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Order Flow and Exchange Rate Dynamics

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1 Order Flow and Exchange Rate Dynamics
學號: 姓名:陳璟秀 訂單流和匯率動態

2 SUMMARY Introduction Portfolio Shifts Model Empirical Results
Conclusion 簡介 投資組合轉換模型 實證結果 結論

3 Introduction Order flow is defined as the net of buyer-initiated and seller- initiated orders; it is a measure of net buying pressure. Order flow is a proximate determinant of price in these models because it conveys information that currency markets need to aggregate. This information includes anything pertaining to the realization of uncertain demands 訂單流量定義為買方發起和賣方發起的訂單的淨額; 這是淨購買壓力的量度。 訂單流是這些模型中價格的一個最接近的決定因素,因為它傳達了貨幣市場需要匯總的信息。 這些信息包括實現不確定需求

4 Portfolio Shifts Model
The T + 1 payoff on the risky asset foreign exchange is denoted R, where R is composed of a series of increments: R= t=1 T+1 ∆ r t At the close of round 2, all agents observe the interdealer order flow from that period: ∆ x t = i=0 N T it In round 3 as a linear function of the expected return: C t 3 =γ(E P t Ω 3 − P t 3 To understand why, note first that in equilibrium each dealer’s inter-dealer trade, T it , will be proportional to the customer order C it 1 he receives : ∆ P t =∆ r t +λ∆ x t 投資組合轉換模型 風險資產外彙的T + 1收益表示為R,其中R由一系列增量組成: 在第二輪結束時,所有代理人都觀察到該期間的交易者訂單流量: 第3輪中將總體公眾需求寫成預期收益的線性函數: 在均衡的情況下,每個經銷商之間的交易將與客戶訂單成正比

5 Empirical Results 表1顯示了使用德國馬克/美元和日元/美元的日均數據的投資組合轉換模型的估計。 訂單流量Δx_t的係數顯著,兩個貨幣對的t統計均高於五。 跡象表明,淨美元購買一個正的Δx_t導致更高的德國馬克價格美元。

6 Conclusion This paper presents a model of exchange rate determination of a new kind. Instead of relying exclusively on macroeconomic determinants, A Decisive Factor in the Field of Microstructure: Order Flow. Portfolio shifts model provides explicit characterization of this information aggregation process. 本文提出了一種新型匯率確定模型。 我們不依賴於宏觀經濟決定因素,而是從微觀結構的角度來看:訂單流。 訂單流是決定因素,因為它傳達信息。 這是與傳統的宏觀方法的根本脫離,它們的共同知識環境不承認信息聚合的作用。 我們的研究結果表明,這個市場確實是匯總了信息。 投資組合轉移模型提供了此信息聚合流程的明確表徵 該模式也是相當成功

7 Conclusion The estimate of the sensitivity of the spot exchange rate to the order flow is reasonable and consistent with the past estimates at the individual dealer level. Future work can distinguish the two views, for example, by decomposing order flow to determine whether specific trader types produce higher-impact (i.e., more informative) orders, as opposed to the undifferentiated price impact of public orders in the portfolio shifts model. 對即期匯率對訂單流動的敏感度的估計是合理的,並且與個人交易商級別的過去估計是一致的。 訂單流量代表個人利益期望差異的變化。未來的工作可以區分兩個觀點,例如,通過分解訂單流量,以確定特定的交易者類型是否產生更高的訂單影響,而不是在投資組合轉換模型中公共訂單的未分化價格影響。


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