LAB 4- Hardware TA: Hu-Hsi Yeh Date: /28

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1 LAB 4- Hardware TA: Hu-Hsi Yeh Date: 2005 3/28

2 Outline How to stop an USB device? BIOS setup
How to use disk partition tool/program? Computer ports recognizing Computer shopping Spring 2005

3 How to stop an USB device?
PS: If there are some software accessing the hardware device, the device can’t stop!! Spring 2005

4 BIOS Setup #1(Basic Input and Output System)
Enter the BIOS setup menu 1. The method depend on the motherboard manufacturer. 2. The BIOS setup menus are not the same to every motherboard. No official format, but basic option is the same 3. Storage, startup configuration, device setup…. 4. Why we need BIOS? BIOS是一種程式,放在主 機板上的記憶體晶片(Flash ROM)裡,用來控制CPU與 各種零件的介面和運作,而且可以採用軟體升級的方式將BIOS升級。 Spring 2005

5 BIOS Setup #2 Spring 2005

6 Windows Disk Tools Disk status Spring 2005

7 Partition Magic Spring 2005

8 Computer ports recognizing #1
Spring 2005

9 Computer ports recognizing #2
Spring 2005

10 Computer ports recognizing #3
Spring 2005

11 North Bridge  (北橋晶片) 主機板上控制處理器與其他所有周邊溝通的晶片組稱為邏輯晶片組(一般簡稱為晶片組),邏輯晶片組一般分為南橋和北橋兩顆,其中最接近處理器的一顆為北橋晶片,遠端的則為南橋晶片。 北橋為處理器提供了記憶體及繪圖加速(AGP)的連結。北橋與處理器之間的通道稱為FSB(前端匯流排),其運作的頻率也就是一般所說的處理器「外頻」。 Spring 2005

12 Computer shopping 用途,預算,廠牌偏好,周邊….. 品牌電腦 vs. 組裝電腦 Spring 2005

13 Computer shopping - motherboard
PCI插槽數,可擴充性, 規格……. 晶片組(Chip Set)控制了整個主機板上各個部位,是由兩片晶片搭配而成,一個叫北橋晶片 (north bridge),另一個為南橋晶片(south bridge),隨著晶片組的搭配不同,南北橋晶片所分擔的工作不一樣,一般而言北橋晶片的工作比南橋晶片還重,而晶片組的好壞決定了整個主機板的支援度,擴充度等,甚至連效能也有影響, 也因為晶片組無法自己更換(因為這牽涉了主機板的設計),所以在選購主機板時晶片組也要注意一下。 Spring 2005

14 Computer shopping – CPU Memory….
Intel vs. AMD (depend on motherboard) Memory SDRAM , DDR…… (depend on motherboard) HD capacity, SCSI vs. SATA vs. IDE (depend on MB,SCSI need the SICI card) LCD 最大解析度, 反應時間….個人觀感 Graph card GPU, Graph memory, perform…. other DVD-burner, sound card, 5.1 speaker…. Spring 2005

15 Computer shopping - information
PTT Tom's hardware PCDVD 光華商場 高雄 速易電腦 名人電腦 Spring 2005

16 The End Thank you for yours appendance. Spring 2005

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