是这份爱 Is this love.

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Presentation on theme: "是这份爱 Is this love."— Presentation transcript:

1 是这份爱 Is this love

2 是这份爱,主你走向十架 Is this love, Oh Lord, you walk toward the cross 是这份情,主你甘愿舍命 Is this love, Oh Lord, you’re willing to give up your life 是这份爱,主你默然无怨 Is this love, Oh Lord, you remain silent without grudge 是这份情,主你爱我到底 Is this love, Oh Lord, you will love me till the end

3 主你爱拯救了我 Oh lord, your love has delivered me 救我脱离罪恶 Delivered me from evil 带领我进入光明中 Led me into the light 享受主丰盛的生命 So that I can enjoy the abundant life

4 是这份爱,你翻山越岭 Is this love, Oh Lord, you go across the mountains 是这份情,主你门外等候 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are waiting at the door 是这份爱,主你深情呼喊 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are calling affectionately 我的佳偶,起来与我同去 Oh my love, arise and go with me

5 冬天雨水已止住 The winter rain has stopped 地上百花开放 Flowers are in full bloom on ground 深愿我佳偶能相随 Wishing that my love will follow 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

6 是你是你,轻轻耳边呼唤 Is you who calls softly in my ears 是你是你,擦干脸庞泪水 Is you who wipes away my tears 是你是你,医治破碎心灵 Is you who heals my broken soul 是你的爱,我愿奉献一生 Is your love, I would like to dedicate to my life

7 主你爱温暖我心 Oh lord, your love has warmed my heart 恩典一生相随 Your grace follows my whole life 惟愿我紧跟主脚步 Wishing that I will follow closely your footsteps 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

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