Church in Midlife Stage 教會中年階段期 Philippian 腓 3:12-16

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1 Church in Midlife Stage 教會中年階段期 Philippian 腓 3:12-16

2 1. What is Church Midlife & its Characteristics
2. What are Negative Consequences of Church Midlife 3. How to Avoid Negative Consequences in Church Midlife Stage 4. Conclusion 1. 何為教會中年階段及其負面的特徵 2. 什麼是教會中年階段的負面影響 3. 如何預防教會中年階段的負面影響 4. 結論

3 What is Church Midlife & its Characteristics Middle ages approx
What is Church Midlife & its Characteristics Middle ages approx. ranging from 40 to 64 years old (Erik Erickson & Carl Jung). Stagnant, Self-Doubt, Fear of Aging, Burnout, Confused, Boredom, Anger, No Direction, Remain in the Past, Hesitate to Let Go, Nonadaptive, Disappointed, Looser, dissatisfaction. 何為教會中年及其中年階段的特徵 中年歲數約自40 至64 歲間 (艾克森及容格) 停滯不前, 自疑, 懼老, 倦怠, 混亂, 煩悶, 憤怒, 生活無方向, 處於以往的生活階段中, 不知停止, 不適應環境, 失望, 自覺失敗者, 不滿足.

4 Negative Consequences in Church Midlife 教會中年階段負面的影響 Spiritual Poverty (Eph. 1:23) Spiritual Fatigue (Pr. 24:33-34; Isa. 40:28-29) Spiritual Deep Sleep (Pr. 19:15; Ps. 13:3; Acts 20:9) Spiritual Deviation (Deut. 7:9; 1 Jn. 2:15-17) 靈命的貪乏 (弗 1:23) 靈命的疲倦 (箴 24:33-34; 賽 40:28-29) 靈命的沉睡 (箴 19:15; 詩 13:3; 使 20:9) 靈命的偏離 (申 7:9; 約一 2:15-17)

5 To Avoid Midlife Negative Consequences
1. Daily Devotion Daily Quiet Time (1 King 19:12)… Eat His Flesh (Jn. 6:51; 63) & this Book (Jer. 15:16; Ezek. 3:1-3; Rev. 10:9-10), I am a Worm…(Ps. 22:6), and Meditate His words Day and Night (Ps. 1:2; Jos. 1:8) 預防教會中年階段負面的影響 每日個人的靈修, 安靜 (1 King 19:12)…吃人子的肉 (約 6:51; 63) 及這卷書 (耶 15:16; 結 3:1-3; 啓 10:9-10)…我是蟲… (詩 22:6), 晝夜思想祂的話語 (詩 1:2; 書 1:8) - 如牛

6 To Avoid Midlife Adverse Consequences
Patiently Stay in God’s Mold (Isa. 64:8; Jer. 18:2-4) Fellowship Participation (Heb.10:25) 2. 忍耐繼續在神的模型內受廷 (賽 64:8; 耶 18:2-4) 3. 務要參加聚契 (希 10:25)

7 Crimson/Scarlet Worm 血紅色的蠕蟲 (Hebrew: “tola’ath,” Not “rim’mah”) But I am a worm and not a man, Scorned by men and despised by the people (Ps. 22:6) 但我是蟲不是人, 被眾人羞辱, 被百姓藐視 (詩 22:6)

8 Square Water Melon




12 A Giant Red Wood Tree


14 (弗 5:16) 是回復初愛主興旺的時光 Conclusion 要愛惜光陰… (和合本) 贖回你的光陰…(英皇欽定版)
Spiritual Revival Starts from You Making the Most of Every Opportunity…(Eph. 5:16 [NIV]) Redeeming your time…(Eph. 5:16 [KJV]) ”復興”是贖回你的光陰, 是個人的復興 (弗 5:16) 是回復初愛主興旺的時光 要愛惜光陰… (和合本) 贖回你的光陰…(英皇欽定版)

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