My Faith Has Found a Resting Place

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Presentation on theme: "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place

2 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 1/4
我心所信 確有根基 不是在信條上 乃是靠賴 永活救主 為我代罪受傷 My faith has found a resting place Not in device or creed I trust the ever-living One His wounds for me shall plead My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 1/4

3 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命
副歌 Refrain 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命 I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that He died for me

4 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 2/4
蒙主拯救 我心滿足 除盡恐懼憂疑 我這罪人 來到主前 祂永不會丟棄 Enough for me that Jesus saves This ends my fear and doubt A sinful soul I came to Him He’ll never cast me out My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 2/4

5 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命
副歌 Refrain 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命 I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that He died for me

6 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 3/4
我心堅信 真神的話 全記載在聖經 蒙恩得救 全靠主名 寶血將罪洗淨 My heart is leaning on the Word The living Word of God Salvation by my Savior’s name Salvation through His blood My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 3/4

7 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命
副歌 Refrain 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命 I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that He died for me

8 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 4/4
主是醫生 能醫疾病 更願救人靈魂 主寶貝血 為我流出 甘願為我拾命 My great physician heals the sick The lost He came to save For me His precious blood He shed For me His life He gave My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 4/4

9 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命
副歌 Refrain 我不需要 任何辯證 不需別人求情 耶穌代死 救贖功成 祂曾為我拾命 I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that He died for me

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