外事英语 主讲:陈蔼琦 2019/2/17.

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1 外事英语 主讲:陈蔼琦 2019/2/17

2 Unit 1: Reception

3 Objects 1 Learn about receiving people at the airport/ hotel/ company 2 Learn about addressing people in Chinese and Western cultures 3 Learn about arranging initial meetings

4 Contents Contents Ⅰ.Lead-in Ⅱ.Situational Dialogs Ⅲ.Reading
Ⅴ.Comprehensive Activities Ⅳ.Practical Writing Contents

5 Lead in Watch a video:迎送接待礼仪(5’56)

6 Ⅱ. Situational Dialogs Dialog One: Meeting your guest at the airport Dialog Two: Helping your guest to check in

7 Meeting your guest at the airport
Situation: You are the Sales Manager of Fun Toy Manufacture Company. You are supposed to pick up Ms. Alexander, President of Smith Toy Retail Company in Britain at the airport at 3:00 PM in Mar. 1st.

8 Meeting your guest at the airport
Task: 1.what preparation you should make before you go to the airport to meet your guest? 2.what you should do on the day you pick up your guest? 3. what to talk when you meet your guest at the airport? 4. what to talk when you and your guest are on the way to the hotel?

9 preparation 1.客人的姓名、性别、年龄、国度、同行人数 2.客人乘坐的交通工具 3.客人到达的具体时间 4.客人来访的天数 5.客人下榻的地方(提前预订) 6.预约接送客人的车(打的除外) 7.制作接站卡

10 What to do on that day 1.确认客人乘坐的交通工具达到的时间 2.提前半小时达到目的地接站 3.提前达到后,询问前台交通工具达到的确切时间 4.在乘客出口处,站在显眼的地方,高举接站卡 5.引领客人回酒店

11 Tips for meeting people at the airport
1.确认是否接对人 2.进行自我介绍 3.询问旅途是否愉快 4.提醒行李是否拿齐 5.提供帮助 6.离开机场

12 What to talk on the way to hotel
1.表示欢迎 2.介绍周围的环境 3.介绍沿途的风景 4.简单扼要介绍将要入住的酒店 5.简单介绍酒店附近的旅游景点等 ……

13 Role play Task 1: Make a dialog with your partner about meeting people at the airport (P4) Task 2: Present your dialog Task 3: Comment on your dialog

14 Helping your guest to check in
Situation: After you receive Ms. Alexander from the airport, you take Ms. Alexander to the hotel you’ve made a reservation for her and help her to settle down.

15 Helping your guest to check in
Task: 1. what to say when checking in at the hotel?

16 Tips for helping guest check in
酒店服务台的人: 1.打招呼 2.查找预订情况 3.核实预订资料 4.签名、拿钥匙入住 5.简单提醒客人酒店的便民服务

17 Role play Task 1: Make a dialog with your partner about checking in at the hotel (P6) Task 2: Present your dialog Task 3: Comment on your dialog

18 Ways to address people in Western and Chinese Culture
Formal Informal Western Chinese Mr. Zhang 张先生 David (elder) 老张(年长的) Ms. Liu 刘女士 Mark (younger) 小张(年老的) Professor Zhang 张教授 Manager Liu 刘经理

19 How to arrange an effective meeting
1.watch a video: 女士着装礼仪 2. watch a video: 访客接待礼仪

20 Seat arrangement 1.watch video about seat arrangement 2.finish task 2 in P9 3.check it with your partner

21 Serve drinks 1. role play: ask some students to serve tea to guests 2. the whole class make comments on it 3. watch video about serving drinks

22 Exchange name cards and shake hands
1. role play: ask students to exchange name cards and shake hands 2. make comments to each other 3. watch video about exchanging name cards and shaking hands

23 How to arrange an effective meeting?
1. read the passage in P6 and finish Task 1 in P8 2. check the answer

24 Taboos and Etiquette In western culture, do not stand too close to people in a conversation, otherwise they may feel offended and not comfortable. When meeting each other for the first time, men always shake hands firmly. Women shake hands too, but some prefer only verbal greeting.

25 Taboos and Etiquette In greeting, “How are you?” and “How are you doing?” are more greetings than real questions when English speakers ask you. So, the accepted response is usually “Fine, thank you. How are you?” even if you are not feeling very well.

26 Ⅳ. Practical Writing 1. Learn about the notes on how to write a confirmation letter. 2. Learn about the sample of a confirmation letter. 3. Practice writing a confirmation letter in P10

27 Notes about a confirmation letter
Definition A confirmation letter is… How to write Tell why you are writing it. Repeat details of the arrangements or agreements. Express your wish to get confirmation from the receiver. Points should be kept in mind Be accurate. Double check. Be brief and businesslike. Send the letter within a few days after receiving the original letter.

28 Ⅴ. Comprehensive Activities
1. Work in pairs to introduce the hotel to your guest when you’re on the way to the hotel in P12. 2. Write a report on the procedure of receiving guests.

29 Thank You ! 2019/2/17

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