Serving You is the Sweetest Thing

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1 Serving You is the Sweetest Thing
事奉祢最甘甜 Serving You is the Sweetest Thing

2 當我們再次聚集你寶座前 看見祢豐盛恩典不曾斷絕 前方路雖有困難祢卻相隨 我知道事奉祢最甘甜
When we gather again before Your throne Your abundant grace never stops In spite of the difficult road ahead You are with me hand in hand I know that serving You is the sweetest thing in my life Serving You is the Sweetest Thing 2/3

3 我要揚聲讚美祢奇妙作為 祢好處不曾與我相隔遙遠 我要堅定的站立再次奉獻 因祢必引領我到永遠
I want to praise Your wonderful acts Your graces are never far away from me I would like to once again stand firm offering myself to you because I know that You will lead me forever Serving You is the Sweetest Thing 3/3

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