Princeton WordNet Ontology

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1 Princeton WordNet Ontology
瞿裕忠 王远 钱炘祺

2 Nouns in WordNet hypernym meronym synset2 synset3 Antonymy
[man, woman,!] gloss: … Sample: (Sentence example)…

3 Noun hierarchy in WordNet

4 Noun hierarchy in WordNet(with TOPs)

5 Noun hierarchy in WordNet(with TOPs)

6 Noun hierarchy in WordNet
Synset part_of_speech hpernym instance_hpernym instance_hyernym 是否只能出现在最后一层?

7 基本架构 part_of_speech PartOfSpeech reference lexical_domain
LexicalEntry LexicalSense sense PartOfSpeech Synset reference LexicalDomain part_of_speech lexical_domain

8 基本架构 part_of_speech PartOfSpeech reference lexical_domain
LexicalEntry LexicalSense sense PartOfSpeech Synset reference LexicalDomain part_of_speech lexical_domain

9 pos:= noun | verb | adverb | adjective | adjective_satellite | phrase
基本架构 pos:= noun | verb | adverb | adjective | adjective_satellite | phrase LexicalSense pos Synset part_of_speech antonym reference adjective_satellite和phrase相应的LexicalSense 没有antonym属性? 具有antonym关系的具有相同的pos? antonym是对称的? 属于noun | verb | adverb | adjective的antonym pairs分别有多少?

10 PartOfSpeech VS LexicalDomain
noun verb adverb adjective adjective_satellite phrase LexicalDomain noun.person noun.time noun.linkdef (i.e. relation) noun.tops //25+1 verb.change …verb.stative //14+1 adv.all adj.all adj.pert adj.ppl (对应于descriptive, relational, participal?) unlabeled //lexical_domain为noun.tops的synset和LexicalEntry有多少,请列出。 //lexical_domain为unlabeled的synset和LexicalEntry有多少,请列出。

11 Nouns in WordNet noun part_of_speech meronym
meronym(没有抽象的meronym?只有下列三种具体的) part_meronym/substance_meronym/member_meronym noun Synset part_of_speech meronym

12 Verbs in WordNet verb part_of_speech hpernym (troponym) verb
Synset part_of_speech hpernym (troponym) verb Synset part_of_speech entail cause

13 Lexical domain for adjectives
Adjectives in WordNet POS for adjectives phrase adjective adjective_satellite 361 3743 10720 adj.ppl adj.all adj.pert 14824 synsets 3665 synsets 60 synsets Lexical domain for adjectives

14 Adjectives in WordNet antonym
part_of_speech noun part_of_speech Synset Synset Synset attribute antonym LexicalSense LexicalSense 有attribute的synset,pos一定是adjective?是否一定有similar? 有antonym的LexicalSense,其synset的pos一定是adjective?

15 Attribute attribute_nature的定义域(620个adjective synsets)
Adjective Synset和Noun Synset之间的关系(两个方向同名) 不妨区分为两个关系 attribute_nature:从Adjective Synset到Noun Synset polarized_attribute:从Noun Synset到Adjective Synset attribute_nature的值域(320个noun synsets) 其lexical_domain有何特点(分布在哪些domain) noun.attribute(224) noun.state(49) noun.cognition(15) noun.location(11) noun.feeling(5) noun.linkdef(4) noun.communication(4) noun.act(3) noun.phenomenon(3) noun.time(1) noun.tops(1) attribute_nature的定义域(620个adjective synsets) 其lexical_domain必定是adj.all? 大概率事件,每个synset有similar 大概率事件,每个synset存在相关的lexicalSense,它有antonym

16 Adjective in satellite
Synset part_of_speech LexicalSense similar attribute Adjective_satllite adj.all antonym pertainym participle lexical_domain pos是adjective_satellite 的Synset有且只有一个similar属性 Similar是对称的,只作用在Adjective Synset和adjective_satellite Synset上? 属于adjective_satellite 的LexicalSense有何特征?

17 Adjective in satellite
part_of_speech 为 adjective_satellite 的那些LexicalEntry和Synset 其数据模式应该很特殊 synset 的lexical_domain均为adj.all synset 应该有similar属性? synset 应该没有attribute属性(观察还有哪些属性)? 相应lexicalSense没有antonym participle pertainym ? Head synset? part_of_speech 为 adjective_satellite, 还是adjective?(似乎后者) 同时有similar和attribute?

18 Phrase rdf:type idiom PhraseType phrase_type part_of_speech 这些Synset
LexicalEntry LexicalSense Synset part_of_speech phrase adj.all phrase_type lexical_domain idiom PhraseType rdf:type 这些Synset 还有哪些属性? 这些LexicalSense 有哪些属性? 这些LexicalEntry 有哪些属性?

19 Phrase Phrase part_of_speech 为 phrase 的那些LexicalEntry和Synset Phrase的特点
part_of_speech 为 phrase 的Synset有361个,其lexical_domain为 adj.all phrase_type 的作用域是Synset,值域为{idiom} <?s phrase_type idiom > 有361个 part_of_speech 为 phrase 的LexicalEntry也是361个,相应的 LexicalSense有哪些属性? //phrase就是俚语型短语,与其他词之间有何联系?

20 Pertainym: A relation on LexicalSense
标准的用途(需要确认) Adverb LexicalSense Adjective LexicalSense Relational LexicalSense (adj.pert) Noun LexicalSense 其他用途(需要分析) 是否作用在Noun LexicalSense的只有一个,可能是dirty data 是否作用在Verb LexicalSense(应该没有)? 在Adjective LexicalSense上,按不同的lexical_domain加以分析 在adj.per上大量存在pertainym,占比多少? 在adj.ppl上有没有? 在adj.all上有没有,假如有,取值情况如何?

21 pertainym adjective adjective part_of_speech part_of_speech
noun part_of_speech part_of_speech part_of_speech Synset Synset Synset adjPertainsToAdj adjPertainsToNoun LexicalSense LexicalSense LexicalSense 属于adjective的LexicalSense, 其上的pertainym属性,区分成adjPertainsToNoun和adjPertainsToAdj (分别有多少?) 属于adjective_satellite的LexicalSense,没有pertainym?

22 pertainym adverb adj/adj_satellite part_of_speech
LexicalSense adverb Synset part_of_speech adverbPertainsTo adj/adj_satellite 作用在Adverb LexicalSense上的pertainym,记为adverbPertainsTo 其取值为adjective_satellite LexicalSense的情形有多少,有何特点?

23 participle participle属性只作用在ppl中的LexicalSense(共76个)
reference participle LexicalSense Synset adj.ppl ?verb part_of_speech lexical_domain participle属性只作用在ppl中的LexicalSense(共76个) ppl中只有3个LexicalSense没有participle属性 Participle取值唯一? 其值域应该为Verb LexicalSense?

24 Adjectivepostion (adjective_postion?)
AdjectivePosition attributive | immediately_postnominal | predicate 有adjectivepostion的LexicalSense总共多少?占比? (结构上)仅仅adjectivepostion不同的LexicalSense是否存在? ppl中的LexicalSense没有该属性? 属于phrase的LexicalSense没有该属性? reference LexicalSense Synset AdjectivePosition adj.all/adj.pert Adj/Adj_Satellite part_of_speech adjectiveposition

25 其他几个Link的情况 下列关系的大致情况(作用域,值域,对称性,实际数量) also (Also See )
verb_group (Verb Group) derivation (+ Derivationally related form ) domain_category domain_region domain_usage

26 References WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database, MIT Press.
WordNet 3.0 Reference Manual WordNet RDF [WN2.0]

27 Design and Implementation of the WordNet

28 Design and Implementation of the WordNet

29 Relations (WN3.0) Lexical relations
Lexical pointers represent relations between word forms, and pertain only to specific words in the source and target synsets Antonym, Pertainym, Participle, Also See, Derivationally Related. The remaining pointers are generally for semantic relations. Common pointer symbols for : ! Antonym ;c Domain of synset - TOPIC ;r Domain of synset - REGION ;u Domain of synset - USAGE

30 Relations (WN3.0) The pointer symbol for nouns
@ Hypernym @i Instance Hypernym ~ Hyponym ~i Instance Hyponym #m Member holonym #s Substance holonym #p Part holonym %m Member meronym %s Substance meronym %p Part meronym = Attribute + Derivationally related form -c Member of this domain - TOPIC -r Member of this domain - REGION -u Member of this domain - USAGE

31 Relations (WN3.0) The pointer symbol for verbs @ Hypernym ~ Hyponym
* Entailment > Cause ^ Also see $ Verb Group + Derivationally related form

32 Relations (WN3.0) The pointer_symbols for adjectives:
& Similar to < Participle of verb \ Pertainym (pertains to noun) = Attribute ^ Also see The pointer_symbols for adverbs: \ Derived from adjective

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