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大学英语读写课教学实践 基于“输入驱动”的

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1 大学英语读写课教学实践 基于“输入驱动”的
j 福建师范大学外国语学院 张爱珍 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

2 Procrastination j 有空堪寫直須寫, 莫待沒空才熬夜。 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

3 Content 1. Unit Overview 2. Demo Class j Introduction
2) Teaching objectives 3) Challenges 2. Demo Class 1) Teaching strategies 2) Teaching procedures 3) Sum-up 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

4 Part 1 Unit Overview 1) Introduction Intended for
Non-English major (freshmen) Number of Students Over 70 Class Hour (for SectionB) 90 mins Topic of the Unit: Parent-child relationship 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

5 Part 1 Unit Overview 2) Teaching objectives
a.To understand argumentation understand argumentation through a thematic reading on parent-child relationship 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

6 Part 1 Unit Overview 2) Teaching objectives
b. To understand figurative language 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

7 …… Part 1 Unit Overview 2) Teaching objectives
c. To cultivate critical thinking toward parent-child relationship …… 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

8 a. input from reading output in writing
Part 1 Unit Overview 3) Challenges a. input from reading output in writing 没话说 不敢说 学的用不上 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

9 b. Reading main idea + new words
Part 1 Unit Overview 3) Challenges b. Reading main idea + new words 预习就是查单词 上课就是记笔记 课上听得懂下课什么不记得 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

10 Part 1 Unit Overview 3) Challenges c. big class dull class
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11 Stop Spoiling Your Children
新视野大学英语读写教程(Section B, Unit 5, Book II) Demo class Stop Spoiling Your Children 福建师范大学外国语学院 张爱珍 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

12 假设所针对的人群 假设的基本理念 Part 2 Demo Class 中级外语学习者 中高级外语学习者 高级英语学习者 不适合初级学习者
1) Teaching strategies in light of “output hypothesis” 假设所针对的人群 中级外语学习者 中高级外语学习者 高级英语学习者 不适合初级学习者 假设的基本理念 输出是目标,又是手段 以输出驱动,既能够促进产出能力的提高,又能够改进吸收输入的效率 (文秋芳 ) 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

13 Part 2 Demo Class 1) Teaching strategies in light of “output hypothesis” Transform the reading text into questions, tasks and cognitive activities, and provide necessary guidance and feedback. 文本问题化 问题思维化 思维活动化 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

14 Step 1: A simplified version of the teaching plan for Ss in advance.
Part 2 Demo Class 2) Teaching procedure Step 1: A simplified version of the teaching plan for Ss in advance. (1). to develop the students’ learning strategies (2). to direct Ss attention to relevant input (3) to increase efficiency in class 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

15 A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss mainly vocabulary 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

16 A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss Understand the words and phrases in context 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

17 A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss Attention to the organization of argumentation the facts transitional phrases Writing and reading reinforce each other 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

18 A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss Attention to the organization of argumentation Writing and reading reinforce each other 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

19 Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Further questions for discussion Do you agree “giving children too many toys is spoiling them”? Is giving children too many training courses “spoiling the children”? 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

20 Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Further questions for discussion Do you agree “giving children things parents can’t afford is spoiling the children”? 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班




24 Part 2 Demo Class A simplified teaching plan for Ss
Further questions for discussion Give more examples to show the differences between “love” and “spoil”. (1) critical thinking (2). attitudes and values 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

25 Teaching procedures in class
Part 2 Demo Class Teaching procedures in class Step 1:Lead-in & check of assignments(17 mins; 90’-73’) Step2: Comprehensive understanding (28 mins; 73’-45’) Step 3: Understanding the difficult sentences (15 mins; 45’-30’) Step 4: Language focuses (10 mins; 30’-20’) Step 5: Sum-up and Extension (15 mins; 20’-5’) Step 6: Assignments (5 minutes; 5-0) Verbaliation for Ss 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

26 Part 2 Demo Class The assignments (5’-0)
1) Vocabulary exercises on page 138 and 139. Intellectual fun 2) Writing: Based on the supplementary reading material about What the animal kingdom can teach us about raising families , write an article (150 words or so) what animal you would compare yourself to if you were a parent and why. Remember the organization of argumentation and then use some figurative language if possible. 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

27 大西洋月刊

28 Part 2 Demo Class 3) Sum-up Output-driven reading attention hypothesis
further input hypothesis tested in class writing a text 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

29 Thank You

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