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Don MacLafferty was a busy pastor.

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1 Consider briefly telling the background of how the Kids In Discipleship ministry came to be:
Don MacLafferty was a busy pastor. Had a church committee meeting scheduled. Said good-bye to Julie and Jason (3 and 5 years old). They clung to him and said, “Daddy, stay home with us. You’re always gone.” At this time in his ministry, Don was not investing one-on-one time with his children. His life was focused on what God was doing in the church rather than what God was yearning to do in his home. He pried their arms from around his neck and walked across the street to his meeting thinking, “There’s something wrong with this picture.” God turned Don’s heart to his children. He called Don to develop a ministry to equip parents to connect with their kids’ hearts and to disciple them to Jesus.

2 為什麼培訓兒童成為門徒 是教會今天首要的工作?
Why do we need to make the discipleship of our children a high priority NOW? 為什麼培訓兒童成為門徒 是教會今天首要的工作? Age 5-13… The most open window in a person’s life to accept Jesus. 5歲到13歲… 是人的一生中最容易接受耶穌的年齡。 Barna Research Group 2004 survey indicates that nearly half of all Americans who accept Jesus Christ as their savior do so before reaching the age of 13 (43%). Of those surveyed, two out of three born again Christians (64%) made that commitment to Christ before their 18th birthday.

3 為什麼培訓兒童成為門徒是教會今天首要的工作?
Why do we need to make the discipleship of our children a high priority NOW? 為什麼培訓兒童成為門徒是教會今天首要的工作? Many SDA children leave the church in their twenties. 大部分出身復臨信徒家庭的兒女到20來歲便離開教會 A 2006 survey conducted by Barna Research Group revealed that a majority of twenty-somethings - 61% of today’s young adults - had been churched at one point during their teen years but they are now spiritually disengaged (i.e., not actively attending church, reading the Bible, or praying). Only one-fifth of twenty-somethings (20%) have maintained a level of spiritual activity consistent with their high school experiences. In the Adventist Church the statistics are similar. Under the auspices of the Institute of Church Ministry, based at Andrews University in Michigan, church researcher Roger Dudley polled Adventist leaders for a comprehensive "SWOT" analysis. For the uninitiated, "SWOT" is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. “Loss of young people” was among the main weaknesses identified. Dudley comments: "The greatest perceived weakness-great loss of young people to the church-seems appropriate given the findings of the 10-year longitudinal study of youth retention in the North American Division that 40 to 50percent of baptized teenagers leave the church or become inactive by the time they are in their mid-twenties”.

4 我們的兒女在成長過程中: 對自己的得救 不確定 Many of our children are growing up without:
Being sure of their salvation 對自己的得救 不確定

5 我們的兒女在成長過程中: 沒有每日與耶穌同行的經驗 Many of our children are growing up without:
Daily, personal time with Jesus 沒有每日與耶穌同行的經驗

6 我們的兒女在成長過程中: 沒有聖經的基礎來建立他們的信仰
Many of our children are growing up without: 我們的兒女在成長過程中: Biblical foundation for their faith 沒有聖經的基礎來建立他們的信仰

7 我們的兒女在成長過程中: 在崇拜聚會、服務事工和傳福音使命上用不到他們的恩賜
Many of our children are growing up without: 我們的兒女在成長過程中: Using their gifts in worship, ministry and mission 在崇拜聚會、服務事工和傳福音使命上用不到他們的恩賜

8 我們的兒女在成長過程中 沒有得著引領人成為基督徒的那種喜樂
Many of our children are growing up without: 我們的兒女在成長過程中 Joy in discipling others to Christ 沒有得著引領人成為基督徒的那種喜樂

9 God has dreams for all children! 上帝對每個兒童都有一個夢想﹗

10 What are God’s dreams for children?
上帝對兒童有什麼夢想呢? 以後,我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的老年人要做異夢,少年人要見異象。 Joel 2:28 約珥書2:28 Invite participants to read Joel 2:28 in unison. Ask: “What is God’s dream for children?” Emphasize the points outlined in slide 12. Note: Slide 12 may be unhidden to provide a visual when emphasizing the bulleted notes.

11 看哪,耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那裡去。
What are God’s dreams for children?     上帝對兒童有什麼夢想呢? Malachi 4:5,6 瑪4:5,6 看哪,耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那裡去。 他必使父親的心轉向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親,免得我來咒詛遍地。 Read this passage then answer the question again “What are God’s dreams for children?” Emphasize the points outlined in slide 14. God’s dreams for children are that parents and children’s hearts are drawn to one another. Ask: “Do we need that in our homes today? “Do we need that in our churche today?” In these last days God promises to "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers". The Holy Spirit is binding the hearts of families together today as parents and other caregivers are being equipped, supported and empowered as spiritual mentors to their children. Note: Slide 14 may be unhidden to provide a visual when emphasizing the bulleted points.

12 What are God’s dreams for children? 上帝對兒童有什麼夢想呢?
    上帝對兒童有什麼夢想呢? Deuteronomy 6 申6章 你要聽!耶和華─我們上帝是獨一的主。 你要盡心、盡性、盡力愛耶和華─你的上帝。我今日所吩咐你的話都要記在心上,也要殷勤教訓你的兒女。無論你坐在家裡,行在路上,躺下,起來,都要談論。 Ask: “Who does God call to be primary spiritual mentors of children?” Parents Secondary disciplers: Family members, peers, teachers/children’s ministry personnel, pastors, high school and university students, church family members, etc. In this passage God unveils the process by which children and youth are to be taught. Parents are to be the primary spiritual directors/mentors of children. While the larger community plays a significant role, parents shoulder the major responsibility. The extended family and church reinforce what the parents are already doing. God’s dream for children is that they will be spiritually mentored by their parents to love Him with all their hearts and obey His commandments. Note: Unhide slide 16 if you want to provide a visual of the emphasized points of slide 15.

13 Kids in Discipleship - a ministry offered in local churches, is specially designed for families and focused on children. It is a means to facilitate God’s dreams for His children.

14 Empowered Disciples of Jesus
The K.I.D. Mission: K.I.D.的使命 Mentoring Kids to be Empowered Disciples of Jesus NOW! 現在培育兒女成為 大有能力的耶穌門徒 The K.I.D. mission is Mentoring kids to be empowered disciples of Jesus NOW!

15 How Do Churches Establish K.I.D.?
How do churches start a K.I.D. ministry for the families and children of their congregation?

16 How Do Churches Establish K.I.D.?
PRAYER 禱告 Prepare the Church 準備教會 Equip the Parents 裝備父母 Disciple the Kids 培育兒女成為門徒 Establishing K.I.D. in a church is accomplished through a three-step process. 1. Prepare the Church 2. Equip the Parents 3. Disciple the Kids

17 PRAYER Prepare the Church Equip the Parents Disciple the Kids

18 PRAYER 禱告 準備教會 Prepare the Church Training 受訓 Sermon Series 證道
Prayer Partners禱告伙伴 Training 受訓 Sermon Series 證道 Step 1 Prepare the Church: Prayer partners are recruited, a team attends K.I.D. University, and a four part sermon series is shared with the congregation. All these avenues come together to create an awareness of the need for K.I.D. to be established in the church. Congregations are challenged to prayerfully lift up the K.I.D. leadership team and the families who have children. The church supports parents/mentors in empowering children in worship, ministry, and mission.

19 PRAYER 禱告 準備教會 裝備父母 Prepare the Church Equip the Parents
Footprints for Parents & Mentors Small Group Studies for Parents and Other Mentors        足印--敬拜小組研經(為父母和教練) Grow as disciples of Jesus 成為耶穌的門徒 Grow as spiritual mentors to their children 成為兒女的屬靈教練 Step 2 Equip the Parents: K.I.D. brings revival to families by equipping parents to implement the model of discipleship found in Deuteronomy 6:4-7. It is the parents that can train their children, “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Small group Bible studies called Footprints for Parents & Mentors encourage parents/caregivers in their own walk with Jesus, and offers practical ways to help them have Christ-centered homes.

20 Footprints for Kids 足印—兒童小組研經
PRAYER 禱告 Prepare the Church 準備教會 Equip the Parents 裝備父母 Disciple the Kids 培育兒女為門徒 Footprints for Kids 足印—兒童小組研經 Inter-generational Small Group Studies Build a relationship with Jesus與耶穌建立關係  Know the truth of Jesus認識耶穌的真道 Share Jesus with their friends向朋友傳講耶穌 Step 3 Disciple the Kids: After Footprints for Parents & Mentors, parents partner with their children in small group Bible studies called Footprints for Kids. Families spend interactive time together journeying through seven exciting phases of discipleship; from building their relationship with Jesus, to personally making disciples for Him.

21 PRAYER 準備教會 裝備父母 Disciple the Kids 培訓兒女為門徒 RESULTS 結果
Prepare the Church 準備教會 Equip the Parents 裝備父母 Disciple the Kids 培訓兒女為門徒 RESULTS 結果 Parents/Mentors父母/教練: Rediscover Jesus’ call to discipleship 再次聽見耶穌的呼召成為門徒 Spiritually mentor their children 成為兒女的屬靈教練 Churches with established K.I.D. ministries have witnessed the following benefits to parents/mentors that participate in K.I.D.

22 PRAYER 禱告 準備教會 裝備父母 Prepare the Church Equip the Parents
Disciple the Kids 培訓兒女為門徒 RESULTS 結果 Families家庭: Strengthened family relationships 強化家庭的關係 Increased spiritual communication 屬靈的溝通增多 Involvement in prayer, ministry & mission 多禱告、多服侍、承擔傳福音的使命 Churches with established K.I.D. ministries have witnessed the following benefits to families:

23 PRAYER 禱告 準備教會 裝備父母 Prepare the Church Equip the Parents
Disciple the Kids 培訓兒女為門徒 RESULTS 結果 Kids兒女: Enjoy personal, daily time with God 享受個人每日與上帝同行的經驗 Understand Biblical foundation of faith 從聖經中明白他們信仰的基礎 Lead un-churched kids to Christ 帶領未返教會的孩子來見基督 Churches with established K.I.D. ministries have witnessed the following benefits to children:

24 ? 你有意實行 K.I.D 行動嗎? What If You Implemented K.I.D?
Would our congregation and community be blessed through following this simple yet vital process? Will you prayerfully consider establishing a Kids In Discipleship ministry? K.I.D. University, a 3-day intensive training course, links practical instruction with prayer, application, and coaching to help set church leadership teams up for success. Contact the K.I.D. Center to learn more.

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