Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over

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1 Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over
希伯來書 – 給過河之人的書 Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over 在天路旅程中 In the heavenly journey 認識並經歷基督的超越, knowing and experiencing the superiority of Christ, 不要停留,遊蕩;要往目的地進前 Not lingering, wandering but going forward and toward the destiny

2 希伯來書的特點和思想 The features and the thought of the book of Hebrews
1. 本書強調是神說話,所以未提作者,但以 13:23 說到提摩太,慣用語氣,及啟示內容看 保羅應是本書作者. This book emphasizes that God spoke and therefore does not mention the writer; however, because Timothy’s name was mentioned in 13:23, and because of the writing style and the profound content, Paul is likely the writer.

3 2. 亞伯拉罕是聖經中被稱為希伯來人之第一人 Abraham is the first one who was called Hebrew in the Bible (創世記 Genesis 14:13) 希伯來人是過河的人, Hebrews are those who have crossed over the river (約書亞記 Joshua 24:2-3)

4 3. 過河的人開始一個屬天旅程 The one who crossed over the river starts a heavenly journey (11:8-11,13-16)

5 4. 這個旅程的終點不是屬地的,是屬天的耶路撒冷 The end of the journey is not earthly, it is the heavenly Jerusalem (12:18-24)

6 5. 這天路旅程是一個賽程,需要聯於屬天的源頭耶穌基督,免得疲倦灰心The heavenly journey is a race, it is essential to unite with the heavenly resource Jesus Christ, so that we will not grow weary and lose heart. (12:1-3)

7 6. 神的兒子耶穌基督,是與我們有關係的主 Jesus Christ is the Son of God, to whom we must give account.(4:13)

8 7. 耶穌是使者,是大祭司. Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest. (3:1)

9 8. 本書每一個重點都附帶一個警告,全書共有五個警告 In this book there are five warnings, each main point of the book is followed by warning.

10 Outline of the Book of Hebrews:
希伯來書大綱 Outline of the Book of Hebrews: I. 基督身位的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Person – 神的兒子作為使者從神而來,是神說話,遠超眾先知,天使和摩西 The Son of God, being a messenger sent from God, and being the Word itself, is superior over the prophets, the angels and Moses (1:1-4:13)

11 1. 基督超越眾先知 The superiority of Christ over the prophets (1:1)

12 2. 基督超越天使 The superiority of Christ over the angels (1:2-2:18)
a. 祂的神性 His Deity (1:2-14) b. 第一個警告:忽略救恩的危險 First warning: Danger of neglect (2:1-4) c. 祂的人性 His humanity (2:5-18)

13 a. 祂的神性 His Deity (1:2-14) - 創造萬有(諸世界) through whom He made the universe (worlds) (1:2) - 承受萬有 whom He appointed heir of all things (1:2) - 神榮耀所發光輝,神本体真像 the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact representation of His being (1:3) - 托住萬有(用權能命令) sustaining all things by His powerful word (1:3)

14 - 完成救贖(洗淨人罪,坐神右邊) complete redemption (after He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven) (1:3) - 承受兒子超越的名 the name (Son) he has inherited is superior to that of the angles (1:4) - 還要再來 again, when God brings His firstborn into the world..(1:6) - 永遠作王 Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever(1:8)

15 - 以我們為同伴(夥) ..your companions (1:9)
- 天使是服役的靈,為承受救恩的人效力 雅各的夢 – 伯特利的天梯 Jacob’s dream – the stairway at Bethel reaching to heaven (創 Genesis 28:10-19) 應驗在主耶穌身上 Fulfilled on Jesus (約 John 1:49-51) 神的使者上去下來在人子身上 the angles of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man

16 3. 基督超越摩西 The superiority of Christ over Moses (3:1-4:13)
a. 在祂的工作上 In His work (3:1-4) b. 祂的身位 In His Person(3:5,6) c. 第二個警告:不信的危險 The second warning: Danger of unbelief (3:7-4:13) i) 硬心的危險 Danger of hardening the heart (3:7-19) ii)勉勵要進入祂的安息 Challenge to enter His rest (4:1-13)

17 II. 基督工作的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Work – 是大祭司 將人帶進神裡 Being the High Priest, He brings men into God (4:14-10:18) III. 基督徒憑信心生活行動的超越 The Superiority of the Christian’s Walk of Faith (10:19-13:25)

18 II. 基督工作的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Work – 是大祭司 將人帶進神裡 Being the High Priest, He brings men into God (4:14-10:18) 1. 基督祭司職份的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Priesthood (4:14-7:28) a. 地位上的超越 Christ is superior in His position (4:14-16)

19 b. 條件上的超越 Christ is superior in His qualification (5:1-10)
i) 亞倫的祭司職份 Aaron’s priesthood (5:1-4) ii)麥基洗德的等次 Melchizedekian priesthood (5:5-10) c. 第三個警告: 不長大,不成熟的危險 Danger of not maturing (5:11-6:20) i) 听的遲鈍 Dullness of hearing (5:11-14) ii)長大成熟的需要 Need of Maturity (6:1-8) iii)鼓勵生命長大 Exhortation to maturity (6:9-20)

20 2. 基督的更美之約 The superiority of Christ’s covenant (8:1-13)
a. 更美的約 A Better Covenant (8:1-6) b. 新約 A New Covenant (8:7-13) 3. 更美的聖所和祭物 The superiority of Christ’s Sanctuary and Sacrifice (9:11-10:18) a. 舊約的聖所和祭物 Old Covenant’s Sanctuary and Sacrifice (9:1-10) i) 聖所 Sanctuary (9:1-5) ii)祭物 Sacrifice (9:6-10) b. 新約的聖所和祭物 New Covenant’s Sanctuary and sacrifice (9:11-10:18) i) 聖所 Sanctuary (9:11) ii)祭物 Sacrifice (9:12-10:18)

21 III. 基督徒憑信心生活行動的超越 (10:19-13:25)
1. 信心確據的勸勉 Exhortation to Full Assurance of Faith (10:19-11:40) a. 堅守所承認的指望 Hold Fast the Confession of Faith (10:19-25) b. 第四個警告: 退後的危險 Danger of drawing back(10:26-39) c. 信心的定義 Definition of Faith (11:1-3) d. 信心的榜樣 Examples of Faith (11:4-40)

22 2. 信心的忍耐 Endurance of Faith (12:1-29)
a. 基督忍耐的榜樣 Example of Christ’s endurance (12:1-4) b. 勸勉忍受神的管教 Exhortation to endure God’s chastening (12:5-24) c. 第五個警告: 拒絕神的危險 The fifth warning: Danger of refusing God(12:25-29) 3. 愛的勸勉 Exhortation to love13:1-19 a. 六件實行 Six things to practice(13:1-7) b. 經歷基督 Experiencing Christ(13:8-15) c. 四件必行之事 Four things must do (13:16-19) 4. 結語 (13:20-25)

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