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Michelangelo Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelangelo Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelangelo Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor雕刻家, architect, poet and engineer. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility多才多艺 in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci. Indeed it was said that a true Renaissance man needed to have all these talents and also to have been a diplomat and that Michelangelo was the only person to have ever embodied these criteria.


3 《摩西》 Moses

4 《拯救耶稣》 At Jesus’ side

5 Lightmatter_Sistine_Chapel_ceiling

6 《末日的审判》

7 《大卫》 David ( )

8 1505年,米开朗基罗被教皇请到罗马工作。朱理二世扬言要把意大利著名艺术家都集中到罗马来,美其名曰“保护”他们,实质上是想利用他们来为他实现宏大的墓葬计划,让米开朗基罗来设计“世界最大的”陵墓,供教皇死后享用。可是这个喜怒无常的教皇在设计陵墓期间,一再更改,否定原先的计划。米开朗基罗忍无可忍,只好毅然离开,逃回佛罗伦萨。教皇动用军事武装直捣中部意大利,使佛罗伦萨政府不得不强迫米开朗基罗回到教皇的身边。忍辱负重的米开朗基罗从1508年起,第二次为教皇设计陵墓计划,不仅作了大量他所不愿意作的壁画,还完成了全部雕像的任务。陵墓工程巨大,雕像颇多。艺术家把多年的抑郁、愤懑和屈辱,全部寄托在这座陵墓的各个雕像上面。其中最有代表性的陵前雕塑,即是这两尊作于1516年的奴隶像。

9 被缚的奴隶 2.15m 垂死的奴隶 2.29m Dying Slave 1513-1516

10 Drafts

11 米开朗基罗语录 1:睡眠是甜蜜的,成了顽石更是幸福,只要世上还有羞耻与罪恶存在着的时候,不见不闻,无知无觉,便是我最大的幸福,不要来惊醒我!
2:终于从大理石的牢狱中解放出来了。 3:最近于浮雕的绘画是最优秀的绘画。 4:烦恼使我受着极大的影响……我一年多没有收到月俸,我和穷困挣扎;我在我的忧患中十分孤独,而且我的忧患是多么多,比艺术使我操心得更厉害!  5:忧郁症是我的欢乐 6:一千次欢乐也抵不上一次痛苦 7:我的肉体归黄土,我的灵魂归天堂,我的金钱归穷人——最后的遗言 8:幸福的精灵,以热烈的爱情,使我垂死衰老的心,保持生命

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