Christ the Lord is risen to-day Sons of men and an-gels say:

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Presentation on theme: "Christ the Lord is risen to-day Sons of men and an-gels say:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ the Lord is risen to-day Sons of men and an-gels say:
基督我主今復活 哈利路亞 Christ the Lord is risen to-day Al-le-lu-ia! 天人一致同歡欣 哈利路亞 Sons of men and an-gels say: 1/8 教會聖詩 # 212 基督我主今復活 Christ the Lord is Risen Today

2 高聲歌頌讚主名 哈利路亞 天唱地和齊響應 哈利路亞
Raise your joys and tri-umphs high, Al-le-lu-ia! 天唱地和齊響應 哈利路亞 Sing ye heavens and earth re-ply: Al-le-lu-ia! 2/8

3 Lives a-gain our glo-rious King, Where, O death, is now thy sting?
榮耀君王今復活 哈利路亞 Lives a-gain our glo-rious King, Al-le-lu-ia! 死亡毒鈎今何在 哈利路亞 Where, O death, is now thy sting? 3/8 2

4 Dy-ing once, He all doth save, Where, thy vic-to-ry, O grave?
祂曾捨命為救我 哈利路亞 Dy-ing once, He all doth save, Al-le-lu-ia! 你所誇墳墓何歸 哈利路亞 Where, thy vic-to-ry, O grave? 4/8

5 Love’s re-deem-ing work is done, Fought the fight, the bat-tle won,
愛之救贖已完成 哈利路亞 Love’s re-deem-ing work is done, Al-le-lu-ia! 與敵爭戰主得勝 哈利路亞 Fought the fight, the bat-tle won, 5/8 3

6 Death in vain for-bids Him rise, Christ has o-ened par-a-dise,
墓石守兵均徒然 哈利路亞 Death in vain for-bids Him rise, Al-le-lu-ia! 基督衝開死亡門 哈利路亞 Christ has o-ened par-a-dise, 6/8

7 Sing we to our God a-bove, Praise e-ter-nal as His love;
高唱讚美天上神 哈利路亞 Sing we to our God a-bove, Al-le-lu-ia! 頌祂慈愛到永恆 哈利路亞 Praise e-ter-nal as His love; 7/8 4

8 Praise Him, all ye heaven-ly host, Fa-ther, Son, and Ho-ly Ghost,
讚美至高天上君 哈利路亞 Praise Him, all ye heaven-ly host, Al-le-lu-ia! 聖父聖子與聖靈 哈利路亞 Fa-ther, Son, and Ho-ly Ghost, 8/8

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