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在文學的教室裡 外文系 蔡奇璋副教授 2017/04/13.

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1 在文學的教室裡 外文系 蔡奇璋副教授 /04/13

2 同事對話實錄 (資)深:你最近還好嗎? (資)淺:算還好吧?只是,學生好難教。 深:教學不容易。要抓學生的調性。 淺:我好像抓不太到。老覺得他們好像聽不懂,問問題都 沒人回答,也不知道他們有沒有讀書? 深:這樣啊?那你打算怎麼辦? 淺:(沉思一會兒) 也不知道。可能盡量教得再細一點吧?

3 大哉問 Charisma, or Method? (魅力,還是方法?)
Dorothy Heathcote: / teacher-in-role

4 文學教學實踐 文字視覺意象化 (visualizing the written) 以議題為本 (issue-based)
互動式學習 (interactive learning)

5 文字視覺化 3233         Fair was this yonge wyf, and therwithal                     Fair was this young wife, and moreover         As any wezele hir body gent and smal.                     As any weasel was her body graceful and slender         A ceynt she werede, barred al of silk,                     A belt she wore, with decorative strips all of silk,         A barmclooth as whit as morne milk                     An apron as white as morning milk         Upon hir lendes, ful of many a goore.                     Upon her loins, full of many a flounce         Whit was hir smok, and broyden al bifoore                     White was her smock, and embroidered all in front         And eek bihynde, on hir coler aboute,                     And also behind, around her collar,         Of col-blak silk, withinne and eek withoute.                     With coal-black silk, within and also without         The tapes of hir white voluper                     The ribbons of her white cap         Were of the same suyte of hir coler;                     Were of the same color as her collar;         Hir filet brood of silk, and set ful hye.                     Her headband broad of silk, and set very high         And sikerly she hadde a likerous ye;                     And surely she had a wanton eye;         Ful smale ypulled were hire browes two,                     Her two eyebrows were plucked very thin,         And tho were bent and blake as any sloo.                     And those were bent and black as any sloe.

6 文字視覺化 3233         Fair was this yonge wyf, and therwithal                     Fair was this young wife, and moreover         As any wezele hir body gent and smal.                     As any weasel was her body graceful and slender         A ceynt she werede, barred al of silk,                     A belt she wore, with decorative strips all of silk,         A barmclooth as whit as morne milk                     An apron as white as morning milk         Upon hir lendes, ful of many a goore.                     Upon her loins, full of many a flounce         Whit was hir smok, and broyden al bifoore                     White was her smock, and embroidered all in front         And eek bihynde, on hir coler aboute,                     And also behind, around her collar,         Of col-blak silk, withinne and eek withoute.                     With coal-black silk, within and also without         The tapes of hir white voluper                     The ribbons of her white cap         Were of the same suyte of hir coler;                     Were of the same color as her collar;         Hir filet brood of silk, and set ful hye.                     Her headband broad of silk, and set very high         And sikerly she hadde a likerous ye;                     And surely she had a wanton eye;         Ful smale ypulled were hire browes two,                     Her two eyebrows were plucked very thin,         And tho were bent and blake as any sloo.                     And those were bent and black as any sloe.

7 以議題為本 (issue-based) 舉《馬克白》為例:故事一開始,馬克白與戰友班柯 (Banquo)凱旋歸來,在荒丘上邂逅三名女巫,聽聞一連串 攸關二者未來運途之預言,埋下馬克白暗計弒君的種子。 至此,執教者在和學生析釋過台詞中重要的字句及橋段設 計後,不妨停下來討論幾個與「命運」、「算命」相關的 問題,藉以引發後者的同理心: 「你相信命運嗎?」 「你接受星座、命盤這一類的說法嗎?」 「你曾經為了甚麼事去算命嗎?」 「算命的結果會改變你做事的方法嗎?」 「你改過運嗎?效果如何?」

8 以議題為本 (issue-based) 像這樣的問題,當然不會有學術上的正解,但卻是敦使學生 「易地設想」(stepping into another’s shoes),換角度進行 心理投射的絕佳方法。 藉由此類無需多加準備、可快速汲引各自生活經驗直接做答的 問題之論說,學生很容易就會卸下心防,以較為輕鬆的情態面 對莎翁的書寫,並且在自己的言述中,體會馬克白一角的心境 轉折。 此際,如果老師本身做足功課,慷慨分享個人對命運的看法, 或是去算命的經驗,之後再擴及伊莉莎白一世時期一般百姓對 於命運所持的觀念,以及莎士比亞如何利用命運之弔詭,來營 造戲劇效果的跌宕起伏,那麼,這番兼具「暖身」與「破除課 室階級藩籬」之能的議論大會,也算是功德圓滿了。

9 互動式學習:靜像劇面(image theatre)

10 互動式學習:錄影教學

11 互動式學習:學生呈現

12 結論 與西方教育理念對照起來,台灣各大學內之文學教學最為 欠缺的,正是「起而行」、「做中學」這一類操作式學習 的實踐。 文學的教學必須著重與師生生活價值與生命型態的結合。 我經常與學生分享個人在不同階段閱讀這些文學作品時的 感悟,並且不怕曝露自己的猶豫和迷惘,以做為「人」的 相等高度,邀請學生一起思考。 設計guide questions時,不要忘記讓學生從中汲取知識的 重要性。要有方向感地朝向設定的目標移動,以免流於紊 亂。

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