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Presentation on theme: "句子成分的省略(1)."— Presentation transcript:

1 句子成分的省略(1)

2 某些固定句型中的省略以及大家易理解的省略形式在此就不讲了。
一、并列复合句中的省略 1、特点 在并列复合句中,后一个分句中与前一个分句中相同的部分可以省去,以避免重复,使句子更紧凑。

3 2、判别法 判断这种省略的关键是,一定要搞清等立连接词(最常见的是“and”)是否是连接两个分句的(同时可借助于科技概念来帮助判断)。一般来说,如果发现在“and”之后的东西似乎是“乱七八糟”的样子时,则就存在省略现象了。

4 这时就要抓住前一分句的句子结构,对照第二个分句,看看哪些东西被省略了,因为只有这两个分句的结构完全相同时才能出现省略现象。
Matter(物质) consists of molecules(分子) and molecules of atoms(原子). Either force(两个力中任一个力) may be considered(看成)the “action,”(作用力) and the other the “reaction”(反作用力) to it. In this case no standard(标准) is needed, but only a numerical convention(数字的约定).

5 Capital(大写的) letters(字母) are used to denote(表示) matrices(矩阵) and lower-case(小写的) letters to denote vectors(矢量). The load(负载) resistance may be small and the applied(外加的) voltage of the order of(大约) several volts(伏特). The first condition(条件) for equilibrium(平衡) ensures(确保)that a body(物体) should be in translational (平动的) equilibrium(平衡); the second, that it be in rotational(转动的) equilibrium.

6 (上句中的两个分句是靠分号来连接的。在第二个分句的宾语从句中动词用了“be”原形,在其前面省去了“should”,属于虚拟语气形式)
The strongest(最强的) echo(回波) will be received(接收) from each target(目标) when the beam(射束) is pointing(指) directly(直接地) to(向) the target, weaker(较弱的) echoes when the beam is pointed to one side(侧) or the other of the target, and no echo at all(完全) when it is pointing in other directions.

7 Given(被给定) one or more conservation(守恒) theorems
(定理) applicable to(适用于) a given system, we can immediately(立即) determine(确定) which classes(类) of events(事件) can take place(发生) in the system and which cannot. Distances measured(测量) from an axis(轴) to the right(右边) or upward(向上) are positive(正); to the left or downward are negative.

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