中国煤炭信息的收集和整理 国家统计局能源统计司 2012年9月.

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1 中国煤炭信息的收集和整理 国家统计局能源统计司 2012年9月

2 Collection and Disposal of Coal Information in China
Energy Statistics Department National Bureau of Statistics of China September 2012

3 基本情况 中国煤炭信息的主要内容 中国煤炭数据的收集 中国煤炭数据的整理和发布

4 Basic Information Main contents of coal information in China
Collection of coal data in China Disposal and dissemination of coal data in China

5 一、中国的煤炭信息的主要内容

6 1. Main contents of coal information in China
Production information International trade information Transportation, sales and inventory information Consumption (demand) information Price information Coal balance sheet

7 二 ﹑煤炭数据的收集 煤炭的生产信息 中国的煤炭产量,是由工业企业产品产量调查取得的。调查每月进行一次,调查范围是全部规模以上工业企业(年销售收入在2000万元以上的工业企业,简称“限额以上”)。 数据采集的方法是数据联网直报。 另外,为获取全部煤炭生产信息,确定全部煤炭产量,对规模以下工业企业煤炭产量每年进行一次调查。

8 2. Collection of coal data 1). Coal production information
The coal output in China is obtained from the survey to the products of industrial enterprises. The survey is conducted once for every month, covering all the industrial enterprises above designated size(the industrial enterprise with annual sales revenue above 20 million RMB, for short“above designated size”). The method of data collection is online direct reporting. In addition, to gain all the coal production information and determine the whole output of the coal, a survey is conducted to the coal output of small industrial enterprises once a year.

9 2. 煤炭的国际贸易信息 主要是煤炭的进口量、出口量以及金额。这项调查每月一次,由中国海关总署承担,其统计范围和指标由中国海关总署负责规定和说明;国家统计局月后20日左右可以获得这方面的信息。

10 2). International trade information on coal
Mainly refers to the import, export and amount of money of coal. This survey, conducted once a month, is undertaken by General Administration of Customs. The statistical scope and indicators are specified and illustrated by General Administration of Customs; NBS can obtain the information around 20 days after the month.

11 3. 煤炭的运、销、存信息 一是煤炭生产企业的煤炭销售与库存(产成品库存),它是由工业企业产品生产、销售与库存调查取得的,每个季度调查一次,还有煤炭消费企业的库存,每月调查一次,调查范围与产品产量调查相同,即为“限额以上”,数据采集方式也是通过数据联网直报。

12 3). Information on transportation, sales and inventory of coal
Firstly, the sales and inventory of coal by coal producing enterprises(manufactured inventory ),which are obtained from the quarterly survey on products production, sales and inventory of industrial enterprises. The survey to the inventory of coal consumption enterprises is conducted once a month, with the scope same as that of product output, i.e. “above designated size”, and the data collection method is online direct reporting.

13 二是煤炭运销协会调查的煤炭销售统计信息,每个季度调查一次,调查范围是重点煤炭生产和销售企业,信息的获取主要是从各地区煤炭管理部门汇总上报。

14 Secondly, the coal sales statistics obtained from Coal Transportation and Sale Association by quarterly survey. The survey covers key coal producing and sales enterprises. The information is mainly summarized and submitted by coal management departments at various levels.

15 三是煤炭运输统计信息:分别从铁道部、交通部按月负责统计的铁路货运量和港口吞吐量数据中取得。

16 Thirdly, the coal transportation statistics:separately obtained from the monthly data on railway freight and port throughput submitted by Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Communications.

17 4. 煤炭的消费(需求)信息 首先,中国直接调查的煤炭消费信息主要是集中在消费占95%的工业部门,由工业企业主要能源购进、消费和库存调查取得,每月调查一次,调查范围是“限额以上”工业企业,大约有33万家。数据采集的方式是数据联网直报。

18 4). Information on coal consumption (demand)
Firstly, the coal consumption information directly surveyed in China concentrate in the industrial departments with 95% of the consumption. It’s obtained from the monthly survey of main energy purchasing, consumption and inventory of the industrial enterprises, covering around 330,000 industrial enterprises “above designated size” . The method of data collection is online direct reporting.

19 其次,在非工业重点耗能单位进行季度能源消费统计,这一调查的统计范围为年综合能源消费量1万吨及以上的单位, 报送、审核、汇总的方式和方法同工业企业相同。

20 Secondly, for the key non-industrial units, we do the energy consumption survey quarterly. The survey scope is the units with annual comprehensive energy consumption above 10,000 tce. The means and methods of submission, assessment and summarization are same as those of industrial enterprises.

21 另外,还采取不同调查方式对农业生产单位、铁路、公路、港口运输企业、城乡住户进行调查,获取农业、交通、居民生活的消费信息,在此基础上测算未调查到部门或单位的消费数据。

22 In addition, different surveys are also conducted to agricultural production units, railways, highway, port transportation enterprises and urban and rural households, to gain consumption information on agriculture, transportation and residents’ living, and estimate the consumption data of the departments and units haven’t surveyed.

23 5. 煤炭的价格信息 包括煤炭的出厂价格和购进价格指标。 价格信息是由国家统计局专门的价格调查机构,根据抽样调查的方法调查取得的。

24 5). Coal price information
It includes the factory price and purchasing price indicators of coal. The price information is obtained from the sample survey by specific price investigation agency of NBS.

25 6. 煤炭平衡表 它包括在中国的能源平衡表中,从1980年起,每年编制一次,一般在每年的10月后完成。

26 6). Coal balance sheet It is included in the energy balance sheet of China. From 1980, it was compiled once a year, and normally finished after October of the year. The balancing estimation is made according to the compilation methods of energy balance sheet, with the information of coal production, import, export, stock changes, sales, and part of the consumption directly obtained from survey.

27 三 、煤炭数据的整理和发布 根据所有收集到的信息进行整理,编制能源(煤炭)平衡表。
由于上述收集到的煤炭的信息都有各自的统计范围和数据搜集渠道及方式,所以形成口径、范围不同,收集到的时间也不一样,不宜进行月度和季度的综合平衡,只适用于年度,实效性还待提高。 在平衡过程中还面临供应量和消费量差距大的问题。

28 3. Disposal and dissemination of coal data
All the collected information are assorted to compile energy (coal) balance sheet. Since the coal information collected above are from various statistical scopes and data collection channels, with different specifications, scopes and collection time, they are not suitable to conduct monthly and quarterly comprehensive balancing, rather they are simply suit for yearly balancing and their timeliness needs to be raised. During the balancing process, there are problems in big gap between supply and consumption.

29 为解决上述问题我们采取相应方法加强数据评估,保证数据质量,不断提高煤炭平衡表的编制水平:
1、提高数据源头的数据质量 根据企业产品产量、产值、用电量等相关指标与能耗之间的关系,以及库存变化和周转天数审核,以及加工转换企业的能源加工转换效率时间序列审核等,保证了企业的数据质量。

30 To solve the above questions, we need to adopt relevant methods to strengthen data assessment, ensure data quality, and constantly improve the compilation of coal balance sheet: 1) Raising data quality from the source Assessment is made in accordance with the relationship between energy consumption and the industrial products output, production value and electricity consumption; according to the inventory changes and days of turnover; and in accordance with energy transformation efficiency and time series of transformation enterprises, in order to ensure the data quality of the enterprises.

31 2﹒加强煤炭数据的协调性评估:利用各部门、各行业的资料将煤炭消费与主要耗煤产品、主要耗煤行业、煤炭省际间调入调出量、电力消费、煤炭进出口、库存等相关指标进行协调性评估、审核,对全国煤炭产量进行评估,力求从总体上准确把握煤炭消费情况,缩小平衡差。

32 2. Strengthening the coordinated assessment to coal data: applying the information from different departments and industries to conduct coordinated assessments to such indicators as coal consumption and main coal consuming products, main coal consuming industries, moving in or sending out of coal among the provinces, electric consumption, coal import and export, and inventory; and assess the national coal output; in order to accurately grasp the overall coal consumption and reduce balancing gap.

33 3.深入实际调查研究,找准存在问题的原因:对于存在的平衡差的情况,根据实际情况分析、判断存在的客观原因,以被查验。由于中国各地区地理环境、产业结构经济发展水平的不同,受煤质和生产、使用方式的影响,平衡差有时较大也是符合实际的。

34 3). Deepening practical survey and research and finding out the reasons of the problems: to the balancing gap, the objective reasons are analyzed and judged in accordance with the practical situation for assessment. Since different localities differ from each other in geological environment, industrial structure and economic development level, and due to the influence of coal quality, production and usage, it’s practical that sometimes the statistical difference is big.

35 目前刊登有中国煤炭信息的统计信息出版物有《中国统计年鉴》、《中国能源统计年鉴》、《中国统计摘要》等。客观地讲,中国的煤炭统计信息仍需不断丰富, 还需不断加强和完善。

36 At present, the statistical publications with China’s coal information are “China Statistical Yearbook”, “China Energy Statistical Yearbook” and “China Statistical Abstract” . Objectively speaking, China’s coal statistics still needs to be constantly enriched, strengthened and optimized.

37 今后,随着中国经济体制和经济增长方式的转变,实现经济和社会可持续发展的战略方针的实施,对能源统计的需求更加迫切和多样化,对煤炭的统计也是一样。我们也认识到现有的统计制度和方法还需不断改进和完善,应尽量向与国际接轨的方向努力,为此也希望得到有经验的国家和地区,以及国际组织的帮助与支持。

38 In the future, along with the changes in China’s economic system and economic growth mode, and the implementation of the strategic principles of economic and social sustainable growth, the demand to energy statistics will be more urgent and varied, and the demand to coal statistics is the same. We also realized that current statistical institutions and methods still need to be constantly improved and optimized, and we need to try our best to integrate with the international practice. To this end, we expect to gain assistance and support from experienced countries, regions and international organization.

39 谢 谢!

40 Thank You!

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