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英語教師專業社群: 閱讀教學課程共備共學 講師:桃園縣青溪國中許綉敏.

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Presentation on theme: "英語教師專業社群: 閱讀教學課程共備共學 講師:桃園縣青溪國中許綉敏."— Presentation transcript:

1 英語教師專業社群: 閱讀教學課程共備共學 講師:桃園縣青溪國中許綉敏

2 大綱 共同備課推動面面觀 閱讀進行與技巧 跨校備課實做

3 共同備課推動面面觀 Why:共同備課理念 Who:參與人員 Where:選擇適當場地 When:安排共同時間 How:共同備課流程建議

4 Why-1 達到領域教師和諧共進的目標: 藉由教師互動構築信賴與協力關係,進而啟動教師間的「協同學習」機制,教師成員們秉持學習共同體的精神,互相觀摩學習,共同進行專業研修,以達到和諧共進的目標 (參加合作學習培訓的案例)

5 Why-2 建構連貫性與一致性之教學品質: 透過領域運作機制,教師彼此腦力激盪及分工,不僅減輕教師備課壓力,更可建構學校英語科之直向連貫與橫向統整之課程,確保連貫性與一致性之教學品質。 全學期課程規畫,或是各年級英語能力

6 Why-3 展現教師專業自主能力: 教師透過討論訂定共同備課主題,以促進學生學習為目標,並能適切解決教學實務問題,充分展現教師專業自主能力。

7 Who 全體領域教師 小校教師可考慮跨校合作,參與鄰近學校之共同備課

8 Where 校內、校外皆可 建議備有電腦、單槍,以便教案設計、分享、討論與修正

9 When 領域教師共同不排課時間 國小可利用週三下午進修時間進行共同備課
共同備課為領域會議運作的一環,為了需要充分進行討論,建議至少要有2節課的時間,此需求要預先在學校排定年度課務時提出。 國小可利用週三下午進修時間進行共同備課

10 How 討論下一 個教學主題 課後省思與議課 修正教案 課堂實踐 與觀課 選擇教學主題 主教者先備教案初稿 共備二 共備一
與年段教師共備、修正教案 共備二 與全體領域教師共備、修正定案 課堂實踐 與觀課 課後省思與議課 修正教案 討論下一 個教學主題

11 What-1 共同備課主題 (或方向) 的訂定,可以考量下列面向: 校本特色課程、領域特色課程 學科檢測、會考、定期評量結果分析
學科課綱、能力指標 學生背景、能力、與學習特質 學習困難點、迷思概念

12 What-2 共同備課教案設計,可以考量下列面向: 教材來源與教學內容:課本內容、補充教材內容
教學目標:年段/年級教學目標、學期教學目標、單元教學目標、單節課教學目標 3. 學生先備知識、學科能力、程度差異 4. 教學法與教學策略運用 5. 分析教材內容、學習重點、學習難點 6. 活動設計、教學步驟 7. 評量方式 8. 作業安排 9. 座位安排、動向、與空間運用

13 Reading Models Top-down Bottom-up Interactive

14 Demonstration -1 翰林第一冊第6課 Don’t run in the museum

15 What skill is taught? Bottom-up processes decoding (word-level)
focusing on vocabulary or grammar Bottom-up processes

16 Demonstration-2 翰林第六冊第1課 Write as many words as you can.
Words and pictures B. Read aloud Listen to the CD Listen and repeat Read individually in your circle Check understanding with comprehension questions. Review quiz –Listening

17 What skill is taught? Top-down processes
using knowledge of the genre (textual schemata)-翰林第一冊第六課 using knowledge of language using prior content knowledge

18 Reading activities Pre-reading: Words and pictures Word association
Listen and speak

19 Reading activities For While-reading Skimming:
Activity: Choose the best title (Task) For While-reading

20 Reading activities For While-reading Scanning:
Activity: Teacher, you’re wrong! For While-reading

21 Reading activities Intensive reading: read for details Activity:
color the text student-generated questions

22 Reading activities Post-reading : Activity:
Comprehension question review Cartoon strip Running dictation Board games

23 Teaching Reading strategies
Timing- when to use what Different levels, different strategies Text depth

24 Design reading activities
✪Choose one text. ✪Choose strategies you want to introduce. ✪Provide functional language learners need to use in your instruction. ✪Align teaching activities with your strategies.

25 Tips for Teaching Reading Strategies-1
Systematically plan strategies into instruction. Model new strategies and “think aloud” as you use them. Make connections between new strategies and what the children already know. Apply strategies to different genres, across different subject areas. Start with one or two strategies, then gradually build your repertoire. Use the correct terms for strategies, even with emerging readers.

26 Tips for Teaching Reading Strategies-2
Provide extended chunks of time each day for independent practice. Keep strategy groups flexible. Use a variety of grouping formats, including whole- and small-group instruction. Use complete, authentic pieces of text for modeling and independent practice. Keep records of individual student’s strategy use. Provide opportunities for students to reread familiar texts to build fluency and automaticity. Integrate strategies throughout instruction, across the day. Adopted from Bette S. Bergeron and Melody Bradbury-Wolff,2002,Teaching Reading Strategies in the Primary Grades

27 103學年教案徵選的回饋 輔導團—協助偏鄉小校教師共備 教學活動—學生沒事做就做亂 背景知識—從補充學生的背景知識開始著手

28 選擇只是開始, 圓滿完成才是目標 莫忘初衷

29 Thank you!

30 References Bette S. Bergeron & Melody Bradbury-Wolff(2002).Teaching Reading Strategies in the Primary Grades, Scholastic. Brown, H.D. (2004), Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principle. NY: Pearson Education. Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010).Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 2nd Ed. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc. White Plains, NY:Longman. Cohen, A.D. (1994). Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom, 2nd Ed. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle. Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford University Press. VanPatten, B.(2005). Processing instruction. Mind & Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition. Georgetown University Press Willis, J.(1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Longman.

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