for supplying references to recent books or articles that might not yet be indexed or cited." 該RSLG研究發現,百分之六十七的受訪者認為與同事在網路上工作參加會議是不可或缺的研究還有DLF研究指出'grapevine'就像一個學者稱呼他,對於提供參考最近的書籍或文章,可能還沒有被索引或引用。

41 The RSLG Study found that 52% of respondents were making use of discussion lists.
Brockman and others found that the scholars in the DLF Study were using electronic discussion lists to identify other scholars working in the same field. 布羅克曼和其他的學者發現學者們在DLF研究中,使用電子討論清單,以確定其他學者在同一領域工作。 So there is evidence to suggest that discussion lists, if not a major information resource in the humanities, are certainly playing a role in developing networks and helping researchers to keep up to date. 因此,如果不是一個在人文中主要的信息資源,這邊有個對討論名單的建議,當然是發揮作用,發展網絡,並幫助研究人員能夠不斷更新。

42 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should understand the value of informal contacts with other researchers as an information resource. 研究者應該了解和其他研究者的非正式接觸作為一種訊息資源的價值。 Researchers should be able to identify electronic discussion lists and forthcoming conferences, which are relevant to their area of research. 研究者應該要能夠在跟他們有關的研究領域辨認電子討論名單和即將召開的會議。

43 Consulting Library Staff 諮詢圖書館工作人員
"The literature makes it abundantly clear that researchers in the humanities do not see library staff as a major information resource.“ 文獻使它非常清楚,人文研究者沒有看到圖書館工作人員作為一項主要的訊息資源。

44 The RSLG Study found that only 28% of respondents considered that using enquiry and research assistance was essential for their research. 在RSLG研究中發現只有28%的受訪者認為使用查詢和研究援助是不可或缺的研究。 然而調查報告說: “研究人員在社會科學領域的研究和語言和藝術與人文更明顯的比科學領域的同事可能使用研究和諮詢服務的機構的圖書館。顯然地與他們在物理存取的館藏的相關的相對依賴和,藝術案件、人文和區域研究,與多樣性研究材料的物理需要。 “

45 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the value of specialist staff in libraries and other repositories as an information resource. 研究者應該了解圖書館的專門工作人員和其他信息庫作為一種資訊資源的價值。

46 Organizing References Effectively 組織有效的參考文件
The DLF Study of 33 humanists reported that "at least two scholars employed a bibliographic program to manage citations." 三十三位人文學者在DLF研究報告“至少有兩位學者受聘於書目程式去管理引文。 “ The usage of such software among younger researchers is probably considerably higher. 年輕的研究人員使用這種軟件的可能性是相當高的。

47 Programs such as Reference Manager, EndNote, and Procite, which were originally developed for use in the sciences, are now becoming more widely used in the humanities to enable the researcher to organize references and cite them in publications. 程式例如Reference Manager,EndNote和Procite最初開發用於科學,正成為更廣泛地使用在人文,以使研究人員,組織他們參考和引用的出版物。

48 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be able to use personal bibliographic software to organize references. 研究者應該能夠使用個人書目軟件組織作為參考。

49 學術性出版物被發現在美國文學領域作為援引的材料有64%是書。
A survey of U.S. historians placed books as the most heavily used format. 一項調查 美國歷史學家把書籍作為最頻繁使用的格式。 A survey of scholarly publications in the field of American literature found that 64% of materials cited were books. 學術性出版物被發現在美國文學領域作為援引的材料有64%是書。

50 RSLG研究發現,93%的受訪者考慮書籍的基本研究工具。
The RSLG Study found that 93% of respondents considered books as essential research tools. RSLG研究發現,93%的受訪者考慮書籍的基本研究工具。 Because of the importance of primary sources in many disciplines, there is considerable interest in older books. 由於主要來源的在許多學科有其重要性,也有很大的來源在較舊的書籍。 Heinzlill found that of the books cited in a sample of English literary journals, most were more than 10 years old. Heinzkill發現引用英語文學的期刊樣本中,大部分超過10年。

51 Browsing the library shelves is another much used approach to finding useful material.
瀏覽圖書館書架是另一個方法來尋找有用的材料。 In a survey of humanists at the University of Utah, Broadbent found that 57% used browsing as a means of identifying wanted items.(n52) The DLF Study reported that "virtually all of the scholars reported browsing in the library to be of value to them in their work."(n53) 調查中人文主義學者在猶他大學,布羅德發現 57%的人使用瀏覽作為一種查明希望的項目的方法。 直屬員工隊的研究報告說,“幾乎所有的學者在工作時以瀏覽圖書館為主。“

52 There are frequent comments in the literature on the importance of the humanist's personal collection of books and journals as an information resource. 以人為本的個人收藏的書籍和雜誌作為一種信息資源。 For example, the RSLG Study found that 90% of respondents considered their own private collections to be essential for their research.(n54) In her survey of historians at the State University of New York, Andersen found that in 1996 about four-fifths of her sample were purchasing books or journals at least once a month.(n55) Development of a personal book collection is a technique that many researchers clearly consider useful. The development of huge "virtual bookstores" on the Web has made this process considerably easier.例如,RSLG研究發現,90%的受訪者認為自己的私人藏品,在研究是至關重要的。

53 In her survey of historians at the State University of New York, Andersen found that in 1996 about four-fifths of her sample were purchasing books or journals at least once a month.(n55) Development of a personal book collection is a technique that many researchers clearly consider useful. The development of huge "virtual bookstores" on the Web has made this process considerably easier. 在她調查的歷史學家在紐約州立大學,安德森發現,在1996年約五分之四的她的樣本是購買書籍或期刊,至少每月一次。發展個人藏書是一種技術,許多研究人員清楚地認為有用。 開發的巨大的“虛擬書店”在網絡上,使這個過程相當容易。 In the DLF Study, six respondents "cited as an important resource for developing basic bibliographies and for keeping up with new publications."(n56) 在直屬員工隊的研究,六受訪者“引用Amazon.com作為一種重要的資源用於發展基本書目和跟上新的出版物。”

54 湯普森進行了引文分析的書籍和期刊的一個分支,文學研究和發現,出版專著的中學後,1964年, 316個出版商有20個出版了超過半數的引用文獻。
There are frequent comments in the literature on the importance of the humanist's personal collection of books and journals as an information resource. 個人收藏的書籍和雜誌作為一種信息資源。Thompson conducted a citation analysis of books and journals in a branch of literary studies and found that, of secondary monographs published after 1964, 20 of the 316 publishers represented had published more than half of the 2230 works cited. Thompson conducted a citation analysis of books and journals in a branch of literary studies and found that, of secondary monographs published after 1964, 20 of the 316 publishers represented had published more than half of the 2230 works cited.(n57) This illustrates the fact that, in some disciplines, a small group of publishers are responsible for the great majority of scholarly monographs published. 湯普森進行了引文分析的書籍和期刊的一個分支,文學研究和發現,出版專著的中學後,1964年, 316個出版商有20個出版了超過半數的引用文獻。

55 This illustrates the fact that, in some disciplines, a small group of publishers are responsible for the great majority of scholarly monographs published. 這說明在某些學科,一個小組負責出版業者絕大多數的學術專著。 Where this is the case, using alerting services (print or electronic) provided by such publishers can be a useful technique.如果是這種情況下,使用新知通報(印刷版或電子版)提供了這樣的出版商可以成為一個有用的技術。

56 Electronic books still seem to be a little-used resource.’
電子書籍似乎仍然是一個很少使用的資源。 According to the DLF Data Set, only 18.3% of researchers were using e-books for their research.(n58) However, this is a rapidly developing area, and we might expect that future studies will find much higher levels of use of e-books. 據DLF Data Set的數據,只有18.3%的研究人員利用電子圖書為他們的研究。 不過,這是一個迅速發展的領域,我們可以期望未來的研究會發現很多高層次的應用電子書籍。

57 學習目標 Researchers should be aware of suitable bibliographic tools (including library catalogues) for identifying relevant books. 研究人員應該知道合適的書目工具(包括圖書館目錄)為確定且相關的書籍。 Researchers should understand the value of browsing library shelves to locate additional references. 研究人員應了解其價值瀏覽圖書館書架找到更多的參考。

58 Researchers should be aware of the value of an extensive personal collection of books and should identify sources from which to purchase new and second-hand material. 研究人員應該知道廣泛的價值個人收藏的書籍,並應當標明來源,其中以購買新的和二手材料。 Researchers should be aware of major publishers in the discipline and be able to make use of alerting services which they offer. 研究人員應該知道的主要出版商的紀律,並能夠利用它們提供新知通告服務。

59 Journal Articles *20%的受訪者引用過雜誌文章 很大的部分著重於最近的期刊文獻 裡面有40%的期刊文章為最近10年所發表的
*歷史學家最常使用較新穎期刊資料 *在人文學裡面專著的引用還是高於期刊 *在人文學裡,期刊雖然不是主要的工具,但期刊在科學領域中是不可以被忽略的。

60 Journal Articles 期刊論文 Heinzkill surveyed citations in 15 journals in the field of English literature and found that only 20% of those citations were to journal articles.(n59) He also found that there was considerable emphasis on the more recent journal literature: about 40% of the journal articles cited had been published in the previous ten years.(n60) Jones and others surveyed citations in journal articles on English history and found that historians make fewer references to monographs and more to serials than is customary in the humanities.(n61) They also found that historians use periodicals most extensively immediately after their publication.(n62) Heinzkill 調查引用15期刊引文調查在該領域的英文文獻,發現只有20%的人引用期刊文章。 他還發現,最近有相當重視的期刊文獻:約40%的日記文章列舉了刊登在過去10年。 瓊斯等人在接受調查的雜誌文章,歷史學者引用的比人文學者還要更少。 他們發現歷史學家大多是在出版後才使用期刊。

61 Although the journal article is not as important an information resource in the humanities as it is in the sciences, it is a major resource nonetheless. The RSLG Study found that 84% of respondents considered printed refereed journals as essential research tools.(n63)雖然該雜誌的文章是不是作為一個重要的信息資源, 在人文上,因為它是在科學領域,它仍然是一個重要的資源。RSLG的研究發現,84%的受訪者認為印刷審閱的期刊作為重要的研究工具。

62 The DLF Study reported that "most scholars whom we interviewed cited several core journals that they read regularly; most maintain personal subscriptions to a limited number of journals."(n64) The same survey reported that many respondents "browse through both bookshelves and periodical shelves to keep current or gain exposure to new ideas."(n65) It is interesting to note that, as with books, personal collections and browsing the library shelves play a role in locating relevant journal articles.直屬員工隊的研究報告說,“我們採訪了多數學者,大多數保持個人訂閱的期刊數量。” 同一項調查報告說,許多受訪者“瀏覽書架,保持接觸或獲得新的想法。“ Has the increasing availability of journals in electronic form affected the research habits of humanists? 有越來越多的可用性期刊電子正在影響研究習慣,直屬員工隊的研究報告說,“一些學者提到的使用全文資源。”

63 Data from JSTOR, the electronic archive of academic journals, indicate that electronic access to journal articles increases their usage.(n68) This is attributed to added convenience and searchability. JSTOR的數據,電子檔案的學術期刊,表明以電子方式獲取期刊文章增加其用途。這是由於添加方便性可搜索性。

64 If browsing new journal shelves in libraries is a technique which humanists use to keep up to date, we can assume that scanning new journal issues via the Web is beginning to play a similar role, particularly when there are alerting services which will notify users when new issues of specified journals are available. 如果瀏覽貨架上的新雜誌在圖書館是一種技術,它便會使用的人文主義者不斷進步。 我們可以假設,掃描新雜誌的問題通過網絡已開始發揮類似的作用,尤其是當有新知通告服務時,它會通知用戶新問題指明期刊可供選擇。

65 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be aware of suitable bibliographic tools for identifying relevant journal articles.研究人員應該知道合適的書目工具,確定相關的期刊文章。 Researchers should understand the importance of regularly scanning core journals and browsing journal shelves in libraries.研究人員應該了解的重要性定期掃描核心期刊和期刊瀏覽圖書館書架。 Researchers should be aware of relevant collections of e-journals and should understand how to search such collections and how to browse new issues and make use of alerting services.研究人員應該知道的有關藏品的電子期刊,並應了解如何搜索這些信息,以及如何瀏覽新的問題,並利用電子郵件警報服務。

66 Book Reviews書評 As books form such a high proportion of the resources used by humanists, it is not surprising that book reviews should be a major information resource in most humanities disciplines. Garfield pointed out that in 1978, of the 85,000 source items covered by the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, 38,000 were book reviews.(n69) As there is often a considerable time lag between publication of a book and publication of reviews, the prime role of the book review is perhaps not so much to inform scholars of new publications as to provide informed and considered assessment of the content of the works reviewed.     If this is the case, then book reviews continue to be of interest long after they have been published. This is borne out by the findings of a survey of U.S. historians conducted by Stieg.(n70) The respondents to her survey listed book reviews as the third most useful tool used in locating references that they needed for research. For keeping current, they listed book reviews as the second most useful tool. 人文學者使用書籍資源有很高的比例,書評是大多數人文學者的主要訊息來源,1978年,Garfield指出有85000個資源物品被隱藏在藝術及人文學的引論索引裡,其中有38000是書評。而新書出版與書評中間通常都會有一段很長的時間,所以書評的主要作用並不是通知這些學者有新的書出版,而是提供通知與評估作品的內容審查。如果是這樣,當新書出版後書評仍然會受到關注。歷史學家Stieg做了一個研究,研究內容證實了以上的講法。而受訪者對他的調查中列出的書評是作為研究資料時第三種最有用的工具,但為了隨時了解,所以把書評列為第二個種有用的工具。

67 How do researchers locate book reviews
How do researchers locate book reviews? In some disciplines, there are one or more periodicals that specialize in publishing book reviews, but most journals include some book reviews, and researchers presumably locate these by regularly scanning the core journals in their field. Some of the databases and print bibliographic tools which index and abstract journal articles also index book reviews, but it is important to remember that others do not. 要如何研究書評?在某些學科,通常有一個或多個專門從事期刊出版的書評,但在這個領域中,大多數的期刊都會包括書評和研究員的推論。一些書目數據庫和打印工具、索引和雜誌的文章中也有書評,但是要記住,並不是全部都會有。

68 Learning Objectives 學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the value of book reviews as an information resource and understand how to locate reviews of relevant books. 研究人員應該知道的書評作為一種信息資源的價值,了解如何找到有關的書籍。

69 Articles in Books 書的文章 Papers which have been collected into edited monographs are a significant type of information resource in the humanities. Thompson conducted a citation analysis of books and journals in a branch of literary studies and found that 14% of secondary works cited were "book articles."(n71) Cullars analyzed 539 references in philosophy monographs and found that 14.5% were to "articles in books."(n72) 在人文學科之中,論文的主編專著是一個重要類型的信息資源,Thompson進行了的書籍和期刊在文學研究中的引文分析,發現所列舉的作品有14%是書的文章。Cullars分析了539本關於哲學專著,發現14.5%是書的文章。

70 Locating book chapters can present particular bibliographic challenges, as they are not indexed in library catalogues nor in periodical indexes. For this reason, it is desirable to devote special attention to the issues involved in locating information in this format. 找出書籍的章節能帶來特別的書目挑戰,因為這些書籍沒有編入圖書館目錄或期刊索引中,也因為這樣,用這種形式來為資訊定位的議題是值得特別注意的。

71 Learning Objectives 學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the importance of the "book article" as an information resource and of relevant bibliographic tools which list such works. 研究人員應該知道“書的文章”的重要性,而且作為信息資源和有關書目工具,列表等。

72 Theses 論文 Stieg found that the U.S. historians whom she surveyed listed theses and dissertations as the sixth most heavily used format.(n73) According to the DLF Data Set, 76.5% of researchers were using dissertations for their research. Stieg發現她做過調查的美國歷史學家把論文例為第六種最常用的格式,根據收集的數據,76.5%的研究人員利用這種格式來研究論文。

73 It is likely that researchers identify relevant theses from references in works that they have read, or via their networks of contacts with other researchers. Theses are often not included in standard bibliographic tools and researchers may not be aware of the specialist databases that index them. Once identified, they can still be difficult and expensive to access. The development of digital repositories of theses may alleviate these problems in the future. 研究人員從這些作品中引用閱讀,確定相關的論文,或通過網絡與其他研究人員接觸。論文往往是不包括在標準書目工具和研究人員可能不知道的專家數據庫,為它們編制索引。雖然是這樣,他們仍然可以是困難和昂貴地使用。在將來的日子,數位資料庫的發展可以解決這些問題。

74 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the value of theses as an information resource and understand how to identify relevant theses. Researchers should be aware of the problems involved in obtaining copies of theses. 研究人員應該知道論文作為信息資源的價值,了解如何確定相關的論文。 研究人員也應該知道取得論文所涉及的問題。

75 Unpublished Material 未出版資料
The importance of manuscript material necessarily varies from discipline to discipline. Stieg found that the U.S. historians whom she surveyed listed manuscripts as the third most heavily used format.(n75) The RSLG Study found that 50% of respondents considered rare books and manuscripts to be essential for their research.(n76) According to the DLF Data Set, 85% of respondents were using manuscripts and other primary source documents for their research. 重要的手稿材料有很多不同的變化,Stieg發現手稿材料被列為第三種頻繁使用的格式,The RSLG Study發現50%的受訪者認為珍貴的手稿是研究的重要材料,跟據DLF Data Set,有85%的受訪者使用手稿和其他文件的主要來源為他們的研究。

76 The uniqueness of manuscripts makes them particularly difficult to identify and locate. The DLF Study reported that "despite numerous projects under way to post finding aids to special collections on the Web, none of the scholars reported having consulted them. Scholars identified collections through colleagues' suggestions or by making informed guesses as to where collections of relevance might be located and then corresponding with the presumed repository.“ 手稿的獨特性使它們特別難以被認同,The DLF Study報告說“儘管許多計劃正在網路上收集愛滋病資料,沒有一個人文學者的報告提及它們。人文學者通過收集建議或作出通知性的猜測,收集相關的地點及相對應的推定。

77 Learning Objectives學習目標
Researchers should be aware of the value of unpublished material as an information resource and understand the challenges involved in identifying and accessing relevant documents. 研究人員應該知道未公佈的材料作為信息資源的價值,參與並了解確定和獲取相關文件。

78 網路資源 According to the DLF Data Set, about half of respondents reported that at least one quarter of their information needs for research were available online. By 1996 just over a third of her sample had begun to use Web pages. Views on the quality and utility of Web resources vary greatly. The number of Web sites cited in those works was negligible

79 網路資源 Learning Objectives
While the Web is being widely used to access bibliographic databases and full-text collections of e-journals and e-books, other Web resources are still of limited interest to many researchers. three scholars talked about Voice of the Shuttle as the Web site that provided them with the most valuable links. researchers are simply unaware of the existence of mediated subject gateways. Learning Objectives Researchers should understand how to locate specialist gateways and search engines that may help to identify relevant Web resources.

80 其他格式 Learning Objectives
There are many other formats in which relevant information may appear. The importance of such formats will depend on the discipline and the specific research project. Learning Objectives Researchers should be aware of other formats in which relevant information may appear and should understand how to identify and access such materials.

81 結論 A syllabus such as the one outlined above is only a framework for developing a program which will meet the needs of a specific user group. Teaching is an interactive, dynamic process, and every lesson plan is subject to constant review as a class progresses. There is no simple formula for designing courses appropriate .

82 結論 Many issues remain to be resolved:
how to teach the skills, how to mix face-to-face training with Web-based delivery how to integrate the program into the professional development of the researcher how to assess and evaluate how to obtain the cooperation of academic staff

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