H697 哦,完全的愛 O PERFECT LOVE (1/3)

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Presentation on theme: "H697 哦,完全的愛 O PERFECT LOVE (1/3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 H697 哦,完全的愛 O PERFECT LOVE (1/3)
哦,完全的愛,遠超人心所想! O perfect Love, all human thought transcending, 在祢寶座前,我們同禱祈; Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy throne, 願他們相愛,到永遠無限量, That theirs may be the love which knows no ending, 在主裡合而為一永相繫。 Whom Thou forever-more dost join in one.

2 哦,完全生命,願成他們確據: 得著祢柔愛,不移的信心, 單純的依靠如孩童無所懼, 不息的盼望,無聲的堅忍。
H697 (節 2/3, 頁 1/1) 哦,完全生命,願成他們確據: O perfect Life, be Thou their full assurance 得著祢柔愛,不移的信心, Of tender charity and steadfast faith, 單純的依靠如孩童無所懼, Of patient hope, and quiet, brave endurance, 不息的盼望,無聲的堅忍。 With childlike trust that fears nor pain nor death.

3 求賜祢喜樂,消除一切憂、怯, 並賜祢平安,撫平諸爭競; 願他們共度一生未知歲月, 聯於這永遠的愛與生命。
H697 (節 3/3, 頁 1/1) 求賜祢喜樂,消除一切憂、怯, Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow, 並賜祢平安,撫平諸爭競; Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife, 願他們共度一生未知歲月, And to life's day the glorious, unknown morrow 聯於這永遠的愛與生命。 That dawns upon eternal love and life.

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