2015/2016 Admission Information for International Degree Students 104學年度 國際學位生申請資訊 陶孟麟 Mollien Tao 2014.12.21.

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1 2015/2016 Admission Information for International Degree Students 104學年度 國際學位生申請資訊 陶孟麟 Mollien Tao

2 Before Applying How to Apply Entry Requirements 申請資格
Open Programs and quotas 招生系所及名額 Application Information 申請資訊 How to Apply Application Procedure and Important Dates 申請流程及時程表 Required Documents 申請文件 Application System Demonstration 申請系統操作

3 Entry Requirements 申請資格

4 Degree Students at NTU 臺大學位生
Local Student 本地生 Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong & Macau citizens) 僑生及港澳生 *University Entrance for Overseas Chinese Students 海外聯招會 3. Mainland Chinese Student 大陸學生 *PRC passport holders: University Entrance Committee for Mainland Chinese Students 陸生聯招會 4. International Student 國際學生

5 Nationality國籍規定 Check if you're an international student
Foreign Nationality 具外國國籍 (NOT including Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau) Never once held the status of Overseas Chinese Student before and at the point of application 申請時不具僑生身分

6 Do I have ROC Nationality? Nationality Act, Article 2 國籍法第二條
A person shall have the ROC nationality under any of the conditions provided below: 1. His/her father or mother was a citizen of ROC when he/she was born. 出生時父或母為中華民國國民 *民國69年(西元1980年)2月9日(含9日)前出生者,僅以父親為準 2. He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a citizen of ROC at the time of death. 3. He/she was born in the territory of ROC, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless. 4. He/she has undergone the naturalization process.

7 Ministry of Education: Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan 教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法 Article 2 Item 2 第二條第二項 1. An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C. , but does not hold or have had a household registration in Taiwan. 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍

8 Ministry of Education: Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan 教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法 2. An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C. , must have resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years 兼具中華民國國籍者需於申請時已連續居留 海外六年以上 “overseas” : countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau “ reside continuously” : stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year.

9 If you match one of the followings, you are not allowed to apply as an international student
Have applied and obtained a high school degree as an international student in Taiwan. 依外國學生來臺就學辦 法申請來臺就學,以一次為限。於完成申請就學學校 學程後,除申請碩士班以上學程,得逕依各校規定辦 理 Have been expelled from any school in Taiwan due to misconduct, poor academic performance, or conviction under the Criminal Law. 外國學生經入學學校以操行、 學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學 者,不得再依本辦法申請入學

10 Qualifications 學歷規定 Undergraduate programs : High school diploma*
Master programs : Bachelor’s degree PhD programs : Master’s degree 具高中畢業資格者,得申請入學學士班* 具學士學位者,得申請入學碩士班 具碩士學位者,得申請入學博士班 *畢業年級相當於我國高級中等學校二年級之外國同級同類學校畢業生得申請學士學位班,如經錄取,註冊入學後依本校學則規定於畢業前補修至少12學分,但不計入畢業學分數。

11 Questions regarding Eligibility 若對您的申請資格有疑問
Please consult OIA Degree Student Desk directly 請直接至展場國際學位生櫃台諮詢

12 Open Programs and Quotas 招生系所及名額
2015/2016 Application Requirements and Admission quotas for International Degree Students 104學年度系所申請規定及招生名額一覽表 *Applicant can apply for up to 5 departments / graduate institutes. However, you can only choose one to study and enroll in if you receive more than one offer of admission. 簡章P16-25

13 Application Information: OIA Website 申請資訊: 國際處網站
2015/2016 Admissions 104學年度申請資訊 Scholarships 獎學金專區 Study at NTU 就學資訊 簡章P16-25

14 How to Apply 如何申請 Application Procedure 申請流程 Important Dates 申請時程表
First Semester(Sep entry)第一學期(9月入學): 2014/12/ /3/2 *Deadline for Early Action 提前審查: 2015/1/26 Second Semester(Feb entry)第二學期(2月入學): 2015/10/ /16 (PhD only)

15 Required Documents 申請文件
Documents for Eligibility Check 資格審查資料 Academic credentials in Chinese or English 中文或英文之學歷證件 (1) Graduation certificate畢業證書 (2) Full transcript of records 歷年成績單 *including explanation of grading system 包含分數等級說明,若無,請自行註記在成績單上 2. Proof of Nationality 國籍證件 online

16 Required Documents 申請文件
Documents for Academic Review 系所審核資料 Recommendation Letters 推薦信 2. Language Proficiency Certificates 語言能力證明 3. Additional documents 系所另訂之要求資料者

17 Required Documents 申請文件
Other Documents 其他資料 1. Photograph 照片(in JPG format) 2. Payment receipt of application fee 申請費繳費收據 3. Declaration and Authorization Form 具結書暨授權書 4. Financial statement 財力證明書 5. Other materials that benefit the application 其他有利申請之資料

18 Online Application System 線上申請系統

19 Completing application 完成申請
Online application、application fee payment and uploading documents before the deadline 於申請期限內完成線上報名、繳交申請費及電子資料上傳 After completing all above procedures, applicants could download a Confirmation Letter generated by the system 完成申請流程後可由系統產生並列印「申請證明」 Check application results online 線上查詢申請結果: Whether your documents are processed 資料通過與否 Whether your application passed Eligibility Check 資格審查通過與否 Whether you are admitted 錄取與否

20 OIA Contacts for Degree Applications 國際學位生業務承辦人
Undergraduate programs 學士學位 Ms. Lily Hsu 徐慧玲 小姐 Master Programs 碩士學位 Ms. Mollien Tao 陶孟麟 小姐 PhD Programs 博士學位 Ms. Amy Chen 陳盈安 小姐

21 Thank you! 謝謝大家!

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