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Blood diamond.

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1 Blood diamond

2 影片讲的是一个真实背景下演绎出的故事。在非洲这片丰茂富饶的土地上,钻石是其中极其珍贵的资源之一,而也正是钻石,给非洲的许多国家带来了战乱,给当地的人民带来了悲痛和灾难。

3 Blood Diamond is the story of Sierra Leone 1999 in Africa
Blood Diamond is the story of Sierra Leone 1999 in Africa .Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) smuggling the diamond – Maggy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an American journalist - and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) - a fisherman. Both men are African, but their stories as different as can be, until their fates become joined to recover a rare pink diamond that can transform their lives. While in prison, Archer met Solomon - who was taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond field - has found and hidden the extraordinary rough stone. With the help of Maggy an American journalist whose idealism is attempted to stop people buying the diamond. The two men embark on a journey that could save Solomon's family and give Archer the second chance that he would leave the Africa and have a new life.

4 影片在富有非洲特色的打击乐中,给我们展现了非洲那本来美丽、如诗如画、生机勃勃的大陆,那本来是 一片可以幸福生活的乐土,却被那一粒粒小小的钻石带来了连年的炮火,打破了这里美好平静的一切,苦难、饥饿、血腥、死亡随之而来。

5 请大家讲一下看过此影片后给你留下最深刻印象的台词或场景。

6 片中Solomon在Danny和Maddy的帮助下逃离非洲后,走在没有战火的伦敦街头,看到名贵珠宝行中那璀璨夺目的一串串钻石项链等其它首饰和他与其他非洲同胞在枪口和死亡下开采钻石形成了鲜明的对比,让人为之震撼和 反思。

7 最终Danny还是没有离开这片红色的土地,在夕阳的金色余晖中放眼展望非洲这片广阔而又美丽的土地中,他把自己的鲜血也混入了这片红色的土地。。。。。。

8 当乐曲清幽飘起的时候,我把自己带到了澜沧江边翠绿欲滴的凤尾竹林, 穿起心仪已久的筒裙,在碧波莹莹的丽江边漫步起舞,等待心上人的到来。 你听,竹林中传来了阵阵葫芦丝声,淡淡悠扬。 美丽的姑娘轻倚在凤尾竹旁,清澈的双眸中流露出期待的目光。 月光斜洒在她的衣裙上,把她曼妙的身影一直拖到金色的水面上。 乐声渐渐轻灵飘逸起来,姑娘起身来到水池旁, 在月下忘情的轻舞着、旋转着,波光中叠映着她曼妙的身影, 月光下裙摆也轻轻飘扬落寞的斜倚在凤尾竹旁吹奏起情歌。 眼前生出心上人飘逸轻灵的舞姿,着一缕花衣,似一个精灵, 在月光下泻一地旋转的身影。 竹林的小径上,微风轻拂凤尾竹,远看像一层绿色的雾在舞动。 竹楼里美丽的阿妹正深情的凝望窗外,竹楼外痴情的阿哥爱慕的葫芦丝声, 在静谧的夜晚愈加缠绵,彼此正倾诉着心中的爱恋

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