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三、水源枯竭 Thank you Chairman. It is indeed my honor to present our study entitled “Regional Sustainable Development in Practice: Incubation of a Community-based.

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Presentation on theme: "三、水源枯竭 Thank you Chairman. It is indeed my honor to present our study entitled “Regional Sustainable Development in Practice: Incubation of a Community-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 三、水源枯竭 Thank you Chairman. It is indeed my honor to present our study entitled “Regional Sustainable Development in Practice: Incubation of a Community-based Constructed Wetland for the Restoration of Natural Purification ”. Our research team includes Prof. Wu, and Prof. Lee with Kun Shan University, and Dr. Lee with Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan County, Taiwan,

2 311日本東北大地震 703死、740失蹤、1040受傷,增加中 福島縣核能一廠第一反應爐爆炸 人民展現高度自制、不慌亂
日本東北地區8.8級地震及引發海嘯 703死、740失蹤、1040受傷,增加中 福島縣核能一廠第一反應爐爆炸 人民展現高度自制、不慌亂 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

3 311日本東北大地震 20113111446日本東北地區8.8級地震及引發海嘯 1999年921集集7.3級大地震
2004年1226南亞9.1級及引發海嘯 2008年512汶川7.8級 2010年112海地7.0級 2010年227智利8.8級 2010年44墨西哥7.2級 2011年222紐西蘭基督城6.3級 2011年311日本8.8級及引發海嘯 1960年522智利9.5級 – 史上最強 每增加1級釋放的能量大約增加32倍 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

4 水源枯竭 水,也許隨處可見, 但因為全球人口大幅成長, 也許我們很快就連一滴水都不剩: 沒有水可以灌溉作物、 沒有水支持工業和城市,
也沒有水可以供給維繫生命的生態系統。 --波斯特爾 (Sandra Postel,美國當代科學家) The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

5 水源枯竭 地球水量:13億8600萬km3 冰河、覆雪:68.7% 河川;湖泊僅佔0.266% 地球上的水,只有不到3%是淡水
The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

6 水源枯竭—全球淡水資源分布 分佈位置 體積(103km3) 百分比 冰河及終年覆雪的地區 24,064 68.70 地下水 10,530
30.06 地表永凍土 300 0.86 淡水湖 91 0.26 土壤含水層 16.5 0.05 大氣層 12.9 0.04 溼地 11.5 0.03 河川 2.12 0.006 生物群 1.12 0.003 總計 35,029.14 100.00 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

7 水源枯竭—2002年全球可用淡水量 地區 大洋洲 2,400 5.6 75,000 0.5 非常高 南美洲 12,030 28.1
逕流總量(km3/y) 可用水量百分比 每人可用水量(m3/c/y) 各區人口百分比 可用水量等級 大洋洲 2,400 5.6 75,000 0.5 非常高 南美洲 12,030 28.1 33,983 5.7 中/北美洲 7,890 18.4 15,907 8.0 非洲 4,050 9.5 4,821 13.5 歐洲 2,900 6.8 3,984 11.7 亞洲 13,510 31.6 3,587 60.6 總計 42,780 100.0 6,882 適中 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

8 水源枯竭—1900-2050年全球需水量(km3/y) 地區 1900 1960 2000 2025 2050 大洋洲 2 15 33 40
47 南美洲 66 182 260 338 中/北美洲 70 410 705 786 856 非洲 41 89 235 337 440 歐洲 38 226 463 559 599 亞洲 414 1,163 2,357 3,254 4,297 總計 579 1,968 3,973 5,235 6,575 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

9 水源枯竭—2000年全球每人每年需水量 地區 需水量(m3/c/y) 大洋洲 1,052 南美洲 530 中/北美洲 1,453 非洲
294 歐洲 635 亞洲 642 總計 656 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

10 水源枯竭—各經濟部門需水量 農業用水: 需水量比例與生活水準成反比 高收入國家約佔40%,低收入國家90% 應協助開發中國家改善灌溉系統
工業用水: 需水量比例與生活水準成正比 高收入國家約佔45%,低收入國家4% 市政建設用水: 高收入國家約佔15%,低收入國家3% 例外國家:澳洲,農業用水70%、工業用水12% 日本,農業用水64%、工業用水17% The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

11 水源枯竭— 年全球各經濟部門需水量 部門 1900 1950 2000 2025 體積 (km3/y) 百分比 農業 513 89 1,080 79 2,605 69 3,189 64 工業 44 8 204 15 776 21 1,170 24 市政建設 22 4 87 6 384 10 607 12 各部門總計 579 1,371 3,765 4,966 蓄水量 11 208 269 總計 1,382 3,973 5,235 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

12 水源枯竭—基本用水需求(l/c/d) 飲用水 5 沐浴 15 廚房 10 衛生設備 20 總計 50 開發中國家平均值: 58 l/c/d
The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

13 水源枯竭— 各國大型水壩排行榜(2000年) 國家 水壩數量 百分比 累積百分比 中國 22,000 46.2 美國 6,575 13.9
60.2 印度 4,291 9.0 69.3 日本 2.675 5.6 74.9 西班牙 1,196 2.5 77.4 加拿大 783 1.7 79.1 南韓 765 1.6 80.7 土耳其 625 1.3 82.0 巴西 594 83.3 法國 569 1.2 84.5 其他 7,372 15.5 100.0 總計 47,455 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

14 水源枯竭— 水壩的用途 用途 防洪 1 13 18 2 3 灌溉 50 11 15 63 19 供水 20 10 49 17 水力發電 6
非洲 北美洲 中南美洲 亞洲 大洋洲 歐洲 防洪 1 13 18 2 3 灌溉 50 11 15 63 19 供水 20 10 49 17 水力發電 6 24 7 33 多功能用途 21 40 26 14 25 其他 4 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

15 水源枯竭—水壩的好處與壞處 好處: 壞處: 可用土地減少,如林地、放牧地、沃土 降低水域生物多樣性 造成陸域生物消失或遷移
阻礙魚群迴流、20%淡水魚瀕臨絕種 水庫淹沒植被釋出溫室氣體 造成國際間水資源分配問題 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

16 水源枯竭— 國際間與水相關的衝突 共享水域 參與衝突國家 衝突原因 阿姆河及錫爾河 水源不足、控制權 多瑙河 控制權 恆河 五大湖 水源污染
烏茲別克、吉爾吉斯、哈薩克 水源不足、控制權 多瑙河 匈亞利、斯洛伐克 控制權 恆河 印度、孟加拉 五大湖 美國、加拿大 水源污染 漢江 南韓、北韓 印度河 印度、巴基斯坦 水源不足 查德湖 奈及利亞、查德、喀麥隆 水域共享 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

17 水源枯竭— 國際間與水相關的衝突(續1) 共享水域 參與衝突國家 衝突原因 維多利亞湖 水域共享 勞卡河 控制權 湄公河 水源不足、控制權
烏干達、肯亞、坦尚尼亞 水域共享 勞卡河 玻利維亞、智利 控制權 湄公河 中、緬、泰、寮、柬、越 水源不足、控制權 橘河 波札那、賴索托、納米比亞、南非 巴拉納河 阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭 萊茵河 法國、德國、荷蘭 水源污染 里約格蘭河 美國、墨西哥 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

18 水源枯竭— 國際間與水相關的衝突(續2) 共享水域 參與衝突國家 衝突原因 撒哈拉蓄水層 水源不足 薩爾溫江、怒江 塞內加爾河 薩默斯河
利比亞、埃及、蘇丹 水源不足 薩爾溫江、怒江 中國、緬甸 塞內加爾河 塞內加爾、茅利塔尼亞 薩默斯河 匈亞利、羅馬尼亞 水源污染 奧卡凡哥河 納米比亞、波札那、安哥拉 尚比西河 尚比亞、辛巴威、莫三比克、南非 水源不足、控制權 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

19 水源枯竭— 各國依賴外水供應的比例 國家 依賴比例(%) 土庫曼 98 敘利亞 80 埃及 97 剛果共和國 77 匈牙利 95 蘇丹
茅利塔尼亞 巴拉圭 70 波札納 94 尼日 68 保加利亞 91 伊拉克 66 烏茲別克 阿爾巴尼亞 53 荷蘭 89 烏拉圭 52 甘比亞 86 德國 51 柬埔寨 82 葡萄牙 48 羅馬尼亞 孟加拉 42 盧森堡 泰國 39 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

20 水源枯竭—2032年全球備感用水壓力人口數(百萬人)
地區 2002 2032 市場至上 永續至上 非洲 172 520 340 亞太地區 1,693 2,910 2,240 歐洲 239 310 80 中美洲 112 140 190 北美洲 124 西亞 74 320 290 總計 2,414 4,450 3,220 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

21 水源枯竭 黃河溼地萎縮,面積超過兩個北京 黃河溼地:沼澤濕地和湖泊溼地佔92% 青海省氣象科研所以衛星遙測圖比對
中時電子報 2008/10/12 黃河溼地:沼澤濕地和湖泊溼地佔92% 青海省氣象科研所以衛星遙測圖比對 萎縮面積達四萬多平方公里,相當北京是面積的兩倍(台灣面積三萬六千平方公里) 萎縮速率: :2300 km2/y :4200 km2/y The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

22 水源枯竭—查德 查德總面積為1,284,000 km2,是世界上第21大的國家
北接利比亞,東接蘇丹,南接中非共和國,西南與喀麥隆、奈及利亞為鄰,西與尼日交界 查德遠離海洋,且國土大部分屬沙漠氣候,所以又被稱為「非洲死亡之心」。 查德的國名源於查德湖,該湖泊在7,000年前的面積有330,000 km2 ,但在21世紀縮減至17,806 km2 查德湖現在是非洲的第二大濕地 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

23 水源枯竭—查德湖 Lake Chad The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

24 水源枯竭—查德湖 Lake Chad 1963 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

25 水源枯竭—查德湖 Lake Chad 1973 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

26 水源枯竭—查德湖 Lake Chad 1987 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

27 水源枯竭—查德湖 Lake Chad 1997 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

28 大地荒蕪 全球土地面積 可耕地 1.5 B ha 11.5% 放牧地 3.4 B ha 26.2% 林地 3.9 B ha 30.0%
Total B ha % 全球生物性可用面積 生物生產性土地面積 B ha % 生物生產性水資源面積 B ha % Total B ha % The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

29 水源枯竭—缺水或缺錢 缺水國家—沙烏地阿拉伯、巴基斯坦、約旦、伊朗、敘利亞、突尼西亞、埃及、伊拉克、以色列、南非、阿爾及利亞
缺錢開發水資源國家—巴西、土耳其、墨西哥、菲律賓、泰國、衣索比亞、澳洲、奈及利亞、孟加拉、阿根廷、越南、蘇丹、摩洛哥 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

30 水源枯竭—未來的缺水世界 影響人類經濟發展—工業及農業產出 影響人類生活—都市生活、飲水疾病問題、飢荒問題 導致日益嚴重的國際水資源衝突
The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

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