(1) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

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1 (1) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
新歌 New Song # 68 Meekness and majesty, manhood and Deity, 溫柔卻又威嚴, 神人性相結連 in perfect harmony, the Man who is God. 真和諧又完全, 正是神自己 Lord of eternity, dwells in humanity; 永遠不變的主, 降世與人同住 Kneels in humility and washes our feet. 委身洗我們的腳,顯為奴僕 (1) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

2 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
(chorus 副歌) O what a mystery, meekness and majesty; 何等屬天奧秘,溫柔卻又威嚴 Bow down and worship, for this is your God. 同心來敬拜, 因這是你神 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

3 (2) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
Father’s pure radiance, Perfect in innocence; 天父的光輝, 全然的聖潔 Yet learns obedience to death on a cross. 仍然學會順服, 死在十架的主 Suffering to give us life, conquering through sacrifice; 為賜生命受苦, 獻身征服罪惡 And as they crucify prays, “Father, forgive.” 在十架仍祈禱說: 赦免他們 (2) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

4 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
(chorus 副歌) O what a mystery, meekness and majesty; 何等屬天奧秘,溫柔卻又威嚴 Bow down and worship, for this is your God. 同心來敬拜, 因這是你神 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

5 (3) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
Wisdom unsearchable, God, the invisible; 智慧無法尋找, 神, 肉眼難見到 Love indestructible in frailty appears. 不能毀滅的愛, 軟弱中顯出來 Lord of infinity, stooping so tenderly; 永恆無限的主, 下降洗我的罪 lifts our humanity to the heights of His throne. 提升我們人類 在祂 至高王位 (3) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

6 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴
(chorus 副歌) O what a mystery, meekness and majesty; 何等屬天奧秘,溫柔卻又威嚴 Bow down and worship, for this is your God. 同心來敬拜, 因這是你神 (C) Meekness and Majesty 溫柔卻又威嚴

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