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The Sino-US Trade & Economic Relations
Business Terms sluggish scapegoat 萧条的 替罪羊 competitive advantage 竞争优势
balance of payments purchasing power to hold down the inflation rate a weakening dollar 萧条的 替罪羊 竞争优势 国际收支 购买力 降低通货膨胀率 日益趋疲的美元
Business Terms 美国国库券 子公司 外部采办/外包 基础设施 资本设备 估值过低的货币 操纵 有活力的 不断急剧下降
U.S. Treasuries Subsidiary outsourcing infrastructure capital equipment undervalued currency to manipulate dynamic to spiral downwards
Business Terms sluggish 缺乏活力的 red ink 赤字 law firm 律师事务所 aggressive
to capture a market trade barrier export-led growth comparative advantage international division of labour 缺乏活力的 赤字 律师事务所 积极进取的 占领市场 贸易壁垒 以出口为导向的增长 比较优势 国际劳动分工
Why we Ought to Be Thanking the Chinese
March 22, 2004
Flirt with to think about or be interested in sth for a short time, but not very seriously玩儿似地想…… I flirted briefly with the idea of emigrating. 我闹着玩似地动过移民的念头。
Bottom line≠底线 the final line on a company's accounting statement that shows profit or loss that the company makes at the end of a given period of time after everything has been calculated." The bottom line for 2001 was pre-tax profit of £ 5 million. 2001年公司财务状况是税前利润500万英镑。
the deciding or crucial factor; the essential point in a discussion or an argument; the most important thing that one must consider or accept; the most important factor that must be accepted, however reluctantly or even you may not like it The bottom line is that we have to increase our sales or take a cut in pay. 关键问题是我们必须增加销售额,否则就得减工资。 If you don't make a profit, you go out of business: that is the bottom line. 如果不盈利,你就会破产,这是必须面对的现实。
How can China avoid the middle income trap?
The finance minister of the People’s Republic of China, Lou Jiwei says China has a 50 per cent chance of falling into the much-dreaded ‘middle income trap’. How can China avoid the middle income trap?
Structure Some see China’s rise as a threat.
Some see China’s ascension as an opportunity. The author sees China’s opening as progress.
Para. 4 一些公司要求通过保护来抵御中国。保护主义,充其量只会给生产商一个有名无实的避风港,一次短暂的喘息机会。而这样做付出的巨大代价是消费者将被迫为商品支付较高的价格。近几十年来,汽车、钢材和纺织品一直是美国备加保护的行业。可是,所有这些行业都一直在走下坡路。未经受过竞争的严峻考验,这些公司缺乏活力,且效率低下。无论如何它们最终将萎缩,随之而来的是我们试图保护的就业机会也将失去。
Para. 17 由于充分发挥其在制造业中低工资的比较优势,中国势必将迫使其他国家将资源转移到他们最擅长的领域去。就美国而言,这通常是指那些高价值的服务、技术和中间产品,即与高薪工作联系在一起的经营活动。
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