DESAR Book and Its Chinese Translation

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1 DESAR Book and Its Chinese Translation
Concept of DESAR DESAR is the abbreviation of Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse. It is a concept contrasting to the idea of centralised sanitation which has played important roles for about 1 century in the development of modern cities where supply of high quality drinking water, collection of sewage and advanced treatment of the collected water prior to discharge into natural water bodies are all performed through a centralised water/wastewater management system. However, such a centralised system is not an universally applicable solution, and as an alternative, integrated water and solid waste management concepts are being discussed by various groups of researchers. The basic idea is to treat the wastewater on site in small, compact, highly efficient systems, and make direct use of the treatment products. This leads the proposals of (1) integration of water, wastewater and household waste management systems, (2) separate collection and treatment of the various categories of waste streams generated in the catchment area (house, dwelling, settlement, factory, industrial park etc.), and (3) recovery of valuable substances for further and mostly direct use (for example, water, compost, biogas and fertilizer) based on the concept of ‘industrial ecology’. By integration of water and wastewater management systems on a local scale, the need for a fresh water supply should be minimized. Subsequently, exploitation of freshwater sources can be kept at a minimum. This allows the maintenance of reasonably high groundwater levels and undisturbed growth of plants, especially trees. In water-scarce areas, reduction in fresh water supply rates is of real economical importance. Introduction of the DESAR Book “Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse – Concepts, Systems and Implementation” (DESAR Book) was published in 2001 by IWA Publishing. Editors of the DESAR Book include Professor Piet Lens, Dr. Grietje Zeeman and Professor Gatze Lettinga of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. The book consists of 6 parts and 32 chapters, dealing with the DESAR concept for environmental protection, waste and wastewater characteristics and its collection, technological aspects of DESAR, environmental and public health aspects of DESAR, sociological and economic aspects of DESAR, architecture and urban aspects of DESAR. These involved work of 43 authors from 14 countries. Below is the introduction of the book on its back cover: Adapting a multi-disciplinary approach, Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse places public sanitation in a global context and provides a definitive discussion of current state-of-the-art sanitation technologies. It shows how these technologies can be implemented to integrate domestic waste and wastewater treatment in order to maximize resource recycling in domestic practice. Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse presents technical solutions for on-site collection and transport of concentrated waste streams, and focuses on the compromise between reliability and minimal water wastage. A whole range of available sustainable technologies, both low and high-tech, to treat concentrated (black water) and diluted (gray water) streams are addressed in detail from the fundamental scientific and engineering points of view. Sociological, economic and, particularly, environmental and public health aspects are essential issues within this book. The necessity of new infrastructure implementation and the resulting challenges for a good number of economic branches are illustrated with examples from architecture and town planning. Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse will be an invaluable resource for a wide academic and professional readership active in the fields of environmental protection and public sanitation. Chinese Translation of the DESAR Book The DESAR Book was translated into Chinese by Professor Xiaochang C. Wang, Professor Dangcong Peng, and Professor Tinglin Huang of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, and published by Chemical Industry Press in China. We would like to recommend this book to all people in China who are interested in DESAR concept and are considering alternative measures of wastewater treatment and reuse in small towns and villages. Below is the contents table of the book in Chinese language: 第3部分 DESAR技术 第8章 DESAR处理混合生活污水的概念 第9章 高效源头控制的卫生设备的设计和实践经验 第10章 温带气候条件下厌氧生活污水处理的潜力 第11章 热带气候条件下生活污水厌氧预处理的潜力 第12章 厌氧处理系统处理高浓度生活废物(废水)流 第13章 小区污水集成式就地处理 – 挪威的经验 第14章 生活污水就地处理-日本的经验 第15章 厌氧预处理后的污水处理系统 第16章 污水的自然处理系统-土壤处理 第17章 杂排水处理 第18章 杂排水的地下水回灌 第19章 住宅及其他建筑物中水回用的潜能分析 第20章 基于DESAR的营养物回收技术 第21章 污水灌溉和用作肥料的潜力 第22章 DESAR技术处理生活垃圾-非洲城市及郊区农业的应用潜力 第23章 污水回用的原则和规范 第4部分 DESAR的环境和公共卫生 第24章 DESAR的卫生问题:水循环 第25章 污水中固体组分的卫生学情况 第26章 分散式污水处理和集中式污水处理对环境的影响比较 第5部分 DESAR的社会和经济问题 第27章 DESAR技术的公众接受程度 第28章 环境卫生的公众意识和动员 第29章 DESAR系统中厌氧消化工艺应用的前景及限制因素 第30章 污水分散处理的微观和宏观经济问题 第6部分 DESAR的农业和城市问题 第31章 关于DESAR在新老城镇实施的城市规划问题 第32章 建筑和城市发展与DESAR 第1部分 分散式污水处理与再利用(DESAR)的概念和环境保护 第1章 环境保护政策和可持续发展 第2章 污水处理的历史 第3章 分散式与集中式污水系统 第2部分 废弃物和污水的性质及污水收集 第4章 传统混合生活污水的类型、性质和污水量 第5章 生活废弃物的类型、特点和量 第6章 污水的收集和输送 第7章 城市卫生的困境 Acknowledgement: This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No )

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