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Bioinformatics Introduction to Biology.

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1 Bioinformatics Introduction to Biology

2 遺傳學之父--孟德爾(Mendel) 1822年,生於奧地利,是一位傳教士 *發現即使同種植物也可能有著截然不同的 花色和外型 *豌豆:兼具雄蕊和雌蕊,可行自花授粉 (self-fertilization) *研究七種明顯的性狀: 種子顏色 種皮形狀 花色 莖的高矮 豆莢形狀 未成熟豆莢的顏色 花著生的位置 *純種:只會繁殖出和自己性狀相同的豌豆 品種   * 顯性(dominant) * 隱性 (recessive)

3 生物組織之內都有一個基本單元(現在稱為基因),透過這個基本單元,親代的特性可以傳給下一代。
每一種單獨的特徵,例如:豌豆的顏色或高矮,都是由一對基因決定,而這對基因是由上一代的一對基因中,各繼承一個基因湊成一對。 子代繼承來的基因如果是有不同性狀的區別,例如:一個基因會顯現高莖的特性、另一個會顯現低莖,那麼只有強勢的特性會顯現出來(我們稱為顯性),在豌豆來說,就會顯現高莖,這種現象叫做「優性定律」。但是隱性的基因並不會消失、也不會被破壞,它還是會經由自然的機率,分配並傳遞給下一代。 親代的基因經過分配,再傳給子代,哪個基因和哪個基因配成一對,完全是隨機偶然發生的。

4 Griffith(1928)--pneumococcus bacteria

5 Hershey, Chase - bacteriophages (1952)

Late 19th century:Nucleic acids were long-chain polymers of nucleotides, made up of sugar, phosphoric acid, and several nitrogen-containing bases. The sugar in nucleic acid can be ribose or deoxyribose, giving two forms: RNA and DNA. 1943, Oswald Avery proved that DNA carries genetic information. 1948, Linus Pauling discovered that many proteins take the shape of an alpha helix, spiraled like a spring coil. 1950, Erwin Chargaff found that the arrangement of nitrogen bases in DNA varied widely, but the amount of certain bases always occurred in a 1:1 ratio. 1951, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin -the "wet" form of DNA (in the higher humidity) had all the characteristics of a helix 1952, Erwin Chargaff -matching base pairs interlocked in the middle of the double helix to keep the distance between the chains constant. 1953, Francis Crick and James Watson MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF NUCLEIC ACIDS A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid Nature, Volume171, page737, 2 April 1953 Each strand of the DNA molecule was a template for the other. During cell division the two strands separate and on each strand a new "other half" is built, just like the one before. This way DNA can reproduce itself without changing its structure -- except for occasional errors, or mutations.

7 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962
"for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material" 1916 - 1928 - University of London London, Great Britain Harvard University Cambridge, MA, USA Institute of Molecular Biology Cambridge, Great Britain Great Britain USA Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins James Dewey Watson Francis Harry Compton Crick              Franklin wrapped up her DNA work. She turned her attention to viruses, publishing 17 papers in five years. She worked up until a few weeks before her death from ovarian cancer in 1958 at age 37

8 Watson, Crick-double helix (1953)
DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) :Genetic material double stranded dsDNA: Strands antiparallel Interchain H bonds form base pairs

9 染色體的構造

10 人類的染色體



13 nucleoside

14 Structure of nucleotides
N-glycosidic bond


16 Phosphodiester bond

17 H bond


19 細胞的大概 A.胞可分兩種,一種叫真核細胞,另一 種叫原核細胞。 B.原核細胞無核仁、無核模,所以DNA 裸露在細胞質中 ,但真核細胞有核
仁、核模。 細胞膜(cell membrane):細胞的守衛,可管制物質的進出 細胞核(nucleus):細胞的生中樞,內藏有遺傳物質 細胞質(cytosol):內含各種胞器,維持細胞的正常 生理機能 內質網(endoplamic reticulum):protein 製造及運送 核糖體(ribosome):製造protein的工廠 高基氏體(golgi apparatus):儲存並包裝protein 溶酶體(lysosome):消滅cell不需要的物質 粒線體(mitochondria) :cell的發電廠,合成ATP

20 Cell cycle:從一新cell形成後到他分裂的過程

21 DNA replication 使子代保有母代的基因訊息

22 DNA replication

23 Proteins involved in the elongation of DNA




27 Protein Nucleotides sequence DNA

28 Protein expression, modification, interaction, --- etc.
Central Dogma DNA RNA transcription translation Protein Genomic seq EST SAGE gene chips Protein expression, modification, interaction, --- etc. Annotation

29 Central Dogma Genome Transcriptome Proteome mRNA Protein Gene
Gene Products


31 The Genetic Code From DNA sequence to Protein sequence.
20 Building blocks of a protein = 20 Amino acids.

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