這世界非我家 This world is not my home (1 of 4)

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Presentation on theme: "這世界非我家 This world is not my home (1 of 4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 這世界非我家 This world is not my home (1 of 4)
這世界非我家, 我無一定住處 , 我積財寶在天,時刻仰望我主, 天門為我大開,天使呼召迎迓, 故我不再貪愛這世界為我家。 This world is not my home I'm just passing through My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven's open door And I can't feel at home in this world anymore  

2 這世界非我家 This world is not my home (2 of 4)
我主,你知我無良友像你, 天堂若非我家,我必流離無依, 天門為我大開,天使呼召迎迓, 故我不再貪愛這世界為我家。 Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do The angels beckon me from heaven's open door And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

3 這世界非我家 This world is not my home (3 of 4)
天上萬眾聖徒,望我快來相見, 我將前往歡聚,主已赦我罪愆, 我雖軟弱貧苦,靠主一无所挂, 故我不再貪愛這世界為我家。 They're all expecting me and that's one thing I know My Saviour pardoned me and now I onward go I know he date me through so I am weak and poor And I can't feel at home in this world anymore  

4 這世界非我家 This world is not my home (4 of 4)
我主,你知我無良友像你, 天堂若非我家,我必流離無依, 天門為我大開,天使呼召迎迓, 故我不再貪愛這世界為我家。 Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do The angels beckon me from heaven's open door And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

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