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Presentation on theme: "住在祢里面."— Presentation transcript:

1 住在祢里面

2 在干旱无水之地我渴慕祢 在旷野无人之处我寻求祢 得救在乎归回安息 得力在乎平静安稳 我等候祢如鹰展翅上腾

3 住在祢里面 住在祢里面 如同枝子与葡萄树紧紧相连 住在祢里面 住在祢里面 领受生命活水泉源永不枯竭


5 住在祢里面 Abiding in You

6 在干旱无水之地我渴慕祢 In a dry and weary land, I long for You 在旷野无人之处我寻求祢
In a lonely wilderness, I search for You 得救在乎归回安息 I will rest in Your salvation 得力在乎平静安稳 In quietness I trust You 我等候祢如鹰展翅上腾 I wait for You to lift me on You wings 1/2

7 住在祢里面 住在祢里面 Abiding in You, abiding in You 如同枝子与葡萄树紧紧相连
You are the vine and I’m the branch I am in You 住在祢里面 住在祢里面 Abiding in You, abiding in You 领受生命活水泉源永不枯竭 Your living water flows in me forever more C2/2

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