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ConTech is a leading global ConstructionTech hub

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1 ConTech is a leading global ConstructionTech hub

2 Israeli automotive industry in the past
以色列汽车产业的过去 Let me take you to an historical tour of the Israeli automotive industry, for many years this was the flagship of our industry, the Israeli audience is familiar with this car called Susita, if we will jump few years later, this is how our industry looks like:

3 Israeli automotive industry today
以色列汽车产业的今天 This Mobileye which was aquired by Intel for 14 billion $ and is the flagship of our automotive industry, but, this is not the only one, we have above 500 great startups and technologies, the largest automotive OEM’s and tier 1 coming to Israel to open R&D centers and scouting for technologies. This is our model, we would like to see the same process in construction industry.

4 TLV light rail construction
概览 Overview 以色列建筑行业生态系统 Israel’s Construction industry 60k Apartments/year 公寓/每年 $5Bilion TLV light rail construction 斥资50亿美元的特拉 维夫轻轨建设 more than $25Billion Industry 超过 Ministry of defense 国防部 10% GNP 国内生产总值 Foreign companies 外国公司 Construction is a huge market also in Israel with over 25 B $, 10%GNP, 60,000 apartments a year, light rail in Tel Aviv, foreign companies, some big Chinese players, large infrastructure projects inc airport, new harbor and a largest developer which is th government through ministry of defense. 2 New Harbors 两个港口 New Airport 新机场

5 Construction companies
ConTech 是一个全球领导地位的建筑科技中心 ConTech is a leading global ConstructionTech hub 01 初创公司 Startups Construction companies 建筑公司 02 06 03 The ConTech ecosystem ConTech 生态系统构成 监管机构 Regulatory bodies 投资人 Investors Policy makers 05 政策制定者 We are building an ecosystem which includes: 1. The startups 2. construction companies 3. investors vendors 5. the government. 04 Software vendors 软件商

6 Meet ConTech ConTech合作伙伴 以色列建筑业的中流砥柱 The Partners
The pillars of the Construction Israeli industry The partners in Contech are: The Israeli builders association which represents the construction market, The ministry of housing and construction which gives its added value on representing the regulation aspects and the ministry of housing and construction which specializes and done similar process in the automotive industry, agriculture, digital health and more.

7 « « « Our activities 我们的活动
Building an ecosystem through industry events, demonstration days, hackathons and more 通过行业活动,示范日、创业马拉松来构建一个生态系统。 Incubation program 孵化项目。 Cooperation with industry partners What are we doing? First of all we’re building our ecosystem with industry events, such as meetups, round tables, demo days and more. Second activity Is our incubator, we’re working closely with 6 startups in each batch in order to connect them to the market and connect them to funding, either governmental, industry or venture capital. Third activity is working closely with industry partners from different segments of the industry. 与业内人士合作

8 1 2 3 5 4 Global Partners 全球合作伙伴 Worldwide GCs and developers
总承包商 建筑业的软件服务供应商 材料和建筑方法供应商 Worldwide GCs and developers Software vendors serving the construction industry Materials and building methods providers 5 4 1/ general contractors and developers 2. software corporates such as Autodesk 3. Materials, companies such as cement providers, 4. Machinery providers,, the catrepilarrs and black and deckers of the world, elevator companies and more. 5. Utilities- electricity companies, gas, oil and telco’s 机械公司 (重型机械、动力工具等) 公用事业 (电力, 天然气, 石油, 通讯) Machinery companies (heavy machinery, power tools and more) Utilities (electricity, gas, oil, telco)

9 « « « « Value to partners 为合作伙伴可提供的价值
Extensive experience in Construction and Infrastructure core systems, business needs and identifying pain points 依靠我们在建筑和基础设施核心系统、业务需求和痛点锁定方面的丰富经验 First access to technologies and solutions 第一时间了解技术和解决方案。 Investment opportunities Why partnering with us: We’re connecting you and the startups, bridging the gap, understanding your need and find the right solutions for your pains. You will get to know right startups at the right time. You will get interesting investment opportunities. And you will be positioned as innovative leaders. 有机会投资加入Contech的初创企业 Positioning as innovation leaders 作为创新领袖的市场定位。

10 Technologies 我们的技术 Lets see some examples for our technologies:
First technology is a technology which reorganize the rebars starting from the factory through the transportation and into the site itself. This one is a robotics technology for external plastering, the next technology assist workers in real time in making accurate cement plastering. This technology creates precise mapping and BIM model for infrastructure using drones. Next technology compare between different versions of planning and compares it to the initial contract. This one is an AR/VR technology that shows the differences between reality and plans, this one makes the survey marking using drone. Again robotics for subtractive manufacturing of concrete buildings objects. This one is an IOT technology for tower cranes and the last one is autonomous cranes technology.

11 To discuss partnership opportunities
共寻商机, 创建合作 Please contact me: 请联系: THANK YOU! 谢谢!

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