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ACM電腦相關領域全文資料庫 Presentation by iGroup Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "ACM電腦相關領域全文資料庫 Presentation by iGroup Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACM電腦相關領域全文資料庫 Presentation by iGroup Taiwan

2 機構專頁 (Institutional Profile) 資料庫使用功能_檢索 (Quick Search + Refine)
> 課程大綱 資料庫簡介 資料庫使用功能_瀏覽 作者專頁(Author Profile) 機構專頁 (Institutional Profile) 資料庫使用功能_檢索 (Quick Search + Refine) 資料庫使用功能_檢索 (Advanced Search ) 個人化功能 Computing Reviews搭配使用

3 ACM 為一非營利的學會,著重在推廣電腦科學作為一門科學和專業
Introduction ACM Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature The Association for Computing Machinery, a non-profit organization, is the world’s leading educational and scientific computing society with over 96,000 researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from over 190 countries covering virtually every major area of computing, including such areas as computer security, computer graphics, information retrieval, communications, mobile computing, data mining, and software engineering. In total, over 40 of the most important areas within computing are covered by ACM’s various publications and conferences, workshops, symposia, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).In addition to its role as the largest computing society, ACM is the premier publisher in the field, publishing over20,000 new articles annually across a broad spectrum ofscholarly journals, conference proceedings, magazines,news letters, Web sites, and multimedia titles. ACM continues to innovate by launching new online initiatives and publications in close collaboration with the most important voices in the field from academia, government and industry,and all of this content is made available through a single onlined istribution platform: the ACM Digital Library. 95k members from over 190 countries around the world Main activities include: publishing scholarly information, journals, books, magazines, newsletters and electronic dbs Leading conference organizer in the field of computing with over 150 conferences annually ACM 為一非營利的學會,著重在推廣電腦科學作為一門科學和專業 Next 3

4 96,000 Members 成立於1947年,目前約有96,000 位個人會員,來自全球 190 個國家 Introduction ACM
Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature 96,000 Members The ACM The Association for Computing Machinery, a non-profit organization, is the world’s leading educational and scientific computing society with over 96,000 researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from over 190 countries covering virtually every major area of computing, including such areas as computer security, computer graphics, information retrieval, communications, mobile computing, data mining, and software engineering. In total, over 40 of the most important areas within computing are covered by ACM’s various publications and conferences, workshops, symposia, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).In addition to its role as the largest computing society, ACM is the premier publisher in the field, publishing over20,000 new articles annually across a broad spectrum ofscholarly journals, conference proceedings, magazines,news letters, Web sites, and multimedia titles. ACM continues to innovate by launching new online initiatives and publications in close collaboration with the most important voices in the field from academia, government and industry,and all of this content is made available through a single onlined istribution platform: the ACM Digital Library. 96k members from over 190 countries around the world Main activities include: publishing scholarly information, journals, books, magazines, newsletters and electronic dbs Leading conference organizer in the field of computing with over 150 conferences annually 成立於1947年,目前約有96,000 位個人會員,來自全球 190 個國家 Next 4

5 Introduction ACM Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature The ACM The Association for Computing Machinery, a non-profit organization, is the world’s leading educational and scientific computing society with over 96,000 researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from over 190 countries covering virtually every major area of computing, including such areas as computer security, computer graphics, information retrieval, communications, mobile computing, data mining, and software engineering. In total, over 40 of the most important areas within computing are covered by ACM’s various publications and conferences, workshops, symposia, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).In addition to its role as the largest computing society, ACM is the premier publisher in the field, publishing over20,000 new articles annually across a broad spectrum ofscholarly journals, conference proceedings, magazines,news letters, Web sites, and multimedia titles. ACM continues to innovate by launching new online initiatives and publications in close collaboration with the most important voices in the field from academia, government and industry,and all of this content is made available through a single onlined istribution platform: the ACM Digital Library. Leading conference organizer in the field of computing with over 150 conferences annually. Magazines Journals Proceedings 主要的活動包括出版學術出版品,如 journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters and electronic databases Next 5

6 在電腦科學領域重要研討會的主辦者 每年約舉辦 170 場研討會 Introduction ACM Digital Library
Guide to Computing Literature Conferences Workshops Symposia Similar treatment as previous sides – show logos but try to give some insigyt as to what goes on there, try to show depth of value 在電腦科學領域重要研討會的主辦者 每年約舉辦 170 場研討會 Next 6

7 Introduction ACM Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature 5% Magazines 17% Newsletters 68% 10% Journals Proceedings The ACM DL contains the largest and most complete full-text archive of articles on computing available today, consisting of: ACM Digital Library 是一全文資料庫,收錄ACM的出版品,包括: 期刊, 會議錄, 雜誌, SIG newsletters, 和多媒體檔案, 及相關出版社的共同出版品 Next 7

8 9 Magazines (including the flagship Communications of the ACM)
Introduction ACM Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature 40+ 高影響指數的期刊 9 Magazines (including the flagship Communications of the ACM) 1000+ Conference Proceedings Titles 36 Special Interest Groups contributing content 800+ 多媒體檔案, 包含 audio, video, animations, and more. 2.0+ 百萬頁全文 每年新增 20,000 篇文章 Next

9 Introduction ACM Digital Library Guide to Computing Literature The Guide 收錄電腦科學領域文獻的書目引用和摘要資料(非全文),包含來自3,000多個出版社出版的書籍、期刊、會議論文、博碩士論文、技術報告

10 首頁 單位名稱

11 瀏覽期刊


13 點選姓名連結至Author Profile

14 Author Profile

15 點選姓名連結至Author Profile

16 點選單位名稱連結 Institutional Profile

17 Institutional Profile


19 按冊別瀏覽


21 瀏覽會議錄

22 瀏覽會議錄

23 瀏覽最新/即將舉辦的研討會

24 瀏覽SIG 焦點團體

25 點選連結至該焦點團體的網站

26 Quick Search + Refine 建議使用者在查詢ACM Digital Library資料,可使用Quick Search + Refine功能

27 以iphone為例

28 檢索結果 Refine by 關鍵字 / 人物 / 出版項 / 研討會

29 Refine By People 之單位

30 Refine By Publications之內容型態

31 Advanced Search

32 Advanced Search 作者 編輯者 評論者 搜尋在摘要、文章標題、評論中的關鍵字, 公司名或學校名稱 關鍵字搜尋

33 Advanced Search 出版社、出版日期、出版型式 研討會舉辦時間地點、贊助組織 特殊文章編號 文章主題分類

34 建立個人帳號流程步驟

35 尚未有個人帳號者,於此輸入e-mail 開始註冊程序

36 帳號是系統自動產生,使用者會收到一封認證信,您也可以之後再更改帳號

37 系統會於此顯示您的帳號資訊 已註冊完成,請至信箱收取認證信

38 請點選e-mail認證信中的連結,完成註冊程序

39 已完成註冊程序,可開始使用個人帳密登入

40 輸入剛註冊的帳號密碼登入

41 我的個人書夾,使用者可將文章儲存至書夾中,點選 My Binders 即可查看之前存入的文章
登入後系統會顯示您的帳號名稱,若使用完畢,請按下sign out 登出

42 命名書夾 於瀏覽文章時,個人帳號可以 1.設定 alert 2. 將文章存取至個人書夾中 點選 ,當該本刊物有新的一期出版時,會寄發 通知信給您 點選 Save to Binder 將該篇文章存取至您的個人書夾中 可存取個人對文章的註記、心得

43 點選 My Binder 可進入個人書夾查看已存取的文章,並可選擇刪除已存的書夾/文章,或重新編輯註解

44 並且也可以將書夾和他人共享,前提是雙方都要有註冊ACM 個人帳號


46 接收好友分享的文章的方式 當對方已對您送出分享書夾的邀請,您登入帳號後即可看到此加入的選項


48 當你接受對方的邀請後,即可看到對方的書夾中存取的文章資訊

49 與 Computing Reviews搭配使用 路徑一

50 路徑二: Refine By People _Reviewers

51 點選後的頁面,再點選Reviews標籤

52 網頁自動連結開啟CR的頁面

53 Thank you for your attention

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