(1) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

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Presentation on theme: "(1) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!"— Presentation transcript:

1 (1) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed. 唱哈利路亞!唱哈利路亞!基督復活了!基督復活了!基督真的復活了! Hail, Easter morning! Vict’ry is dawning; Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 歡欣 ,復活清晨!勝利已現曙光;主日到了,耶穌復活了! (1) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

2 (2) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Death has been shaken, firstborn awakened, Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 死亡戰憟,頭生的甦醒,主日到了,耶穌復活了! Jesus is risen! Alleluia! Jesus is risen! Praise the Lord! 耶穌復活了!哈利路亞!耶穌復活了!讚美主! Angels of glory telling the story: Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 榮耀衆天使述說這故事:主日到了,耶穌復活了! (2) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

3 (3) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Sing, Easter people! Ring from the steeples: Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 歌唱啊,復活節的群眾!在塔頂嗚鈴:主日到了,耶穌復活了! Lo! How the tomb holds only the grave, clothes, Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 看哪!為什麼墳墓裡只有衣服?主日到了,耶穌復活了! Jesus is risen! Alleluia! Jesus is risen! Praise the Lord! 耶穌復活了!哈利路亞!耶穌復活了!讚美主! (3) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

4 (4) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Join with elation in celebration; Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 一同昂首歡慶:主日到了,耶穌復活了! Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav’n and voices raise; 哈利路亞!哈利路亞!心向天庭唱高聲; Sing to God a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of praise. 向神唱一首歡樂歌,為神唱一首詩讚美。 He who on the cross as Savior, for the world’s salvation bled. 祂是十字架上的救世主,為救世人流下寶血。 (4) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

5 (5) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, now is risen from the dead. 耶穌基督,榮耀的王,今已從死裡復活了。 Tell Easter tidings, voices uniting; Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 宣告這復活信息,同聲一致;主日到了,耶穌復活了! Grace for the asking, life everlasting! 求必得恩,生命長存! Sunday has come and Jesus lives! Jesus is risen! 主日到了,耶穌復活了!耶穌復活了! (5) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

6 (6) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!
Alleluia! Jesus is risen! Praise the Lord! 哈利路亞!耶穌復活了!讚美主! Honor and laud Him; loudly applaud Him! 尊敬稱頌祂;大聲讚美祂! Sunday has come and Jesus lives! 主日到了,耶穌復活了! Sunday has come and Jesus lives! Alleluia! 主日到了,耶穌復活了!哈利路亞! (6) Sunday Has Come and Jesus Lives! 主日到了, 耶穌復活了!

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