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資料庫教育訓練 飛資得資訊 Academic Onefile 全科性學術主題電子期刊資料庫 資料庫教育訓練 飛資得資訊

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1 資料庫教育訓練 飛資得資訊
Academic Onefile 全科性學術主題電子期刊資料庫 資料庫教育訓練 飛資得資訊

2 InfoTrac® AONE 質量並重的學術電子期刊全文資料庫
Academic Onefile – 收錄最多同儕評估(Peer Review)的期刊的資料庫 Academic Onefile – 少於2%的期刊是有出版時間差(Embargo) Academic Onefile – 收錄多數為國際重要期刊評估指標所評定的電子期刊 Academic Onefile –全科性學術電子期刊全文資料庫,收錄近12,162種期刊,有全文收錄達4,699種。以綜合性主題為收錄之內容範圍,與現有圖書館的資源不重複,其中70%為Academic Onefile所獨家收錄。 收錄重要全文報紙:New York Times(1995-), Times of London(1985-), Financial Times(1996-) 提供多種參考工具書, 包含Gale Encyclopedia of Science, Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, and the Encyclopedia of World Biography。

3 InfoTrac® AONE 的加值功能與全文提供
收錄完整NPR的audio collection(1990-)並提供全文檢索,同時提供重要醫學期刊的影音檔且即時收錄完整的BioMed Collection。 收錄近完整Economist Intelligence Unit series的全文收錄,同時無出版時間差。 提供1996年起約2200種的Elsevier期刊摘要,並收錄其他語系的重要同儕審閱期刊,包含西班牙文, 法文及其他歐語系語言。 AONE 加值功能及全文提供 使用界面提供八種語言別,供使用者自行選擇進行翻譯 提供引用格式輸出功能,協助使用者便捷的輸出為所需的標準格式。 不同屬性使用者,可提供客置化套裝主題電子期刊入口 AONE收錄內容一覽表- 重要索摘 資料庫 AONE可連結全文期刊數 AGRICOLA 215 BIOSIS 360 CINAHL 898 EconLit 143 ERIC 891 GeoRef 198 Inspec 432 MEDLINE 832 MLA 358 PsycINFO 547 RILM 333 SPORTDiscus 134 註:索摘資料庫全文期刊連結一覽表

4 AONE 檢索主畫面 使用環境設定│資料庫切換│結束 網頁書籤│字典│期刊清單│ 線上輔助 基本檢索│主題檢索│刊名檢索│ 進階檢索

5 Basic Search 基本檢索 檢索欄位 主題│關鍵字│全文檢索 僅檢索全文 經同儕評估的文獻 有圖片的文獻 出版年代限制
Basic Search by Subject Use the Subject option of Basic Search to search for topics such as academic disciplines, companies, events, laws, geographic locations, organizations, people, etc. using a hierarchical subject guide developed by Gale editors. This is a good search to use when beginning your research or when you want to look for related subjects. When typing in terms in the search box, it is usually best to search for only one or two words. If you enter more than one word, enter the most important word first, even if that looks backward. Basic Search by Keyword The Keyword option of Basic Search lets you search on significant fields in documents, including titles, introductory text, authors, and subject terms. This option searches a broader range of fields than more specific searches like by title or subject. Keyword search works well for less common terms such as proper nouns. Basic Search by Entire Document The Entire document option of Basic Search looks for any word or words within the entire text of all documents in the database(s) you are searching, as well as in the fields of information included in the Keyword search. This is a good search to use if you are looking for a particular line of text or an unusual phrase. 出版年代限制 刊名檢索│刊名瀏覽 期刊主題檢索│期刊主題瀏覽

6 Subject Guide Search 主題檢索
輸入主題 僅檢索全文/同儕評估的出版品/有圖片的文獻 出版年代限制 刊名檢索│刊名瀏覽 期刊主題檢索│期刊主題瀏覽

7 Publication Search 期刊出版品檢索
將瀏覽鍵入的主題關鍵字 閱讀對象 出版品類型 僅檢索全文出版品 同儕評估的出版品 期刊主題瀏覽 Performing a Publication Search Here's how to perform a Publication Search: If you're not already at the Publication Search page, click Publication Search from the search path bar Enter all or part of the publication title you're searching for Optionally click the More search options link (if enabled) to limit your search Click the Search button You can leave in words such as the and a even though these are stop words and are not indexed (i.e., they will be ignored). If you're not sure of a spelling or want to search for alternate spellings or endings, use one or more wildcards in your search. You can also use logical operators to combine words in various ways. See Search Tips for more information on stop words, wildcards, and logical operators. After entering all or part of a publication title, the Publication Guide will be displayed for all publications in which the word(s) you entered occurs in the title. Here you can browse an alphabetical list of publications that contain your search term(s), along with publication information, such as ISSN/ISBN, format, publisher, and dates of coverage. Upon selecting a publication, you can then narrow your search to a specific edition, volume, or issue of that publication. Once you have selected a single edition/volume/issue, the system will display - in page number order - all the available articles, essays, reports, etc. from that source as a results list. The types of publications available to search depend on the database(s) you are currently searching. From the Publication Search page, click List All to see the entire list of publications available in the Publication Guide. 出版年代限制

8 Advanced Search進階檢索 提供多個檢索欄位及檢索值 可自行新增檢索值 僅檢索全文/同儕評估的出版品/有圖片的文獻 出版年代限制
Here's how to perform an Advanced Search: If you're not already at the Advanced Search page, click Advanced Search from the search path bar Select an index from the drop-down menu (some indexes may be browsed) Enter your search term(s) Optionally select a logical operator (AND, OR, NOT), select an index, and enter additional search term(s) -- you may add as many rows as needed by clicking Add a row Optionally enter one or more search limits (if enabled) to limit your search results Click the Search button The index and logical operator selections that you see are only suggestions. Use the drop-down lists if you want to make your own selections. To search on multiple indexes, select a logical operator at the far left to connect each index you're searching. The AND operator is used by default, unless you select OR or NOT. To search more than three indexes, click the Add a row link. Selecting certain indexes will cause a Browse button to appear allowing you to select from a list of entries that appear in a separate browser window. If you're unsure of a spelling or want to search for variations, use wildcards in your search expression. See General Search Tips for more information on wildcards. If your search is successful, you will see a results list page with items matching your search criteria on the right-hand side of the page organized into one or more tabs. You may also see a list of the subject terms most closely matching your search terms on the left-hand side of the page known as the Subject Guide sidebar (this feature is not available for all collections). If no results can be found, you will get a message asking you to revise your search or select one of the "Did You Mean?" alternate terms. Performing a CCL Advanced Search Gale offers a second way of doing an Advanced Search for those who prefer to structure their search query more like a programming code instruction. The CCL Advanced Search (CCL stands for Command Control Language) allows you to choose indexes to search on from a drop-down menu or to directly enter their two-character index abbreviations. Searching using CCL Advanced Search involves these steps: Choose an index Click on the entry box (after the index abbreviation) Enter one or more words, using wildcards if desired If you want to search additional indexes in the same query, click the appropriate logical operator button (AND, OR, NOT) and repeat Steps 1-3 Step 1 is optional. If you don't choose an index, the keyword index is searched. When you choose an index from the menu, you may see that some choices cause a Browse link to appear to the right of the search box. Clicking Browse lets you view a list of all entries for that index, from which you can select the one that you want. It's often a good choice to browse an index so you can see what matches your search before you commit to it. Note: When searching a database with periodical content, to find the journal RN, enclose the name in quotes (jn "rn") to prevent conflict with the RN (record number) index. It is not possible to browse for RN. 出版年代限制 刊名檢索/刊名瀏覽 期刊主題檢索/期刊主題瀏覽

9 檢索結果列表- “Olympic” 資料類型列表-學術期刊│雜誌 │圖書│ 新聞│多媒體 限制檢索結果:全文│同儕評估│影像 排序方式
群組檢索結果 主題 文獻煩型 出版品名稱 RSS/ 快訊 可連結至與該篇文章相同主題或類型的文章。以擴大檢索範圍,

10 主題瀏覽列表- “Olympic” 收錄筆數 參見

11 期刊瀏覽列表- “Olympic” 單本期刊介紹及收錄卷期清單 期刊清單及簡介

12 檢索結果類型- Academic Journals
加值工具 相關主題 連結 保留原始文件圖檔 提供引文來源

13 檢索結果類型- Magazines / Books / News
相關主題 連結

14 檢索結果類型- Multimedia 線上影音多媒體

15 全文顯示-HTML/PDF 部份同時提供PDF格式 提供HTML格式

16 列印全文-Print Preview

17 全文

18 下載全文-Download

19 引用書目格式-Citation Tools

20 翻譯工具-英翻中

21 檢索結果再利用-Mark list 【將需要的文章加以勾選註記】

22 檢索結果再利用-Marked Items 清單

23 批次輸出-Print 點選Print以最經濟的方式列印,可只列印出重要的書目或是全文資料(含書目) 列印書目數量 書目格式 以下寄送書目清單

24 批次輸出- 收件人 全文格式 書目資料格式 寄件人 加上註記

25 批次輸出-Citation Tools 書目格式 書目管理軟體

26 網頁書籤-單篇文獻Bookmark 點選Bookmark的連結, 即會出現各文獻的URL,則表示可將這篇文章的URL直接複製下來,貼在任何可編輯的軟體及工具上,以便製作閱讀清單供教學研究使用。 Bookmark 製作閱讀清單功能 閱讀清單 (Reading lists, Course packs) 閱讀指引 (Study guides) 特殊主題網站 (Special interest sites) 書目 (Bibliographies, Reference/Citations) 電子期刊名錄 (Electronic journals directories)

27 網頁書籤-多篇書單Bookmark 點選Infomark的連結, 即會出現書目的URL,則表示可將多篇文獻的URL直接複製下來,貼在任何可編輯的軟體及工具上,以便製作閱讀清單供教學研究使用。 範例-使用者所選書單連結

28 教育訓練及產品資訊 到館教育訓練 遠端教育訓練 產品資訊詢問 如對GALE資料庫有相關疑問與意見 請與飛資得資訊 聯絡

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