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Topic Learning objectives Lesson 3 Weather (tiān qì)

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1 Topic Learning objectives Lesson 3 Weather (tiān qì)
Be able to recognize new words; Be able to talk about weather; Be able to write a short paragraph about weather.

2 Copy down new words in your book
Starter: To write down today’s date in Chinese. Copy down new words in your book

3 tiān qì 天气 Weather

4 Zěn me yàng 怎么样 How

5 qíng tiān 晴(天) sunny

6 duō yún 多云 cloudy

7 yīn tiān 阴(天) overcast

8 xià yǔ 下雨 rainy

9 xià xuě 下雪 snowy

10 guā dà fēng 刮大风 Blow big wind

11 yǒu wù 有雾 foggy

12 Copy them down and write the English meaning
jīn tiān tiān qì zěn me yàng 今天天气怎么样? How is the weather today? jīn tiān xià xuě Copy them down and write the English meaning 今天下雪。 It is snowing today.

13 Hěn lěng 很冷 Very cold

14 Hěn rè 很热 Very hot

15 Sentence patterns How is today’s weather? 今天天气怎么样?
It is snowing today. 今天下雪。 How is Monday’s weather? 星期一天气怎么样? It is raining on Monday. 星期一是阴天。 How is Tuesday’s weather? 星期二天气怎么样? It is sunny on Tuesday…. 星期二是晴天。 How is Wednesday’s weather? 星期三天气怎么样? It is cloudy on Wednesday. 星期三多云。 How is Thursday’s weather? 星期四天气怎么样? Thursday is very hot. 星期四很热。

16 Task 1: Match the picture to the correct word.
B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Example: 刮风 1.下雨 2. 下雪 3. 多云 4. 晴 5.有雾 6. 很热 7.很冷

17 Task 2: Reading and answering questions.
这个学期是半学期假,我们不用去学校上课。 星期一是个晴天,我去了朋友家玩。 星期二阴天,我和我姐姐去伦敦中国城看了中国舞表演,我们还吃了中国小吃。 星期三下雨,我跟妈妈去镇中心买东西,妈妈买了一件漂亮的裙子,我买了一双黑鞋子。 星期四下大雾,我只能呆在家里看书。 星期五天终于出太阳了,我约了朋友去踢足球。 Choose the correct answer: 1. What was the weather like on Tuesday? overcast B. Raining C. Cloudy 2. What was the weather like on Thursday? Foggy B. Raining C. Cloudy 3. What was the weather like on Friday? A. Sunny B. very hot C. very cold

18 1.晴 2.阴天 3.下雨 4.下雪 5.今天天气怎么样? 6.今天下雨。 7.气温 9.九到十五度 10.今天气温在十到二十度。
Write down the English meaning: 1.晴 2.阴天 3.下雨 4.下雪 5.今天天气怎么样? 6.今天下雨。 7.气温 9.九到十五度 10.今天气温在十到二十度。

19 Example: 星期一很冷。 星期二。。。 星期三。。。 星期四。。。 星期五。。。 星期六。。。 星期日。。。
Writing Task 2: Write a paragraph to introduce this week’s weather, please include 7 days of the week and at least 5 different weather vocabulary. Example: 星期一很冷。 星期二。。。 星期三。。。 星期四。。。 星期五。。。 星期六。。。 星期日。。。

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