Details we should notice while judging at GP

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1 Details we should notice while judging at GP
Level 2 沈奕,无锡 Level 2 Yi Shen,Wuxi

2 一、赛前(Before the GP) 检查装备列表 (Equipment Checklist) 衣着(Clothing)
 手表、本子、笔(Watch, Notepad, Pen)  小腰包(Waist pack)

3 一、赛前(Before the GP) 确认职责与工作时段
 (Confirm the responsibilities and working period)  分组(Team)  工作时段(Working period)

4 一、赛前(Before the GP) 确认重要地点/区域的位置
 (Confirm the positions of important areas/ places )  报名区、外围赛区、画家签名区  (Registrations, Public event, Artists)  洗手间、地站、杂物桶、失物招领  (Toilet, Land station, Trash bin, Lost and found)

5 二、限制组牌阶段(Registration&Deck building)
高效清理杂物  (Clean up the mess effectively) 随身携带基本地  (Carry some basic lands)

6 三、巡场/张贴/套牌登记(Floor/Post/Deck check)
面对牌手  (Facing the players) 关于成绩条  (Result slips) 给予判罚  (Penalizing)

7 三、巡场/张贴/套牌登记(Floor/Post/Deck check)
关于补时  (Time extensions) 关于延长回合  (Additional turns) 携带胶带  (Adhesive tape)

8 四、外围赛(Public event) 认真对待外围赛  (Take public events seriously)

9 五、其他(Other) 疲劳/腿疼 (Tired/Leg pain/Foot pain) 喝水 (Drink water) 持续的思考
 喝水  (Drink water)  持续的思考  (Keep thinking)  “嗑药”  (Taking “drugs” like Red Bull)

10 五、其他(Other) 保持赛场有序 (Keep the playing area in a neat orderly state)
 摆放桌椅  (Set the tables & chairs)  清理杂物  (Clean the table)  上交失物  (Hand in lost items)

11 五、其他(Other) 制服 (Uniform) 身穿制服勿行无关之事
 身穿制服勿行无关之事  (Never do personal affairs while dressing judge uniform)  非执裁期间务必换下制服  (Remember taking off the uniform in the non-judging period)

12 六、赛后(After the GP) 总结比赛收获
 (Summarize what you learned/observed during this GP)

13 谢谢! Thank you! Contact Information: Phone: QQ: Wechat:

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