禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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Presentation on theme: "禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm"— Presentation transcript:

1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 震動天地 1/4 3

4 震動天地 2/4 4

5 震動天地 3/4 5

6 震動天地 4/4 6

7 公義聖潔主 神的羔羊 榮耀的君王 萬民都屈膝 在你座前 我們敬拜你
Righteous Holy Lord The Lamb of God, the King of Glory Nations all bow down Before Your throne we cast ev’ry crown

8 Heaven and earth ring with Your glory
我要唱首新歌 我要高聲讚美 天地萬物 宣揚你榮耀 I will bring a new song I will sing a new song Heaven and earth ring with Your glory

9 Heart in my hands lifted to You
我要唱首新歌 我要高聲讚美 熱忱的心 獻上給你 喔 聖潔主 I will bring a new song I will sing a new song Heart in my hands lifted to You O Holy One

10 1. 耶穌 神公義的彰顯 耶穌 神犧牲的救贖 祂是人子 神獨生子 祂國降臨 今得榮耀 今已稱義 祂國降臨
Jesus God’s righteousness revealed The Son of Man, the Son of God, His kingdom comes Jesus redemption’s sacrifice Now glorified, now justified, His kingdom comes

11 祂的國度永遠長存 祂的榮耀無法測度 君王的大能和尊貴 祂的國度已來到
And this kingdom will know no end And its glory shall know no bounds For the majesty and power Of this kingdom’s King has come

12 祂國度掌權 祂統管萬有 祂的國度滿有權柄和能力 耶穌 神公義的彰顯
And this kingdom’s reign And this kingdom’s rule And this kingdom’s power and authority Jesus God’s righteousness revealed

13 2. 耶穌 神慈愛的表明 耶穌 神完全的聖潔 神的恩典 神的話語 向我彰顯 今得榮耀 今已稱義 祂國降臨
Jesus the expression of God’s love The Grace of God, the Word of God reveal to us Jesus God’s holiness displayed Now glorified, now justified, His kingdom comes

14 我以永遠的愛愛你 我以慈愛吸引你 聘你永遠歸我為妻 永以慈愛誠實待你
With an everlasting love, I’ve loved you I’ve drawn you with loving-kindness Betroth you to me forever Betroth you in love and faithfulness

15 哦我願奪得主的心 用我注視的眼睛 我的心如禁閉的井 新陳佳果存留為你 I want the heart of my Lord With my eyes gazing at the Lord My heart is a spring enclosed All choice fruits are for you alone

16 將我放在你的心上 如印記 將我帶在你手臂上 如戳記 Oh Lord Place me like a seal over Your heart Oh Lord Place me like a seal on Your arm

17 你的愛情堅貞 勝過死亡 眾水不能熄滅 不能淹沒 For your love has overcome death Many waters cannot wash love away

18 我賜你肉心代替石心 把律法寫在你心裡 我用水將你洗潔淨 你眾罪惡我全忘記 I replace your stone heart with flesh I’ll put my laws and decrees in you with clean water I will cleanse you all your sins will be forgiven

19 因你鞭傷我的醫治 你受刑罰我的平安 你受咒祖我得祝福 因你流血我得生命 I am healed because of your wounds You bore punishment and I have peace You bear curses and I am blessed You shed your blood and I am alive

20 我們呼求 1/5

21 我們呼求 2/5

22 我們呼求 3/5

23 我們呼求 4/5

24 我們呼求 5/5

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