IBM SWG Overall Introduction

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1 IBM SWG Overall Introduction
Sting YU Senior Product Specialist

2 Change and improvement can be daunting
Existing processes are often difficult, expensive and slow to change It’s true, change and improvement is daunting. We all know that we need to integrate processes, but where do you begin? And how painful and expensive will it be for you to integrate and automate our processes. An what will it continue to cost your organization if you don’t? Before we can understand how to get started, let’s explore some of the reasons why customer’s have not been able to get the full value out of process integration. Understanding the impediments is the first step towards knocking them down and getting started 現在的IT系統是各成體系四散個處,雜亂難懂的, 當新的業務需求出現, IT系統要修改時, CIO或是工程師面對龐大缺乏管理的各個系統, 總不禁苦惱地不知從何開始下手…  如果不趁早轉向SOA, 繼續一層又一層加蓋在現有一個不健全規劃的架構會更加複雜, 之後開發或是維護的成本將會越來不可掌握(想像) 也擔心如果出現問題時, 要怎麼修改或補救

3 How Are Customers Thinking Technically About SOA? The SOA Lifecycle
Discover Construct & Test Compose Integrate people Integrate processes Manage and integrate information Gather requirements Model & Simulate Design *Main point: SOA is best considered in terms of a lifecycle. Think of this lifecycle comprehensively and approach it tactically focusing on the sections that provide the most value for you. Our customers have told us that they take a lifecycle approach to SOA. They start in what we are calling the Model phase by gathering business requirements, designing, simulating, and optimizing their desired business processes. That way, they can make sure they are setting the right steps in motion before further action is taken. Once they have optimized the business processes, they implement it by combining newly created and re-used existing services to form composite applications. The assets are then deployed into a secure and integrated environment taking advantage of specialized services that provide support for integrating people, processes and information. This level of integration helps ensure that all the key elements of your company are connected and working together. Once deployed, customers manage and monitor the composite applications and underlying resources from both an IT and a business perspective. Information gathered during the Manage phase is used to gain real-time insight into business processes enabling better business decisions and feeding information back into the lifecycle for continuous process improvement. Underpinning all of these lifecycle stages is governance which provide guidance and oversight for the SOA project. Manage applications and services Manage identity and compliance Monitor business metrics Financial transparency Business/IT alignment Process control


5 IBM五大軟體家族 凝聚群體力量與智慧,建構創新的整合通訊與協同作業環境,提升生產力並降低人事行政成本。
全面監控IT系統,優化資產利用,確保資訊安全 瞬間傳遞正確資訊,掌握未來商業趨勢,以迅速判斷市場動向,大幅節省資訊成本。 靈活開發商業流程及規則 提供彈性既穩定的服務平台,隨時調整因應業務需要,提升企業市場競爭力。 跨地域全球敏捷開發環境,加速開發品質及速度,快速回應市場需求。


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